Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha, or Yu Yu Hakusho. If I did then they would be all one anime, and not seperate, also Hiei would be with Kagome. :O I do have some OC in here though.

Notes: I use to make Fanfics on here but removed them. When I find them again I'll put them back up. I will not be using many if "ANY" Japanese words since this is in fact an ENGLISH version of a Japanese anime. Reviews are welcome! :)





Chapter 1: Trap

It was a quiet night. The moon was full giving off a unearthly glow. There was a person standing the park full of people watching each individual as they walked by unaware of the danger that was lurking. The man watching them smirked enough for his fangs to show, while the wind picked up its pace, gently playing with his long red hair. He started his illusions to draw the humans to him into a trap so they couldn't escape.

'One of you will lead me to who I'm looking for' his smirk grew when he saw a woman heading into his trap. 'Too easy.' His blood red eyes darkened in amusement as he watch her disappear in his trap which sealed her off from the real world.


Kagome let out a small noise in pain as she landed at the bottom of the well, twisting her ankle in the process. 'Not again...' It had been 4 weeks since the battle with Naraku had ended, and the Shikon Jewel was completed, which was now apart of her once again. Kagome didn't know what happened, or why things ended the way it did. "Why..." her voice spoke out softly to no one in particular. She sat for a while in silence; holding her knees as she tried not to let the tears fall from her face before she slowly made herself get up to climb out of the well. It was after school so she was wearing her normal school uniform.

She had forgotten how many times she had tried to get back into the past. All she can remember was the shocked look on everyone's face when the jewel became apart of her again... then everything went black.

Kagome left the well just in time to see her mom open the front door. "Ah, there you are Kagome." her eyes were bright making Kagome feel much better. "I need you to get some leeks at the store for me dear" Kun-loon said making Kagome's smile turn into a light frown. Kagome sighed, just what she needed... work... "On my way!" she said forcing a smile which was noticed by her mother who decided to not bother her about it.

*~~With The Spirit Detectives~~~*

You can see Koenma sleeping which was probably what he had been doing for a while since he had a pool of drool on his desk. He had his hand on his head holding it up, only to snap awake at the sound of the portal opening which caused his snot bubble to pop.

Kurama was the first to jump out, landing gracefully on his feet. Not long after Hiei did the same, who then started walking to the corner he always goes to. Suddenly everyone snapped their heads to the crashing sound only to see Kuwabara had landed on top of a very pissed off Yusuke. "Get the hell off me you dumb ass!"

"Hey! I'm not dumb!" When Yusuke thought he wasn't getting off fast enough he shoved him off, making him land on his face. "Hey!" Kuwabara said as he rubbed his sore chin. Yusuke ignored him as he brushed himself off not noticing the amused looks of the others.

"Idiot" this made Kuwabara jump to his feet, shaking his fist in the air.

"What was that hamster legs?" he said making Hiei slightly annoyed.

"If your hearing is that bad then I suggest you fix it" Hiei gave a small smirk when he notice this pissed the oaf off more making Hiei give in one final blow "Don't you humans have something called a hearing aid?". Kurama covered his mouth trying to make his laugh sound like a cough. While Yusuke just burst out laughing. Kuwabara lost his temper making him launch himself at the fire demon. Right when his fist was about to reach his face, Hiei dodged him, making Kuwabara hit air. "Stupid human" Hiei said mockingly before dodging another attack, this time making the oaf fall to the ground.

Koenma finally had enough, and cleared his throat which brought everyone's attention to him. "Now I suppose your all wondering why I brought you all here" Koenma saw Yusuke about to open his mouth to smart off like he always does but beat him to it. "Shut it Yusuke. No one wants to hear what you have to say" before continuing. "Now like I was saying. The reason why I brought you all here is because a lot of women have been recently missing. I didn't think nothing of it till recently. It appears that there was some demon energy on the chart..." He waited to see if anyone had anything to say but when no one said anything he continued "I will have Botan send all of you to where the demon was last spotted at. It's a rank B demon, but since there is only one, you shouldn't have too much of a problem with him. Just question him and find out where the women are. "

Yusuke was pissed off. He was helping Keiko get things ready for their baby that was on the way till that damn toddler called. "Lets just get this the hell over with already"

*~~~With Kagome~~~*

Kagome was humming to herself with a smile on her face as she entered the empty park with the leeks in a bag that she held loosely to her side. 'That's... weird.' she thought to herself as she stopped humming and stated to walk at a slower pace. 'This place is 'always' full of people...' Kagome felt relieved when she heard two people arguing. "Well at least someone is here" that's when she stopped suddenly. 'This feeling...' her fears were right when she got closer only to feel the aura of three demons. Kagome quickly hid behind a near by sakura tree, masking her own aura, before sneaking in closer to get a better look at them. 'What are demons doing here!'.

