Naruto sat silently in a plain hospital room, tears sliding down his whiskered cheeks as he watched his lover slowly dying from disease.

It had been known for sometime that Uchiha Itachi has been suffering from an unknown illness from such a young age, and now it appeared that over 18 years of medicine taking to calm its effects, it appeared to have finally advanced further than expected, it was now slowly infecting his vital organs, leaving him attached to a life machine.

Naruto had known that this would happen one day; he knew since the night that Itachi asked him to be his bride a few years ago, but he hoped that Itachi would live long enough for them to get married – now it seemed that they wouldn't even get near a church to confirm the dates.

He reached forward slowly to grasp onto the pale, chilled hand of Itachi's into his own warm tanned one; a small smile made its way on his face when he felt Itachi tighten his fragile grip.

"I don't want you to leave me 'Tachi," he whispered as he moved to kiss him on the cheek "I will all alone again"

"I'm sorry Naru-chan, I didn't mean for this to happen so soon" Itachi gasped, small specks of blood leaving his body with every word spoken.

A long coughing fit caused Naruto to panic slightly, moving on instinct to Itachi's pillows in order to make him more comfortable and once again, Naruto recognised the slowly of beeps on the life support machine that stood next to him, reminding him how useless he was in saving his true love's life.

The tears increased at the thought, that all he could do was sit there next to him, and just watch as he slowly slipped away from him for the rest of his life that he was now blinded by the salty tears.

"Please" he whispered, "can anyone help me save him."

"I might" a voice echoed through the room "for the right price."

Shocked, Naruto stood abruptly from the stool he was sitting on his hand still holding onto Itachi's as he looked around the room to try and find the source of the voice;

"Over here, Dobe"

Naruto looked towards the window of the hospital room to find another man in the room; shock and fear was apparent in his eyes as he watched the man move closer to him – he looked like a younger version of Itachi, except for the spiky, ebony hair and his inhuman crimson eyes. He couldn't look away from his eyes, the iris seem to have split off from the centre to form tadpole shapes that spun around hypnotised him away from the point in hand.

Naruto woke from his trance as he felt Itachi tighten his grip on his hand once more, to realise that he was so far in trance that he failed to realise that all time outside this room had completely frozen;

"TEME! How dare you enter my fiancée's room; who the hell do you think you are?" Naruto shouted out in outrage.

The stranger merely smirked at the blonde's out burst as he slowly and gracefully from one side of the room to stand in front of Naruto, who had moved closer to the hospital bed and crouched slightly in a defensive position. The stranger raised one hand from his pocket to grasp Naruto's free one, bringing it to his lips to plant a simply kiss on his knuckle,

"You may refer to me as Sasuke, however you may also know me as Satan" the look in Naruto's eyes at what Sasuke had admitted to him, the amusement that was piqued was now on full show inside of him, "and as I have just told you, I might be able to save your lover, for the right price of course"

Even though Naruto was sure that this Sasuke person was mostly insane – I mean him, Satan, yea right – but the fact that he could possibly help his Itachi screamed louder than anything else.

"Y...you can save him" Naruto gasped out, inching slowly closer to Sasuke, almost as though to make sure that he didn't suddenly disappear from his vision, leaving him in a hopeless mess next to his dying lover.

"Yes, I can restore his health to prim condition, but only if YOU are willing to pay the price for it" Sasuke said, lust and success already showing in his eyes, but he kept I hidden enough from Naruto's begging eyes,

"Y...y-yes, anything! I will give or pay you anything just please help him before it's too late"

Sasuke's smirk widened slightly, turning into something close to that of a Cheshire grin whilst he slipped his other hand into his coat pocket to take out an aged, singed scroll and lay it down on the table that was over Itachi's legs

"Simply sign this contract and I will heal your lover."

A snap of Sasuke's fingers caused a feathered quill to appear in mid air and force itself into Naruto's hand,

"But wait, what about this payment? And what does this contract have to do with any of this?" Naruto asked, only getting more confused by the second looking between Sasuke's smug face and the contract.

"The payment will come later, but at the moment I just want you to spend time with you lover until such time I decide its time for you to pay up"

With this being said, Naruto was more than willing to sign his life away, if it meant he could spend time with Itachi, whilst saving any money he had to pay for this cure was well worth doing all this.

