

Ursa slid open the door to the chambers she shared with Ozai. The fire in the fireplace jumped at her presence, and Ozai whirled to face her.

"It's done?" he asked. There was something terrible and bright in his eyes, and for the first time in their marriage, she was afraid of her husband.

"It's done," she assured him, sliding the door shut behind her. Her hands trembled still, from fear and exhilaration. Her children were safe. Her husband was safe.

She had murdered the Firelord, and they would execute her in the morning.

Ozai seized her by the shoulder, and blue flames flared to life around her hands.

"You must go," he said, ignoring her flames. "Li and Lo sent word to the harbor- there are ships leaving tonight. Take any of them. Go. Go far and lie low."

"No, Ozai," she said quietly, reaching up to push back a few strands of hair that had fallen over his face. "I will stay here."

"No! You will not. Do you know what they do to people who did what you have done?" He demanded, voice harsh and breath coming ragged.

Her fingers curled in his hair. "I know. They'll crucify me."

"They won't break your legs, either." His hand squeezed her shoulder. "They'll let you suffocate under your own weight, Ursa. You'll die in agony after hours and hours."

She kissed him softly. "Our children are safe, Ozai. You are safe. Forever."

"No," he sighed as she broke the kiss. "No. Ursa, you must go. For the children's sake, if not mine."

"I will never be able to return, either way. Let them have a murderer to execute, so you can rule without whispers."

"If..." His hand dragged down her arm, almost bruisingly hard. "When I win this war, no one will be able to gainsay me. I will be able to bring you back. You will be my Lady, crowned and anointed. Please, Ursa, I beg you, go."

She drew in a shuddering breath. Her husband was too proud to beg for anything from anyone, yet he begged her for this. "The children- I know you, Ozai, you're a poor father."

"Li and Lo. They did well enough by me."

She nodded. Sometimes she wondered how well the ancient caretakers had done by Ozai, but he was sane and incredible in spite or because of them. They could handle her children for the few years before the Comet arrived. "Ozai..."

"Take these," he said, thrusting a pouch into her hands.

She opened it and hissed in surprise at the sight of the onyx seals of the Second Prince. "Ozai-!"

"Take them. And-" His hand went into her hair, and he gently pulled her into a kiss. "Bring them back to me, Ursa."
