A/N: So this will be the last chapter. I might do an epilogue but for now this is it. Enjoy!

I woke up early the next morning to an empty spot on the bed beside me. I looked around the room to see if there was any one in the room with me but nothing. I snuggled back into the bed a little disappointed. I thought back to the comfort I was given from my friends before my surgery. I though back to my mom being there with me. And lastly I thought about Oliver and how he stayed with me throughout everything. A smile crept onto my face just thinking back to those moments. Reality finally hit me when I heard the door of my hospital room open making my eyes pop open in surprise.

"Morning" Oliver said walking into the room wearing the same clothes as the day before and holding a chewy bar in his left hand.

"Morning" I repeated. "Where did you go?"

"I just went to the bathroom than grabbed this yummy chewy bar out of the vending machine." He replied walking to my bed and sitting down on the side of it. I heard my stomach rumble and I looked at Oliver's half eaten chewy bar. I reached out and tried to grab the bar but he pulled it away as if he red my mind.

"Nope, this is mine." Oliver smiled and took another bite.

"I'm starving; can I please just have a bite?" I asked in the sweetest voice I could possibly manage.

"Your breakfast will be here in a short bit." He announced

"Can you at least help me to the bathroom?"

"Nope, I'm not allowed. A nurse came in this morning when you were still asleep and said to me that if you need to use the washroom she will take you. All you have to do is push that little red button and a nurse will be here in a matter of seconds." Oliver pointed to a long cord with a silver handle at the end and a small red button on top of the handle.

"I hate this place! When can I go home?"

"Approximately an hour or two depends on how everything works out." An older nurse said as she walked into the room. I blushed and kept quiet. When she noticed she quickly added "do you have to use the restroom?"

I said yes and was carefully helped into a wheelchair which I would be taking home with me. When I was wheeled back to the room I was put onto the bed with the help of Oliver and the nurse. When I was safe on the bed, the nurse left the room leaving me and Oliver alone to our selves. Almost immediately after the nurse left the room, Oliver grabbed my hands and brought his lips to mine. Our kiss started out sweet and passionate then quickly turned into a heated make-out session. This was the first time Oliver ever kissed me like this and vice versa. We were soon interrupted by a knock on the door. Oliver and I pulled away and I quickly fixed my hair and Oliver's before yelling "come in"

When the door creaked opened, mine and Oliver's heads shot in direction of the door. Miley walked in holding a large tray of food with her dad, brother, and my mom behind her. Miley set the tray of food down on the small desk and ran up to me.

"I was so worried about you!" Miley exclaimed throwing her arms around me and squeezing me tight.

"Thank you for being there for me yesterday" I said getting out of Miley's tight embrace. When she sat down on the bed on the opposite side Oliver was on, Mr. Stewart and Jackson came up behind her.

"How are you feeling?" Mr. Stewart asked me, putting his hand on his daughters shoulder.

"Much better now that my surgery is done with." I said smiling at the family of three.

My mom grabbed the tray of food Miley set on the desk by the door and brought it over to me.

"Here you go sweetie, here is some food. Once you are finished eating the doctors will come in and do one last quick check and then you are free to go." My mom kissed my forehead and than left the room with Mr. Stewart and Jackson.

"So the surgery was a success?" Miley asked knowing the answer.

"Yup" I said throwing the covers off of me and showing her my cast. Oliver took six sharpies out of his pocket, a red, green, blue, purple, orange, and pink. He held the colored sharpies out and Miley picked the Red sharpie and signed her name next to my mom signature which was in blue. Miley than took the pink sharpie and wrote 'Hannah' and the top of my cast. I smiled and hugged her and Oliver, careful not to spill the tray of soup and crackers on my lap.

"Now, eat up" Oliver said to me "I want to get out of here as soon as possible. I really need to shower and get some clean clothes on." He ran his hand through his messy hair and sighed. I looked at Miley and giggled at the grossed out expression on her face.

After I finished my soup and crackers a doctor came into the room with my mom and the other two members of the Stewart family. The doctor did a quick check on my leg and then told me I was free to go. Miley and Oliver helped me into my wheelchair as Jackson held my crutches. Oliver wheeled me out of the room and to the parking lot with my mom and the Stewart family close behind. When we approached my mom's car, Oliver and Jackson lent me a hand in getting inside the back of the car. Oliver put my wheelchair in the back trunk and Jackson handed me my crutches.

"Get some rest Lilly and I will see you tomorrow morning at school." Miley said hugging me.

Mr. Stewart and Jackson signed their names on my cast. Mr. Stewart signed his name in orange and Jackson signed his name with the green sharpie "Get well soon." Mr. Stewart said to me and patted my shoulder. Jackson gave me a small hug before the family walked away to their car.

"Ready to go?" My mom asked.

"I've been ready for a while now." I said shutting the car door. Oliver got in the passengers seat and my mom got in the drivers seat. She started the engine and we were on our way home after two painful days.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked Oliver. It was now evening, and Oliver and I were cuddled up on the couch of my living room watching TV.

"How about we go out for dinner." He suggested.


"Because, I won our competition so you owe me dinner."

A/N: The End!

I hope you liked this story. It was my first multi-chapter. I think it went well.

Please tell me your Thoughts.
