A/N: I'm not sure. I just started it, on a whim. With nothing but the thought of Winter and things I do to keep problematic thoughts off my mind. So I thought, hey, setting? Sometime in the Winter season. Take the idea of busying things and apply it to Vanille. Might have angst moments. Of course there will be some OOC moments on Lightning's part, but I feel it will probably be justified with the situation I'm putting them in. I did beat the game, but I never read episode zero so apologies ahead of time if I get information that was given in that wrong.
Lightning/Vanille probably won't be definite until later. With looks at other relationships, of course. But from an outsiders point of view.
With that, I leave this note with the added (minor?) note that this is taking place at an unknown time frame after the end of the game, so there might be spoilers (Lightning's name most definitely, as I'm dealing with Serah in some instances) but nothing too major.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. All rights go to their respectful owners, this is a fan-made addition to FFNet.
Something Off
Lightning coolly set her coffee cup down and considered her sister's offer. Though she knew the answer was predictable, even to her sister, she rarely turned down offers to spend time with her. This time, however, an added addition to the duo made the older woman slightly uneasy. More-so when she noticed the lack of noted added additions significant other. She decided not to point it out, it wasn't her place and she honestly did not have a care for the reason.
That, however, did not mean she couldn't feel slightly bothered. Even if she didn't care for the reason of the Pulsian's separation, the fact that they were even separated set off an uneasy alarm in her mind.
After taking another sip, she stood from her seat in the small cafe, a silent confirmation that she would accompany her sister and her companion. Vanille did not seem to understand the action, but seemingly the sight of Serah excitedly dragging the tall soldier out the cafe door said volumes.
Certainly, Lightning had somewhat agreed, albeit with inner reluctance she could never voice to her sister, to come on their crazy winter shopping trip. She did not, however, agree to be the one carrying their purchases. Being the taller, stronger of the trio, the two younger girls came to a mutual agreement that Lightning should be tasked with the less desirable job. Part of Lightning wondered where they had accumulated enough money to buy the amount of garments and other useless products they had purchased.
With time, Lightning eventually lagged behind the chatty companions, bemusedly watching them gossip and shoot flirtatious smiles at onlookers. If her hands weren't so full of bags and boxes, if she wasn't so exhausted, Lightning would have chided her sister for her unladylike behavior. Especially since she had a husband at home.
More so, Lightning caught onto Vanille's uneasy, searching, glances into the crowded streets. It was some time before she gave up her search with a disheartened sigh.
"Something wrong?" Serah seemingly caught on as well, her sister could be carefree like Vanille, but at times she had the ability to read peoples actions and asses situations. The question startled the Pulsian, who smiled nervously and waved a dismissive hand in front of her face, "nothing, nothing...just thought I saw something familiar. All this shopping really takes a lot out of ya! OH! Lightning!" With eyes wide, the animated girl quickly twirled around, not before Lightning could stop herself from colliding with the chipper girl. It took everything in the soldier not to stumble to the ground. After several seconds of uneasy wobbling, she managed to keep herself upright and the boxes balanced.
Vanille, on the other hand, had fallen onto her rear. The redhead winced and smiled sheepishly, accepting Serah's offered hand with an embarrassed blush. "Sorry about that! I had forgotten that Lightning was with us! You're so quiet.."
"It happens. Are you sure you're...?" She shook her head dismissively, "never mind. What did you want?"
"Nothing, I just...well I figured you might be exhausted! You know? I was just saying that and then...well it reminded me I guess."
"Claire's always carrying stuff for me! I bet this helps with her stamina training!" Serah giggled heartily, "I doubt she's that tired."
"Its true." The older of the three confirmed, "I wouldn't go so far as to say it helps with much though.." she trailed off, noting the familiar sound of heavy footsteps behind her. The look on her sister's face confirmed what she had dreaded.
"Serah!" Now there was a voice Lightning never wished to hear, even if she had come to terms with her situation.