And so, once his signature was secured, the scroll and quill were gone in a spark of flames, and Sasuke had already moved over to Itachi, his hand glowing a dark red over Itachi's forehead, a quiet chanting being heard from him all the while; Naruto simply stood where he was, watching in fascination as the heart monitor beeps slowly began to reach a normal speed. He was so focused that he didn't hear Sasuke stop his chanting until he finally turned to look at him,

"The full effect of the healing charm will not take effect straight away, however I can guarantee that by the morning he will be fully well" a smile of pure joy shone out on Naruto's face as he moved back to Itachi's side, adoration showing, until Sasuke's voice broke through the happiness "but remember, Uzumaki Naruto: it might be today, or even next week, but one day I will return, and when I do, I expect you to pay your part of our agreement"

"Yes. Yes of course; thank you so much Sasuke – sama" Naruto smiled at the other man, failing to realise the effect of what he had just said had on the demon.

Sasuke merely bowed his head towards him, a smirk adorned on his face all the while as he shifted back into the darkness from which had come from.


That had happened over a year ago, and since then Naruto had started to worry slightly.

Just like Sasuke said, by the next morning when Naruto had woken up from sleeping, Itachi was fit as a fiddle; though the doctors could explain how it had all happened when he was near to death than any man could be, but had described to be a miracle and after a few tests, Itachi was released from the hospital.

Itachi, who didn't want to waste anymore time, had went into overdrive to catch on any and all work that he had left after his admission to hospital care, and managed to organise the remaining pieces of their wedding within the time limit of a month; all the while, Naruto kept trying to get Itachi to take things slow, that even though he was completely healed, he had only just come from the hospital. But of course, Itachi would kiss him on the forehead and tell him that he was panicking too much and simply went back to what he was doing.

And so here Naruto stood, standing in front of a full body mirror, watching as his bride maids and bride of honour finished applying light makeup to his face and tie the bi of his wedding kimono around his waist. Today, he would finally marry Itachi and become Uchiha Naruto, but still Naruto couldn't help but worry.

Sasuke's words had turned from a quiet whisper from the back of his mind to a loud shout that occupied his mind every day. He hadn't heard from him since that time in the hospital, and even though he had more than enough money saved in his account to pay Sasuke for saving Itachi, he had the feeling that maybe, Sasuke wanted something else aside from money; and this was the only thing that kept him from being excited.

It wasn't until a knock at the door of the church that had awakened him from his inner thoughts: there stood Itachi's farther, Fugaku, dressed smartly in a black tuxedo. When both Itachi and him started dating, Fugaku had been the only man from Itachi's family to disapprove of the relationship, however after seeing how diligently Naruto had cared for his son, it changed his perspective of Naruto and was now more than willing to accept him into the Uchiha clan.

He walked forward slightly to stand in front of Naruto; as Naruto didn't have any family, he had asked Fugaku to give him away;

"You look beautiful" Fugaku complemented as he moved to take Naruto's arm, "are you ready?"

Naruto simply nodded, walked next to Fugaku down the aisle, his bride maids and maid of honour moved behind him. He looked straight ahead, towards the alter where Itachi stood next to the priest, in a black tuxedo waiting for Naruto to join him.

The ceremony, once Naruto had reached Itachi's side, seemed to fly by to Naruto, that is until the Priest got to the final stages of the ceremony;

"If anyone here has due reason why Uzumaki Naruto should not be wed to Uchiha Itachi, please speak now or forever hold your peace."

Once the priest had said that, the large doors at the back of the church burst open and a strong wind blew through and around the entire floor, freezing both the walls and people within – except for both Itachi and Naruto, who were being bundled against Itachi's body.

"Naruto, are you alright?" Itachi asked as he slowly released Naruto from his protective hug.

