I can't believe this is the final chapter! I want to thank everyone who reviewed or added me as an alert, I really do appreciate each and every single one. What started out as a little idea in my head, and has now transpired into a COMPLETE story on , I honestly didn't think anyone would read/like it and that truly amazes me. Thank you to everyone for their words of encouragement and advice. Again very much appreciated. Words can not begin to tell you all how much this has been a learning experiance for me, and I plan to continue on writing the random idea's that pop into my head. So enjoy. xo


I was half asleep in my bed cuddled up to the man lying next to me, listening to the sounds of the incoming storm which was currently assaulting the outside of our house. The rain was coming in from all directions, pelting down hard and heavy on the rooftop, the wind thrashing harshly against the restraints of the wall, forcing the windows to rattle in their timber frames. Rolling so that I was almost lying atop of my husband of five years, he moved his arm to around my waist, holding my body in place against his. The sheets were tangled between our legs - not that they were ever needed, even on mornings like this where all that I required was the heat that emanated from his ever radiating body.

Since that day five years ago at Angela and Eric's wedding, things had progressed rapidly for me. Not long after the wedding and with little discussion from anyone else, I decided that I didn't want to leave Forks. I loved the small hometown feel, the old rickety houses that didn't look like you needed a diploma to open the door or operate the refrigerator, the feeling of having long life friends who would drop everything in a second to help with the simplest things in life, being able to walk to my best friend's house and the trip only take me five minutes. I wanted and needed this in my life, the simple and quite life. So I moved in permanently with Charlie. Sue Clearwater had also offered me a job working at her diner in the kitchen, helping occasionally when she was short staffed for waiters. Six months in, she came to me and offered me part ownership stating that she wanted to start thinking about retiring and knew that the place would be in good hands with me. To say I was shocked and thrilled was an understatement but accepted on the spot.

Things between Jake and I evolved just as quickly. We had become inseparable since our reunion, only ever parting ways when pack duties or work called. Jake and Embry had opened up their own garage on the outskirts of La Push. Hiring some of the younger pack to work odd jobs to keep them out of trouble and use as a cover for pack duties. Not long after I was offered part ownership with Sue, Jake and I decided to move in together. We put all the money we had saved up towards an old rickety three bedroom cottage not far from Billy's down in La Push. It had a rustic charm to it. The outside had an old wrap around veranda with three large steps leading up to it, wooden slats missing here and there. The white paint on the outside of the house was peeling off in various spots due to the weather, and the roof was missing only a few tiles. The garden was inundated with weeds and most of the plants were almost dead. The inside had fared much better with each room being painted various shades of yellow, with a dark green carpet while the bathroom had been a little out dated and only had a shower, it had really been a renovator's dream. With any spare time we had away from everything, we spent fixing up our cottage to make it a home.

They day we added the final touches, Jake had been outside re-painting the walls a light yellow to match the white railing, while I had been busying myself in the garden, weeding and planting new plants in the flower beds just below the veranda, before moving on to the windowsill planter boxes. As they day neared the end, we had settled in to our newly furnished house, I had roasted a nice home cooked meal for us, which we enjoyed with each other's company. Jake completely surprised me once the meal was done, by getting down on one knee and asking for my hand in marriage.

Our fathers were euphoric. They couldn't wait to announce it to the entire community, telling people how they knew from when were babies we had been destined to be together. Jake and I entertained them by letting them get carried away with the broadcast of the news, because a month later we married in a barefoot beach ceremony in front of only our closest family and friends under the stars on First Beach.

The night was perfect. Everything had been perfect. It was very casual yet intimate. I had asked Angela to stand beside me while Jake had asked both Quil and Embry. There wasn't much of a reception; neither Jake nor I enjoyed being the centre of attention, so instead we decided on a beach bonfire with everyone. The pack had spent the day setting everything, while Emily, Kim and Leah had spent majority of it cooking. It was everything we had hoped for and more.

Once we returned from our honeymoon Jake stepped up as Alpha and Chief to the tribe, Sam falling back into the Beta position without too much trouble. There hadn't been much vampire activity, apparently the resident vampire 'family' had decided to up and move to maintain their cover. Needless to say, the entire pack was rejoicing in their new found freedom.

