*-*Hello. Disclaimer, I own none of these characters, or the show or stuff. Anyway, I wanted to write a one shot about Vegeta and his son, hope you like it, if not. Don't hate appreciate. Anyway… Bye!

Trunks was exhausted from training. He had been at it for two hours now (the whole day in six-year-old time.)

"Dad, I'm tiiiired," the lavender haired boy whined.

"What?" We've only been at it for two hours," Vegeta responded, confused by his son's weakness.

"But I don't want to train anymore," a tear forming in his sky blue eyes.

"Ugh. Fine, but you have to take a bath and then a nap, none of that sitting in front of the TV and telling me your bored in a half hour. This made Trunks think hard, he really was tired, but he hated baths and naps.


"You have three seconds or I choose for you."







"You are taking the bath and the nap." He added.

"No! I choose…"

"Too late, you're taking a bath and a nap," he interrupted. Trunks was about to let a flood of tears loose for the whole world to see and hear, but he knew there was no point in arguing, his father couldn't be moved. He hated it when his mother went on business trips.

"I don't here bathing!" Trunks swallowed hard, he had turned on the water, but he had kept his clothes on, hoping his father would leave so he could sneak out. He was about to when he heard the man apparently waiting for him to finish.

"Don't make me come in there and bathe you myself, because I won't be pleased." Trunks reluctantly stripped down and got in the warm water, watching with distain as his beloved layer of filth that he had built up over the last week with Goten, washed away. He grabbed the washcloth and began to scrub his face and body with it, trying his best not to cry.

Vegeta never really did get why Trunks hated taking baths, they weren't painful, and they were actually kind of relaxing, not that he would admit to a soul that he enjoyed taking baths. Not even his mate knew such a disgraceful detail.

Trunks had finished the painful torture that his father put him through, and dried himself off with one of the white, fluffy towels that his mother kept around the house. Defeated, he proclaimed that he was done and walked out of the room wrapped in the fluffy towel. His father got up from the chair he had placed next to the door, and picked up the boy's training robes before escorting him to bed like a prisoner. He waited outside of the door for the boy to change and only reentered when his super sensitive ears picked up the rustle of Trunks' fighter plane pajamas against his blue, plaid comforter.

"Now you have a nice nap son."

"Dad?" Trunks' asked gingerly, hoping to not annoy his powerful, sayain father.

"What son?"

"I was kind of hoping you could read me a story…"

"If it will make you sleep, fine." After going through the bookshelf by the boy's bed and finding books about sad puppies and energetic cats, he lost all respect for himself as a father.

"How about I tell you a story about one of the battles I was in instead?"

"Yes!" the little boy replied eagerly, and Vegeta was unspeakably proud of the twinkle in the boy's eyes and the admiration he had of his father.

I know it's not very good. But I try, and I wanted a story that incorporated two of my favorite characters. But it was just a one shot, and please tell me if you like it, or what I should change for future stories. Hope it wasn't so corny you died. If so, I guess you can't read this apology, and I apologize to your family/loved ones. Bye!