As Naruto was about to reply, he felt something grasp onto his arms and pull him away from Itachi's grip; he watched as Itachi tried to grab Naruto back, but stopped, and looked down to realise that his feet were iced to the floor. Naruto tried to struggle out of his grasp when he heard the all too familiar voice of the one man he feared reappearing;

"I do believe that I have due reason for you two not be married" the voice spoke out, the ferocity echoing off the iced walls, "he belongs to me"

Naruto looked behind him to find that it was indeed Sasuke, who had and still did, have a hold on his arms, holding him away from saving Itachi. It wasn't until he finally realised what Sasuke had said that Naruto really got annoyed;

"Yours? Naruto is MY fiancée, not yours you idiot" Itachi growled as he tried pulling his legs free from the growing ice

There was a small moment of silence until at last, a small 'no' came from Naruto's mouth; Sasuke merely smirked as he pulled out an eerily familiar scroll from his pocket and levitated it over to Itachi, where it unravelled and allowed Itachi to read what was written;

"A year ago, you were on your death bed and Naruto wanted to save you; I saved you and in return Naruto signed the contract, stating that when I returned for him, he would immediately become my sole concubine, my wife and lover."

Naruto felt tears begin to form in his eyes as he watched Itachi's eyes widen in disbelief; he slowly read the contract over and over, as if trying to make anything on it seem fake, but he slowly turned towards Naruto, despair slowly filling his eyes and heart;

"Naru... why did..." Itachi couldn't form the sentence, the whole idea seemed impossible to believe

"Itachi, please I didn't know what I was signing; all I wanted was to save you and live with you..." Naruto tried to finish, but he was pulled into Sasuke's chest all the while making himself look at Itachi the entire time, breathless.

"I'm oh sooo sorry" Sasuke interrupted, holding Naruto tightly to his chest, "but if you excuse us, I have our marriage to prepare"

Just as Sasuke turned away from Itachi, Naruto struggling to get away from his grasp when Itachi shouted out;

"I will not let you take him away from me! NARUTO!" Itachi tried to reach out to the struggling Naruto, whose hand was also out to try and reach for Itachi; but with his waist ice sealed, it was impossible for him to move.

"Itachi!" Naruto cried out, tears leaking down his cheeks as he reached his hand out for Itachi's, only just touching the tip before he was pulled completely out of reach of him as Sasuke forced his further to the entrance, "let me go!"

Naruto put up a harsher struggle than before, kicking his legs onto Sasuke's as well as flail his arms out to dislodge Sasuke's; but the final straw for Sasuke was feeling Naruto bite down on his arm. With that, Sasuke grasped Naruto's chin in a tight hold and forced it up so that he could look at his face; a growl released from within his chest a he saw even now that Naruto tried to struggle from him.

His fate was sealed however as Sasuke tightened his hold, forcing Naruto to look into his eyes, watching as his sharingan started to reflect into the ocean sapphires until finally Naruto slumped into his arms, unconscious; he picked the slumped form bridle style whilst turning to look at Itachi – now chest buried in ice – stared at the inhuman crimson regarded him in anger and disgust,

"What are you" Itachi whispered as he watched large, leather wings appear from Sasuke's back, spreading over their forms

"Your worst nightmare" was the reply before Itachi was consumed by ice.


"I...chi... ita...achi... Itachi..." Itachi slowly opened his eyes to stare at an ice free church roof. He looked to his right as something blonde came into his view.

"Are you Ok, Itachi-kun, you took quite a stumble" the blond said, his long hair falling over his shoulder like a waterfall. Itachi wanted to call his fiancée Naruto for some reason but knew that it was wrong. He didn't even know who this Naruto was.

"I'm fine Deidara-kun, lets just get this done already, no more waiting."

And so within and hour, Itachi had Married Iwa Deidara.


Naruto slowly opened his eyes when something flashed in front of them. His head pounded as he lifted himself to a sitting position before opening his eyes once more to try and get used to the lighting in the room.

Once his eyes had adjusted to the lighting was he able to see where he was. And what he saw caused a gasp to be released. This wasn't the church, it was a bedroom with black and crimson walls and furnishings, and the ceiling was the only source of light from the flames that covered the corners and centre. Naruto was truly shocked by this and looked to what he assumed was a bed that he was sitting on.

It was made of Black metal, the head board was covered in snakes and chains, whilst the tops of the four posts held black flames; Naruto did not know what it is he should do when we subconsciously went to a necklace that he never to took off, to find that it had gone missing. He gasped as he looked down to try and find it, but was even more shocked to find that someone had changed his clothes into nothing but a pair black leather pants that fitted to tightly to his skin.

He then realised a cold sensation on his ankle, only to find that he had been chained to one of the bed posts; Naruto shook his head in disbelief, this couldn't be real at all. He looked towards the only window in the room, covered with a black lace curtain – that was his only form of escape.

