A/N: Okay. So Thalia quit the hunters two years before this story, when the group (Percy, Annabeth, and Nico) were seventeen. So now they're nineteen, and Percy and Annabeth have been together for three years, and Thalia and Nico for one year. Don't ask why Thalia quit the huntresses, because I have no clue! Lolz. Also, I know they're underage to drink….. but- to bad :P

Annabeth's POV

It all started with a double date. I mean, I personally wouldn't have gone if I knew what would come of this. I would have ran in the opposite direction, and stayed home. Because the sane Annabeth wouldn't have done this. Absolutely, positively NOT. Nope.

I might as well start from where this all began, or why it began in the first place….

Percy and I walked down the crowded streets of New York City, holding hands. Nico and Thalia, were on our left, him with his arm around her waist. As we strolled along the sidewalk, Thalia suddenly stopped in front of a crowded bar with Ke$ha blasting through its speakers.

She glanced at me, and begged, "Please?" while clapping her hands together, letting her lower lip pucker out, and her electric blue eyes widen slightly.

"No." I said, afraid that if I glanced at her again, I'd give in.

"But-", Thalia countered. "Nope." I interrupted shaking my head.

"Well….. Then Nico and I are going in. Right, Nico?" Thalia said smirking. Nico shrugged, "Sure."

I sighed. I knew Thalia could take care of herself perfectly well, and Nico always kept her somewhat sane and on-track…. But Nico and Thalia—drunk? That's a completely different story.

I grabbed Percy's arm, and followed Nico and Thalia into the bar.


So the next day, thank Hermes we got home, Thalia and I sat in the apartment Percy and I shared, poking our stomachs.

"I can't believe you—drunk— convinced me—also drunk— to get my belly button pierced!"

"I know! But remind me to never underestimate how large a needle can get." Thalia said as she continued to poke her bare tummy with the hand she wasn't using holding her Pink Floyd black tee shirt slightly upwards revealing her stomach.

Across from us, were two laughing nineteen year old boys. By some crazy chance, Thalia and I had stumbled—completely drunk, might I add, into a body piercing shop, and unmistakably agreed to get our belly buttons pierced, before tripping to the apartment, and falling asleep on either the floor or one of the couches.

Thalia and I finally quit nudging the faint red circle that had formed around our belly buttons.

"So….." Nico sighed.

"Um…." Continued Thalia.

"Yeah…" Percy laughed awkwardly.

"I'm never double dating with you guys ever again!"

A/N: I know! It was REALLY short! Well…