The soft sounds of pitter patters over the hard wood floorboards making their way slowly to our bedroom, brought me out of my slumber. Rolling slightly off my husband to lay beside him I waited for the welcomed interruption. Not more than a few seconds later I felt the repetitive quick weak tapping on my shoulder. I looked over and saw the eyes of my beautiful three and a half year old twin girls standing at my bedside. Signs off dried up tears and sleep evident on their faces.

"M-mummy.." my first born Aubrey, said rubbing her eyes slightly. "w-we- we can't sleep" she stated, her eyes welling up again as she raised her tiny chubby arms up, indicating that she wanted me to pick her up. Ahmeria my second born, copied her sisters actions raising her arms as well. Leaning over I pulled them up one by one, placing them in between Jake and I.

Jake and I both rolled onto our sides cuddling them into our bodies, holding them in place. The girls snuggled into us, Ahmeria nestling herself under my arm, while Aubrey was busy trying to wiggle her way under Jakes.

"now why can't you sleep?" Jake asked them quietly, nuzzling Aubrey's hair.

"the monster's coming to get us" Aubrey answered panicky, grabbing onto Jake harder.

"the monster?" I questioned, looking at Aubrey then up into Jake's amused face.

"yes Mommy, the monster. He keeps on hitting the walls and the roof, Uncle Quil said he would come and get us if we didn't give him some of our candy" Ahmeria answered.

"is that so?.. Looks like Daddy is going to need to talk to Uncle Quil about telling his princesses little lies" Jake said, pulling all three of us closer to him

"Uncle Quil lied?" they said together, as if it was some unheard of far fetched lie.

Nodding our heads in unison, we both answered "yes"

"sweet pea, the banging on the wall.. that's the wind honey. There is no monster out there coming after you" I said reassuringly.

"you promise?" they asked again

"I promise" I said with certainty. " now how about I make you some of my famous pancakes" I asked hoping that would take their mind off the impending storm.

"yay" Jake and the girls squealed together as they jumped up out of the bed and raced their way to the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen I stopped as I passed Jake giving him a quick peck on the lips as he lifted the girls up so that they were at our height, joking around with their father as I started grabbing all the stuff I needed to make the pancakes. I couldn't help but watch as Jake played with our girls and think back to a time when all of this was just a dream to me and now, well now I had everything I had ever wanted.. and so so much more.

Making the pancakes and setting everything up on the table, while Jake put the girls in their highchairs, we heard the bang of the front door slamming open then shut again in quick procession. Looking up to whoever had helped themselves into our house, I couldn't help but laugh when they caught sight of the look on Jake's face.

"QUIL, WE NEED TO TALK" Jake said threateningly

"hey bud, w-w-what about?" Quil answered a little scared as he began slowly making his way back towards the front door as his counterpart, Embry walked over to me giving me a quick hello and kiss on the cheek before sitting down with the girls at the table, giving them both a quick hug before serving them a small amount of pancakes each then setting his own plate up with a mountain full.

"YOU TOLD MY BABIES THAT MONSTERS WERE GOING TO COME AND GET THEM!" Jake yelled making a lunge for Quil just as he made it out the door and to the front yard. I could hear them yelling as they took the argument into the forest just outside our place

"now look Jake, it's not what you think!" Quil continued to try and calm my husband down.

"NOT WHAT I THINK. THEY HAVE BEEN CRYING ALL NIGHT OVER WHAT GOOD OL' UNCLE QUIL TOLD THEM" Jake yelled as Quil phased and began running away from Jake

"AND YOU STOLE THEIR CANDY!" Jake yelled, phasing himself before chasing after Quil.

"So, how was your morning" Embry asked as he dove into his breakfast.

"oh, you know. The usual" I smiled, and the morning routine my family had settled into. Jake and I wake up with the girls, we cook breakfast, Embry and Quil invite themselves over just before we serve the food up, Quil says something to upset Jake, they go run it off for about half an hour before returning and re-joining us, while Embry and I catch up on the simplest things and then as punishment Quil does the dishes. Yes, this is definitely better than anything I could have ever imagined.

The End

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed Summer Memories and that it ended how you thought. Look out for the outtakes. I'm hoping to have them up by the end of the week/start of next. :-)