Yusuke and ?Kuwabara were arguing about who were going to get to question the demon, not even bothering to notice that they had company. Kurama seemed to be the only one that noticed besides Hiei who seemed to be ignoring her. ~Do you think we should confront her?~ Kurama asked with concern. ~She might get in the way of our fight~ before Hiei could respond, Yusuke had noticed her too.

"Hey!" Yusuke yelled to the woman who seemed shocked like they had found her hiding spot. Ignoring that thought he continued "you shouldn't be here".

Kuwabara turned to see who he was yelling at only to see a raven beauty. "Wow! she is pretty!" he stated the obvious, before he ran to her. All everyone could think was 'not this again...'

Kagome tensed greatly when she felt his aura, but felt better seeing how the demons were traveling with a human. That's before the tall man grabbed both her hands and asked bluntly "will you be my girlfriend"?

"ahh...haha..." Kagome had a strained smile. Before she could say anything, he fell in the dirt in pain, rubbing the lump on his head. She noted that he differently wasn't the brains of the bunch. He had strange orange Elvis hair, a blue jump suit along with two beady blue eyes. She could feel the kindness coming from him.

"What did you do that for Urameshi!" Yusuke seemed to ignore him as he looked over to the woman.

"Sorry but no one should be here right now." Yusuke said in a deep voice trying to think of an excuse on why she shouldn't be. "There seems to be a wild animal on the lose". She took this time to look him over. His hair was midnight black, which seemed to be over gelled to make it stick to his head. His eyes were chocolate brown that just screamed tough guy, and he wore a green jump suit. 'Reminds me of Inuyasha' she thought sadly.

Kagome didn't seem to believe him seeing as he himself was strange enough along with his friends. At that thought she looked over at the other two, who just finished walking over to where they were. Her eyes looked over the red head for a moment who just gave her a small smile. He had long red hair with soft green eyes that seemed to just glow in the dark, he also wore a red jump suit. To say he was handsome would only be the cherry on the ice cream Sunday. She would have blushed if they not of met in such a weird way.

Looking over at the short demon who just glared at her in return, she noticed that he was around a head shorter then her and wore a black suit that went with his baggy black pants that was held up with tree belts. His hair seemed to ignore the fact that there was any gravity as it stood up like flames, in the center was a white star-burst as his bangs seemed to try to cover his bandana. What got her the most was his two dark red eyes that seemed to look into very soul. Kagome almost felt a blush seep onto her face before she shook herself out of it 'He definitely stands out the most' she thought to herself. Remembering that the guy in green had said something to her she decided to test her luck with him since she felt no negative energy.

"If no one is supposed to be here then why are 'you' here?" Kagome watched as he tensed up which made her smile. "Then if you can excuse me; I have to be heading home, and if you don't have a better excuse then that then I will be on my way." Kagome walked pass them ignoring any shocked expressions sent her way.

"Hey I just said that a wild ANIMAL is attacking people around here! Are you still going that way after what I've said?" Yusuke was pissed that he was being ignored while a demon was on the lose.

"Yes, pretty much" Kagome laughed while scratching the back of her head.

"I get a strange feeling from her Urameshi...". This made Kagome tense up which didn't go unnoticed. She suddenly felt something trying to get through her mental barrier. Feeling invaded she sent a shock of energy back to anyone that was trying to read her thoughts, only to smile when she heard a small grunt in pain.

'that will teach him' thinking she spent too much time with them already, she spun around on her heel, and quickened her pace.

Hiei who was completely shocked at what just happened, informed his friend through their mind link. -She is stronger then she lets off- he noticed that this spiked his friend's curiosity.

~are you sure?~ Kurama was no doubt curious, and the fact that Hiei even said that about her means she isn't normal. Everything about the girl herself said odd which wasn't good seeing how it was even string up Youko from his sleep.

-Since when have I been wrong fox- before his friend could say anything, Yusuke beat him to it.

"Can you two follow her? I don't want that damn toddler getting his diaper in a bunch if she gets kidnapped. Kuwabara and I will head in the other direction, and see if we can find anyth-" he was cut off when Hiei seemed to disappear. 'probably in a tree somewhere' Yusuke thought to himself as turned to look at Kurama only to see that he had left also. 'Well hell, whats the point of me even explaining then?'

Kuwabara was still holding himself as another shiver went down his spine "I have a feeling her spirit energy is different then ours Urameshi" Yusuke seemed to be ignoring him as he watched where the woman had left.

