Chapter One (BPOV)
My breath comes in ragged gasps, and I choke as I realize there is no hope. None. There is no way for me to keep out of the hands of the monster who is no doubt learning of my absence at this very moment. I know this, and yet still I run through the storm, desperately searching for an opening among the trees, somewhere, something to escape to. What little rags I'm wearing cling to me as I run, my hair falling into my eyes, my blood dripping down my back. Its cold. So cold.
He will come for me, I'm certain. And then I'll die.
Mere days ago, this would have meant nothing to me. Death would have been a haven, a reprieve from the torture that was my existence. I would have gladly begged for death, as I had in my first days as a slave, before I learned that all it would bring was cruel laughter and torture. He relished his own self-control, just as he relished the sound of suffering. But then everything changed.
My mother finally gave up. She broke. But not before she gave me the greatest gift. She gave me my freedom, and I will never forget it. Not for one second.
I trip, and hit the muck of the forest floor hard. "Fuck," I mutter to myself. It's not as if he's here to hear it. My eyes widen as I realize that. I mean, as it finally settles in that I'm alone. I look around, finding only green. Trees and rain, that's all there is here. It confuses me that it makes me a little sad to realize that I'm all alone. Am I crazy? No. I don't want to go back to anything even remotely resembling my life up until this point. All I have ever wanted was to be alone. But now, in this desolate place all I can do is curl up and sob, hoping that I'm found.
Exhausted, I lay under the trees, no longer caring about the rain. I close my eyes for only a moment. . .
I start, waking to find that I'm still on the forest floor. I look cautiously around for the thing that woke me. Finally, I decide that it was merely instinct. Its night now, and it would be a good idea to get moving. Somehow, I feel better after having slept. Not optimistic, exactly, but. . . more hopeful. I stand up and stretch, wincing at the sharp pain on my back. I hesitantly poke my hand behind my back to investigate, bringing my fingers closely up to my face afterwards. Uh oh. Still bleeding. . . there is no way that can be good.
"Now what?" I stare up at the sky, hoping for some divine intervention. Not that I believe in God. I don't. I've never really had time for something so frivolous that hasn't ever helped me. If anything, my life has been a living hell. Even hearing the sound of my voice is foreign to me. Foreign, but great.
After mulling over my options, I decide that it would probably be best to keep moving. I nod to myself. "Isn't it easier to find someone who stays in the same place anyways?" I nod again and set off in a random direction, since they all probably lead to nowhere anyway. It really is heaven to be able to talk.
I walk for what feels like hours, the scenery unchanging around me. There is only darkness, and the vague shadows of the trees surrounding me. I cringe, and look frantically around me. I know that he could be here, just toying with me, and I could be dead without even knowing what happened. Now that I know how freedom tastes, the thought of being a slave again hurts me. I whimper now, trying to contain my fear.
Suddenly, I'm running again, hands out in front of me, tree branches whipping my skin painfully. I don't care, all I want is to find somebody. Anybody! Someone who will help me, and take away the dark. God, I hate the dark. I sob, and suddenly, my wish is answered.
I stumble into a clearing, only barely managing to stay on my feet. I stare up and rub my eyes. Then I gape, partly unwilling to believe that what I'm seeing is real. Its a house. A house! My body is more willing to believe than my mind, because before I realize it, I'm running full speed towards it, my eyes searching for a door. I gasp upon finding it, and trip up the porch steps. Finally I reach it, and pound on it with my fists. My hands leave bloody streaks on the unmarred white surface, but I can't bring myself to care.
"Hello? Is there anyone in there?" I ask desperately, knowing already that there is, having seen the lights. I hear no footsteps from inside, only silence. Desperately, I pound upon the door again. There has to be someone in there. I can't have come all this way for nothing! I keep pounding on the door, my vision going slightly blurry.
Spots start to dance in front of my eyes. I've lost too much blood, and I can't remember the last time I ate. After my mother's sacrifice and all my effort, I am going to die here pounding on the door of an empty house. I stifle a sob as I fall to my knees, and my hands and forehead rest weakly against the door. I make one final attempt, my palms batting softly against the wood. "Please," I sigh. "Please."
And then I'm falling. The door has opened, and my face is against light wooden floor. The spots are almost everywhere now, I can barely see. But I want to see the face of my savior. I want to see. My breath coming in gasps, I look up.
"No," I gasp in horror, my voice almost obliterated by the sobs that engulf me. I escaped hell only to stumble foolishly into it once more. My vision goes dark, and I vaguely hear the voice of the monster I thought would be my savior.