Disclaimer - I own no characters, nor any ideas but my own; the characters are borrowed from Leroux/ALW/etc's POTO.
Pairing - Erik/Raoul
Summary - A series of letters between Erik and the Vicomte de Chagny. Raoul has purchased the Opera Populaire, and knows of only one man who can help him make it a success. But would Erik rather take up his challenge, or just kill him instead? Ah, decisions, decisions.
call me ponyboy - hope this chapter answers your question; PHLover213 - I didn't care for that chapter, but it's *so* tough (for me, at least) to advance a plot through correspondence; Silverwind Fara - I'm starting to think Raoul is masochistic - he must know that Erik is going to keep being awful to him!; JadeWilliams - thanks, hopefully it wasn't too long a wait!
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Letters, Part 6
by Monsieur Opera Ghost
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Dear Obstinate Pest,
While I remain displeased blackmail was utilized to bring about my presence, dinner was not as excruciating as I had anticipated. It was, at least, preferable to further weathering Madame Giry's murderous glare when your driver parked the carriage directly in her garden. No doubt you intended this tactic would secure my attendance.
Since one can only withstand so much of Giry's "gentle encouragement", you were proved correct. Your ploy was diabolical yet effective. I concede there is the exceptionally remote possibility you are somewhat less vapid than you appear.
Considering her abandonment, I find it difficult to believe Miss DaaƩ's reputation is of great import to you. In fact, you look to be recovering quite admirably from her flight. One could hardly fail to notice the doe-eyed reverence and fluttering eyelashes of the nubile young servant who brought our meals. It seems Christine's loss is her gain.
As for your ostensible sorrow over my idyllic past, allow me to be perfectly clear on this point. I neither desire nor accept your pity. Your compulsion to meddle in my personal affairs is likewise extraneous to requirements.
Do not transport my belongings. I expect to find them untouched when I return home.
Your superior in every way,
P.S. I hold no desire to punish anyone because they work for you; surely that is punishment enough.