Naruto removed himself from the bed and started toward the window, hoping that along the way, he could find a way in which he could get rid of the chain. Once he had reached it, he removed the curtain forcefully to stop in shock and fear.

Ice and fire covered the area; bodies fell from the sky, screaming for someone to save them, but none could. He looked further out to see many more bodies being subjected to humiliating punishments for their sins, whilst being watched over by different demons, different weapons on alert, ready to punish those who didn't follow orders. Naruto brought his hands to his ears; it was now that he could hear the anguished wails and shouts of pain and misery, eyes wide as he slowly backed away from the window to crouch by the bed as he finally acknowledged what was happening: Sasuke really was Satan, and he really had taken him away from Itachi. But did that mean that...

Before he could continue his thoughts, a large pyre of black flames appeared in the far corner of the room, before Sasuke stepped out from them, appearing to be twice the size he was before, a thorn crown resting on his head.

"I see that you are finally awake, Dobe" Sasuke said, a smirk appearing as Naruto tried to scurry away from him "good timing as well, all the preparations for our wedding have just been completed, we are ready"

Sasuke moved toward the chain on the post, and grabbed a hold of it, removing it from its attachment. At the same time, the shackle on Naruto's ankle transformed to a snake that quickly slithered its way over Naruto's body as he struggled to get away from it; but even that was impossible as the snake round its way around Naruto's neck to once again harden to form a studded collar attached to the same chain as Sasuke was holding. A tug forced Naruto to come towards Sasuke rather than escape him, he didn't want to be anywhere near him; but even before Naruto could try to push away and try to escape, the same black flames engulfed them and Naruto had found himself pushed away and landing on a stage with two throne, both created from what looked to be very strong, black metal and soft crimson cushions that lined the seat, back and arm rests; the thing that concerned Naruto was that the throne on the right had a crown similar Sasuke's, a studded collar and a golden ring sitting on the cushion.

Before Naruto was able to move and find an exit from this hell – literally – Sasuke had once again tugged the leash and forced him to sit on the right hand throne, once all the items had been removed. In desperation, he tried to move of from it, but once more, Sasuke prevented his escape and said something in a strange hissing language, causing the snakes that were no where in sight to suddenly appear and strap his arms and legs t the throne, denying him any more movement.

Naruto looked up, hoping to find the eyes of someone who could save him from this, but only screamed in misery as he observed the ghastly and disfigured bodies of demons as they all started cheering at Sasuke, who had moved to sit in the chair next to his own, and most even started to touch each other and have sex or were moving over each other to reach the rancid food that lay thrown on many tables, or the darkest red of wine he had ever seen; he couldn't look away as one demon guzzled down a pint of wine all the while thrusting into a lustful demon in harsh speed.

One demon, who looked to resemble that of a snake than the other demons in the hall, started moving forwards, chanting something in what Naruto could now recognise to be that of Latin;

"Per is orbis, EGO redimio thee ut abyssus quibus vos sit.

Per is collar, EGO redimio thee ut vestri vinco quod maritus.

Per is flos, EGO praeconor thee ut regens regina of thy vinco abyssus

Talis operor EGO signum intemporaliter" (1)

As the demon spoke, he attached the ring, collar and crown in time with the chant all the while Naruto still trying to move his body to refuse the attachment of royalty, however, when the snake demon spoke the final word, Naruto felt lighting bolts go through his body, as though binding everything to his body; his screams distracted the demons enough for Sasuke to announce the new queen of hell, and for louder shouts of pleasure to corrupt the painful sobs that Naruto was now reduced to.

"Itachi...Itachi...please help me...Itachi" was what Sasuke could hear Naruto whisper, even over the insanity in the room. Anger consuming him, a snap of his fingers caused a mirror to appear in front of Naruto, distracting him from his misery, only to break him.

Through the mirror, Naruto wept as he saw Itachi, cutting their wedding cake with another blonde, not him. His sobs shook his frame as he saw the love and adoration in his eyes as he fed a slice to this mysterious blonde; he couldn't remove his eyes from the heart breaking scene, not even when Sasuke had slide his shorts down to start playing with his member, however, he gasped as his member was being forcefully being awoken by the ministrations of the demon next to him.

