{Chapter 7}

Leo removes the hooded mask and sees a young boy with glasses and black hair and cuts on his face, Annie puts cream and bandages on the boy's face, Leo ask questions to him on why he kidnapped June, everyone circled around him so the young man can explain the story on Why he did do it. Ring releases the young man and tells the gang his Story, he tells that two years ago, he and June met when they were young at an annual talent show, when there was a dancing contest with both him and June as the final contestants, he explains that June defeated him and embarrassed the young man, making him mad and angry from it. Then he explains that when he returned to his home, something terrible happened to his parents, police and ambulances arrived telling him that his parents are dead, making his life a nightmare, Annie cries and says to Leo "If anything happened to you, I'd be crying every time." Quincy says "I feel sorry for you." Leo replies "So, why did you get her?" The young boy explains that he was angry for one year and freed June and escaped before the explosion, the young boy removes his robe to have a tuxedo on, cause' he wanted to take June with him to a cemetery to say farewell to his parents. So Rocket takes the gang and the young boy to the cemetery, June asks him "Can I have my shoes back?" The young man gives them back to her just when they landed to lay roses to his parents grave, Quincy plays "Taps" on his Trumpet, June asks the young boy for his name "My name is David" he replied, Leo says sadly "Mission Completion" waves his baton. David flies on a pair of Rocket shoes at the final curtain and says "Someday June, I'll make up for what I did." THE END