*~~~With Kagome~~~*

Kagome knew that there was something strange going on in the park, but she knew she could take care of herself. As she walked down her normal route, Kagome started to hear someone call out to her. She looked to see where the sound was coming from only to see a road she never seen before. She could hear voices telling her to go down there. It was a dirt road seemingly surrounded by trees to where no sunlight came in. Even if it was already starting to get dark. She started to feel an unknown source pull and tug at her as if telling her to go that way. Her feet felt like they had a mind of their own as they started to walk where the source of the noise was coming from. The light in her eyes seemed to dim in its brightness as if her soul had left her, but on the edge of her mind she could feel her senses screaming that something was wrong. She could just hardly feel the breeze that started to tease her school uniform as the skirt rippled around her body playfully. Her hair twirled around her body as the wind picked up its pace.

The two that were watching over her seemed to be captivated of the sight before them, as the woman seemed to give an unearthly glow before she suddenly vanished. -I knew that woman wasn't normal- Hiei thought raising a eyebrow.

~Wait~ Kurama asked curiously before he jumped off the tree landing gracefully where the woman was last seen. ~Do you sense that?~ before he got a reply he reached his hand out only to get a jolt of energy sending it back. ~That's what I thought~

-So the demon lures his pray and then seals them in a energy barrier- Hiei put simply.

~We need to find the others, and get Kuwabara to open the seal quickly before he gets away~ that was the last thing said before the two left in a speed that could not be seen by the human eye.


"Do you think she will wake up anytime soon?" Kagome heard the voice that seemed to be only in a whisper as if they were afraid someone else would hear them, but she could tell it was a female as her voice was soft and soothing.

Kagome slowly opened her eyes, rubbing the numbing feeling in them, only to notice she wasn't at home. She took her time in taking in the scene before her. The room wasn't big, but wasn't small either. It had no windows, which was odd, and only had one door. Kagome felt demon energy around the door as if she was locked in. She noticed she was laying on a few fluffy black pillows that were on the floor. The floor itself was carpet or so it felt like it at least, and the walls were a deep red color the same as the floor. The room was filled with dark colored pillows and the only source of light was someone's cell phone. That's when she noticed she wasn't alone.

There was a girl that looked no older then her that was using her cell as her source of light She had short brown hair that looked like it had not been brushed in a few days, but it was too dark to tell what she was wearing. Around here there were others that seemed to be afraid, and from what Kagome could tell, they were all Women. 'Oh... great.. I was kidnapped.' She thought to herself as she let out a sigh.

The girl with the cellphone looked up only to see Kagome awake "Oh your awake." she said softly.

"Yes... but where am I? and why are we whispering?" Kagome asked quietly trying to figure out what everyone knows before she could make a plan. She could feel everyone's eyes on her but didn't know why. "By the way I'm Kagome" She said in a cheery voice trying to lighten the mood.

The woman replied "I'm Kuri.." she said before letting out another sigh. "None of us actually know why we are here..." the girl said with a frown appearing on her features before her cell suddenly started blinking before it went out on her. "shit, just what we needed... for the damn light to go out on us." Movements could be heard before she spoke again. "Anyone else have a cell on them?"

"No, that was the last one.. sorry" a random high pitched voice said before it was all quiet again.

Kagome sat silently before asking "did any of you try to call anyone?" She knew that the demon energy would of cut off any signals coming in the area, but it was worth a shot.

She heard a sigh before Kuri answered "When we call we just get static, and the door has some weird curse on it"

'Thought so...' That was all the info she needed, seeing how no one knew how they got there (amnesia) and there was only demon energy holding them back from leaving this dark room. 'Time to get out of here'

Kagome slowly got to her feet before walking to the door. As she held out her hand to find the main source of the energy, she wasn't surprised when her hand felt a shock, causing the whole room to flash with a tainted red light. She let her hand off enough for the energy to stop burning her before she started to focus on her own. She could hear the girls pleading her to stop but continued to let her miko energy spread through her fingers before she tried to touch the door again. This time it sounded like glass breaking before it let out a warm blue glow, then it was once again a dark room.

"What the hell was that!" Kuri was shocked obviously, as were the rest of the girls who were talking amongst themselves on what they should do.

Kagome spoke in a whisper in case there were demons close by that knew about the broken barrier. "Actions now, questions later" she didn't have to say it but once before she could hear the foot steps of the girls heading towards the door, eagerly wanting to be with their families again. "Stay close" it was not an order but more of an warning to anyone that wanted to leave on their own.

~~~~~To be Continued~~~~~

Reviews are welcome! *^_^*