"As you can see, he doesn't love you as much as he claimed to" Sasuke hissed into Naruto's ear, all the while nipping his lobe and continued to play with his Naruto, "so I would suggest, my concubine, that you get over it. Because you will be here for a very, very long time"

Naruto shook his head, wanting to deny what Sasuke had showed him and told him, but when he was forced from his seat, onto Sasuke's erect dick and fucked on his lap, the last of his hope of escape, of ever returning to his beautiful Itachi - shattered.


Grunts could be heard everywhere from within Pandemonium, accompanied by the squeals of pain and sadness; if a demon were to search deeper inside to the royal chambers, the site before them would not bother then as it was something that had become a regular occurrence: Naruto was down on his hands and knees, shaking from the strain of holding both his and Sasuke's weight, while tears streaming down his face at the pressure of such weight; Sasuke standing on his knees behind him, thrusting his erect member between the two globes that formed Naruto's ass.

Naruto had stopped keeping track of the time. It didn't matter anymore; he was left with nothing to do except what Sasuke wanted him to do.

Sasuke had been determined, since their first fuck, to keep Naruto at his side, so that when the need came, he wouldn't have to waste time; and sadly, that was all Naruto was used for: a fuck toy.

His thoughts were once again as he felt Sasuke's head apply pressure on his entrance; sucking in as much breath as possible, Naruto screamed as Sasuke, once again, broke through his barrier into him, going straight into a harsh speed, hitting his prostrate roughly and precise accuracy.

"STOP! Oh please stop, please" Naruto shouted as always, forced to move with Sasuke's own thrusts, more tears falling down onto the bed sheets.

Sasuke simply laughed as he moved his full body onto Naruto's back, and pistoned into Naruto's hole, the blood that still spewed, even after the many times they have performed, acted as lubricant

"But Naruto, you love it really," Sasuke said, panting into Naruto's ear, "and besides, we'll need to feed the little one in here very soon"

Sasuke's hands moved down, to press down on Naruto's six month swollen stomach. It had become apparent that, when Sasuke wanted something to happen, in hell he could make it happen; and so after being raped six times by Sasuke, Naruto had found himself pregnant and scared – if Sasuke had the power to make him capable to have a child, then the possibilities of what else he could do were truly endless.

"Oh! Did you feel that, baby's getting hungry now," Sasuke trilled as he removed himself from Naruto, only to move Naruto onto his back and force him to take his member into his mouth, "here it comes"

Sasuke spilled himself into Naruto's mouth, the quantity being too great for him to take in without having to swallow it; but Naruto knew that if he didn't swallow, Sasuke would punish him far worse and so simply swallowed the dick in his mouth, along with the sperm. The inhuman force of the kicks told Naruto that the baby was happy with the food, and that he would aquire some more bruises on his stomach.

Once Sasuke had removed himself once more, Naruto fell limply onto his side; eyes blank – dead of any emotion and simply allowed himself to be picked up by his master and placed under the covers, arms still wrapped tightly around his waist. His eyes closed as kisses were placed haphazardly across his face:

"I see; after almost two years you have finally accepted who you are and what your new role is" Sasuke's voice pounded itself into his mind, it now being the only thing he has and ever will hear in this place. Naruto simply nodded, a quiet 'yes Sasuke-sama' accompanying it,"well good, its best you forget everything except me and this child in you. Maybe once you have given birth, we can have more; I'm sure my lovely concubine will be more than willing, won't you now?"

Naruto looked up, dead eyes taking in his only form of sanity, only to tuck his head into his chest, fresh tears falling from his eyes:

"No Sasuke-sama, I will not mind at all" and so, the eyes closed on the lost purity, the lost hope, only to awaken once more the next day to the life of Satan's wife, queen and concubine.

(1) Translation of the Latin: 'With this ring, I bind thee to the hell to which you sit. With this collar, I bind thee to your master and husband. With this crown, I proclaim thee as the ruling queen of thy master's hell And such do I seal eternally.

A/N: hey guys, so anyway I've been reading quite a few fics where they describe Sasuke as a demon, and since I've also been reading 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton and 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante, i figured that I would try and have ago: little did i know that i could write something this dark; i actually started crying whilst writing this. this has been edited, but just small punctuation and extra bits added here and there.

but anyway i hope you enjoy it. Read and Review and get a Free demonic Sasuke^^
