Summary: It was a normal day aboard the Destiny. That is until a power spike and two life signs appear in a recently pressurized room. Crossover with SG-1. Set after Justice. AU.
Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate. I own DJ but not Adria.
Pairings: Eli/Chloe, OC/Adria
"And that's how they got here." Young said after Eli paused the Kino tape.
Both O'Neill and Daniel just looked at the tape, too stunned for words. Finally after five minutes of silence, Daniel managed a word: "Wow." He breathed quietly. Jack was still quiet. He was still trying to absorb the fact that not only he had a son from another reality but in a different reality, his son was dead. And had taken his own life willingly. Jack rubbed his chin.
"When can we meet them?" Daniel asked quietly.
"They're in the mess hall right now." Young led the two men to the mess hall where there were sounds of excited talking.
When they entered, David was sitting on a table, facing them but addressing the gathered crowd. He was in the middle of telling them about how in his reality when he was stationed on Atlantis, Ronon Dex, Teal'c and himself stopped a large Wraith strike force from taking control of the SGC. David noticed Young, Scott and Brody standing at the doorway but continued his story. David wasted no detail in telling how gruesome it got when their guns went dry and they resorted to hand to hand combat and knives. The story ended on a good note and the crowd dispersed.
Young approached David. "David, this is General O'Neill." He gestured to Scott. "And this is Dr. Jackson." He gestured to Brody.
"I know."
Brody/Jackson blinked in surprise. "You know? How?"
David smirked. "Well, unfortunately, I didn't have to read your minds to figure that one out. Your mannerisms are similiar to the Dr. Jackson from my reality. And I'm pretty sure Mom wouldn't inhabit the body of a man either."
Brody/Jackson folded his arms. "Well, that was easy."
Jack tried to speak but no words came out. After all, what could he say?
That was it. The straw that broke his back. Jack stormed out of the room. It was bad enough that he had another son. It was bad enough that it was with Carter. It was bad enough that in another reality, both of his sons were dead.
But the worst: He looked like Charlie would've if he grew up.
After walking for five minutes, Jack came to a slow realization: he was lost.
David sighed. He knew his dad was upset, he couldn't blame him. He had to talk to him. David reached out with his mind and looked for his dad. A small smile crossed his face as he 'watched', for lack of a better term, Jack stumble his way through the ship. David relayed some directions to Jack's mind. David glanced at his watch, waited two minutes then left the mess hall, leaving a confused Daniel and Colonel Young behind.
Jack entered a doorway and stopped. He was at what people called 'The Balcony'. Jack watched in amazement as streams of light passed him by, if Carter was here she would tell him about the science of it all. It would kill the mood. Jack moved towards the railing, eyes fixated on the very impressive light show. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and sighed. It was about two to three minutes later that Jack realized that someone was standing next to him. He glanced out of the corner of his eye. 'Oh, him.' Jack thought as David rested his forearms on the railing. Neither of them spoke. Then Jack felt it. A tug on his stomach, as if some invisible force was pulling him. Before Jack could open his mouth, the view infront of him was gone.
Jack blinked as the world came into focus. He was back at the SGC, standing infront of the Stargate. "How the hell did I..." Jack trailed off when David appeared infront of him, looking casual with his hands in his pockets.
"I thought we could talk more privately in here." David said with a smirk.
Jack looked around. "This seems familiar."
David nodded. "The Replicators aren't the only ones who can do this. Me and Adria can do it to each other but we can also bring in other people if we like."
"Still a bit roomy in the ole fron."
"Actually, we're in my subconscious."
"Oh. Like father like son then." Jack said before he had a chance to realize what he said.
David smiled. "Well actually, I got mom's brains. I got your looks though."
"Mmmm. Sorry about that."
David chuckled. "You used to say that all the time. Hey, if this is too drab for you, I can change it."
A flash of light and they were standing on the dock at Jack's cabin in Minnesota.
"Much better." Jack said with a grin.
David bent down and picked up two fishing poles. "Wanna cast a few?"
Jack looked at him, unsure, as he accepted the pole. "We got time?"
"Only a minute has passed in the real world right now. So, yeah, we do."
Jack took a small step back and bumped into a folding chair. "You think of everything, don't you?"
As soon as he said the words, a fish jumped out of the pond then went back in. Then another jumped up, then another.
"Yeah, I do."
Three hours later...
The two O'Neills separated by time, reality and now a universe, sat contently in their folding chairs. Jack stretched in his fishing gear that David so graciously provided. David slumped lower in his seat and gear, nursing an old fashioned cold bottle of Coca-Cola in his lap. Between the two of them, they caught seven fish: three for Jack and four for David.
Jack sighed. "You know, I'll tell you, Charlie. This is great."
David paused as he lifted his bottle to his lips. Time seemed to stop. Jack froze, the cold reality of what he said sunk in. The two O'Neill's, almost in unison, looked at each other. They both wore the same expression of confusion. Jack turned away, upset and embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, David. It's just, when I look at you, I can see him again."
David nodded solemnly. "It's not the first time." He blurted out.
Jack winced. Knowing him, he probably made that mistake more than once. "What's he like? This other me."
David fiddled with the label on his bottle. "He's got a mustache."
