I'm no writer but I want to be. I'm open to some friendly constructive criticism but please don't be too critical. This is my first Fanfic I've written since high school.

His hands were clenched, shaking with anger. His knuckles became white and Arnold's face was showing strain. He was trying to ignore the commotion three tables away in the cafeteria but it was stirring too much emotion inside of him. He was about to lose all self-control. He needed to defend her.

Helga G. Pataki was face to face with Wolfgang, the school bully. He stood almost six feet tall and sported a dated blond mullet. He had broad shoulders and a muscular body that towered over most of the student body. He and Helga had a long history of fights, arguments, and bitter rivalry. She beat him in almost everything. She was his target for today.

To stir Helga up, he had been insulting Helga's best friend, Phoebe. Phoebe was a petite Japanese-American girl. It was common knowledge in the school that Helga was overly protective of her friend and Wolfgang's insults were confirming this fact. With his verbal abuse, Helga rushed to Phoebe's defense and the two began shouting and threatening one another. The cafeteria became silent. The mood was tense.

"I'd like to try an Asian girl. You should come over to my place tonight, I would tear you apart," Wolfgang said with a smirk, first looking at Phoebe then glancing at Helga to see her reaction. She wore a gray knit beanie that had two blond pigtails protruding out both sides. She was also wearing a pink long-sleeved t-shirt and dark jeans. She was scowling more darkly than usual.

"Like hell you would!" she jumped from her chair pointing her finger in his face, "I'm going blow your head in for ever thinking of saying that." Her right hand was clenched into a fist.

He turned her words around on her to provoke her, "I'm sure you would like that. I knew you'd be feisty in the sack!"

Arnold's face was turning crimson. He started to lift from his chair. He was glaring at Wolfgang so hard he could have burned a hole in the back of his head. "How dare he disrespect her like that," he muttered under his breath.

He had some romantic history with Helga.

She was currently his ex. A few months prior they experienced a painful break up. They'd been together since late grade school but were forced to separate because they couldn't always get along. Helga was stubborn and Arnold only had so much patience. It was a mutual agreement even though both teenagers still had feelings for each other. They agreed it was for the best and they went their separate ways. Now each encounter consisted of awkward silences and small talk. Things would never be the same again.

"As if! No girl would ever want to get near you." Helga retorted to Wolfgang's sexual harassment. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her hair was standing on end. Usually she had such a way with words that any argument could easily be won. This time, however, Wolfgang was harassing Phoebe. Helga's anger prevented her from thinking straight.

"Someone needs to put you in your place. I don't give a damn that you're a girl." Wolfgang spat. His face was only a few inches from Helga's. He was slowly backing her into a corner. Helga's hands were now both clenched into fists. A group of high schoolers circled around the drama. Three of them were part of Wolfgang's group; they surrounded the 16-year-old blonde.

Helga ignored reason and let her pride do the talking. She wasn't about to give in to this jerk's threats. She might lose the fight with the giant, but a bruise to her face would hurt far less than a bruise to her ego. She continued to taunt him.

"I'd be careful what you say around me. You know I could, and have, kicked your ass many times before. Some 'man' you are," Helga said.

He punched her in her jaw.

Like a lightning bolt, a blur of yellow and blue flew across the cafeteria. Arnold lost all reason and his usual pacifistic ways as he griped Wolfgang by the collar and proceeded to punch him just as he punched Helga. The only difference was that this time there was blood.

Wolfgang countered by punching Arnold in the ribs and throwing him backwards on a chair. Running on emotion and adrenaline, Arnold jumped onto his feet and threw his fists into Wolfgang's face, this time hitting his nose. With his teeth clenched Arnold threw punches into his abdomen that Wolfgang quickly blocked as he threw his fist to Arnold's right arm.

Helga's eyes grew wide as she watched the two boy's attempt to kill each other. Ignoring the stinging pain in her cheek she half smiled as she witnessed her beloved defending her honor. A small sigh escaped her lips.

Her first instinct was to join the fight but she knew she couldn't do that. This was Arnold's fight. She couldn't interfere.

The two boys were equally matched. On any other day Wolfgang could have destroyed Arnold because of his size and bruit strength. However, this day Arnold had a very deadly weapon that balanced the fight; he was running on his love for his ex girlfriend and hatred for anyone who hurt her.

Arnold now had Wolfgang pinned to the ground. Blood was pouring from Wolfgang's forehead and his cheek. Wolfgang tried throwing the boy off him but he could only flail his arms, trying to hit his sides. Arnold thrusts his fists continually into Wolfgang's chest until the school's football coach appeared and pulled Arnold away from him.

By now the entire cafeteria had surrounded the commotion. People were cheering while Arnold's closest classmates stood in shock and disbelief. Teachers and security held both boys away from each other as they struggled throw the last punch. A school staff member held Helga by the arm. Soon they were making their way to the dean's office.

There's more to come. Maybe two more chapters, I dunno. The next one will be up soon.

-Twelvepercent :D