Snow Villiers, an ogre of a man, and dimwit at that, casually approached the group, making certain to give her sister a quick peck on the lips. Lightning looked away in disdain, Vanille giggled childishly.
He smirked at Lightning, "and whose behind those boxes? Is it Sis?"
The soldier grunted in return, causing the man to chuckle slightly, "well, you look exhausted. So I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that I'm taking Serah off your hands. Along with some of those purchases."
The group had somehow managed to stumble into an emptying restaurant, a rare sight considering the over populated streets. Lightning noted how light her arms felt the moment she placed the possessions on the ground beside their table. She wondered just how much of it was her sister's.
The soldier sat idly beside Vanille, boredom slowly overcoming her as she watched the cheery exchange between the couple sitting before them. Though she hated Snow, with much passion at that, she was glad her sister had managed to find happiness in her life. She wondered, how much happiness had she herself been able to bring her?
After their parent's deaths she could not manage much, she was not the same. She had thrown away her childhood and taken on a new life, a new reality. She was no longer Claire Farron, she died when her parents were buried. No, she was Lightning Farron. Cold and distant, without meaning to be. She devoted so much time to protecting her sister that she wondered how much of it went to hurting her as well.
At that time, she did not need a protector, no, she needed a friend. That was something the soldier could not muster for the life her. So in the gradual distancing that she herself had not foresaw, her sister had stumbled upon NORA and made friends with people that Lightning could never agree with. But they were her sister's friends, and that was rare even for a sociable person like Serah. True friends, unlike the false girls she hung around before their parent's deaths. Girls that sneered and gossiped behind her back, hurt her with piercing comments that Serah would brush off with a halfhearted chuckle.
Lightning unconsciously tugged at her scarf, carelessly tossed on when she left the cafe earlier that morning, it frightened her to know that her sister had developed a mask long before Lightning herself had developed one of her own.
The gap only grew when Lightning had devoted most of her time to work and keeping up with payments, they saw less and less of each other. Lightning only saw more hardships and concerns, Serah saw more of Snow.
Thought final thought was cut off when Serah addressed her loudly, "geez Claire, you're really out of it now!" She furrowed her brow and placed a cold hand to her sisters forehead, finally she sighed, "well at least you're not ill."
Lightning frowned, "sorry, I was just thinking." This received an amused glance from their pulsian companion, who still seemingly managed to hold a rather troubled expression.
"Well, like I said..." Serah continued nonchalantly, "Snow and I are heading out now, so I'll leave you two alone."
"Don't address us as if we're dating.." the soldier chided, Serah giggled and and stood before she could allow Lightning to protest anymore.
"Stick together okay? That's an order, soldier." She winked jokingly.
Lightning watched in confusion as her sister waltzed out of the restaurant, arm in arm with Snow. She looked over at the embarrassed Vanille, who had suddenly taken to laughing heartily as if Serah had told a hilarious joke, "I'm willing to bet she's still worried about me! Really though, you can leave if you want. I'm not holding you hostage or anything."
Brows knitted, Lightning studied the others troubled expression, "really though...somethings off.." she muttered, just low enough for Vanille to duck forward to catch the end of her sentence, "pardon?"
"Nothing." The pinknette dismissed the previous comment, "where would you like to go next?"
This caused the other to tap her chin thoughtfully, the prospect of heading to a new destination seemed to have lightened her mood slightly. With a quick glance outside the window they were sitting beside she ecstatically pointed towards the building across the street. Lightning glanced between the brilliantly glowing words "ARCADE" and the childish gleam in Vanille's eyes, "the arcade?"
"I've never been to one," Vanille admitted with a sheepish blush, "and Serah said you two went there all the time when you were kids. Sorry, its probably stupid, but I've always wanted to try that 'claw' thing!"
Lightning blinked, the request was, at most, random. She considered it longer before nodding, "fine. We'll go to the arcade."