Silence filled the dock as Jack processed the image. Then he heard a small snicker. He looked back at David who had his hand over his mouth and was shaking with laughter. Jack broke into a smile as well, a small chuckle escaped him. David couldn't hold it any longer. The two O'Neill's burst into fits of laughter which echoed through the entire forest.
Jack blinked and he was back on the Destiny. He glanced at Scott's watch. Only five minutes had passed. Jack looked around, a couple of people had wandered in but nobody questioned the fact that Scott and David stood side by side at the railing.
"So," David began. "are me and Adria a threat to Destiny and her crew?"
Jack sighed. "Well, you've got my vote. Daniel's too I'm sure. The IOA on the other hand..."
David scoffed lightly. "Some things never change."
"Ain't that the truth?"
To say Wray and Rush had taken over the ship was a shock to some people, it was a greater shock to everyone that Adria and David didn't see it coming. Adria had ended up on the civilian's side of the lockdown, not by choice. David had made his way over with the Colonel and when David heard that there was a tracking device in Rush's chest, he sized Rush up, drew his knife and plunged the blade into Rush's chest. The tip of the knive pierced the tracker and David pulled it out, Adria healed Rush right after David destroyed the device. When the ordeal was over with, David had asked her if even for one second she wanted to side with the civilians. Adria told him that for a moment she did but she knew that they had to work through this. Things got slightly worse after that. There was the discovery of the planet with the oblisek. Doctor Caine had officially declared it an "Act of God." David then officially declared that Caine was "A religious nutcase" to his face. Caine then proceeded to push David's buttons which didn't end well. Caine managed to walk away with a broken nose plus the ability to still walk and David rode back to Destiny with two broken knuckles which he healed. Soon after that, Scott, Chole, Eli and Greer became stranded on a planet. David opted to stay behind and help dig them out. Thankfully, David managed to get them out in time and before the Destiny had left the galaxy.
Things got better after that incident. Dr. Perry was brought on board to help with the hyperdrive situation. Things got alittle worse again when it was discovered that Scott, Eli, Chloe and Greer had a tick in the back of their necks that caused them to hallucinate. TJ managed to removed the bugs and Adria burned them to a crisp. The whole thing creeped David out, thankfully he didn't have one. "Yeah, I'm the last person you would want have one of those ticks." David later told Eli. Then it happened: Word got around that the Lucian Alliance was going to take over the ship.
David pulled Adria into an empty room while on their way to Colonel Young's briefing about what was about to transpire. As they sat down on a bench, David established a link with Adria. Usually the place David would take Adria to in his mind was the gateroom back on their Earth. However, this was different. They were inside a home. Adria looked around, marveling at the beauty of it. Large windows lined the far wall, showing a nice looking neighborhood. The sun was shining brightly through the windows. Adria walked into the living room. A flat screen TV rested on the left wall, a large L shaped couch sat across from it. A baby grand piano sat near the far wall by the windows. Adria noticed a picture frame close to her. She picked it up and looked at it. Both Adria and David were in the picture, they were in a forest offworld andsitting on a log. Adria sat between David's legs with his arms wrapped around her shoulders, holding her close. Both of them were smiling. Adria put the picture down, she noticed that even her clothes were different. Adria was slowly getting used to wearing SG uniforms, she owned very few civilian clothes. She now wore a light red sundress and she was barefoot. She glanced back at David.
David was wearing worn blue jeans, a pale blue button up shirt and a white T shirt underneath. He leaned against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets. "Do you like it?"
Adria beamed. "You built this?"
David nodded. "It took me a while. Getting everything just right."
"This is what you hid from me."
David sighed. "I'm sorry for deceiving you. I wanted to keep this a secret for alittle while longer but it seems the Alliance has forced my hand. So to speak."
Adria sat on the couch. "It's beautiful. But why?"
David sat next to her. "I created this place so we both can enjoy it. It's a place we can escape to when the day to day things get alittle hectic."
"Just us?"
David shook his head. "No, we can bring other people here. But for now, it's just for us."
Young was just finishing up his speech when David and Adria came in. "Where do you need us, Colonel?"
Young pointed at Adria. "I need you with TJ. We're probably going to have wounded and you have healing abilities."
Young turned to David. "I need you on the front lines. You can read minds. You can anticipate. You have defensive capabilities. You'll be working with Greer."
David nodded. "On it Chief."
David made his way to the gateroom where Greer was ushering out the remaining civilians. David stood at the door as Greer approached.
"Master Sergeant."
Greer stood next to him. "Major."
David glanced sideways at him. "You don't have to call me by my rank. David's fine."
"Yes, sir."
David winced. "And don't call me that either. I'm younger than you are!"
Greer grinned to himself. "Yes, sir."
David rolled his eyes. "Nevermind. We all secure here?"
Greer nodded. "Five by five."
David nodded in return. "Good. Let's get ready to greet our guests."
A/N: Sorry about rushing things in the middle there regarding the events that happened in Season 1. I wanted to flesh those sentences out into chapters but I realized two things: 1. I don't have that kind of time. 2. I'm creative but not that creative. The next chapter will be the Lucian Alliance incursion from start to finish. The ending will definitely stray into the AU category with one major change. And I wanted to apologize to everyone who was waiting for an update about this story. I'll try to update as soon as I can.