A\n: I can't lie...I technically skipped the next song...But how the heck do I fit Remus\Tonks with an old, Lizzie McGuire movie song? LOL. My Ipod seriously needs updating...Anyways, the new song, (thanks to some cheating,) is: The Reason is You by Hoobastank...Pure Remus songggg...Loving it!

Bye, bye Lizzie, rofl.


Remus knew he was perfect, but he saw how he had hurt her...He never meant to; it crushed him..There were so many things he wished he hadn't done to her..One of which was getting her pregnant...He had to leave. It was bad enough his child might be a lycanthrope, but he had to leave before he or she grew up to resent him. So he had to tell her before he went, that he had found a reason to change...A reason to start new; He had to tell her that reason, was her.

He was sorry; so sorry. He had to live with it everyday as he walked alone in the woods, in the muggle villages...

All the paint he put her through; he wished he could take it all. One night, his arms just ached for her, and he wished he could be there catching the tears he knew hadn't stopped since he left.

The reason for everything in his life was her...Wanting to change himself...Wanting to get away from this shame and regret..

He wasn't perfect, but this wasn't helping.

He ran home, and the words he would tell her rang in his mind.

"I found a reason for me, to change who I used to be, a reason to start over new, and the reason is you. I found a reason to show, a side of me you didn't know, a reason for all that I do...And that reason, Tonks, is you."

A\n: Hey, hope you liked these first four chapters...please read, review, alert, anything (: I love PMs and reviews though...and if you review or PM, I'll reas one of your stories and review...and if you review and PM me with any questions or ideas and comments, I'll read and review two of your stories (: Oh, and btw, I'm really tired so I'm going to get some sleep, but my Ipod started the next song before I turned it off, and next chapter will be "My First Kiss" By 3OH3!...Any ideas? (;


Sweet dreams,
