Disclaimer: I do not own.

Reuben walked along the spaceship's halls humming softly to himself. Ever since that day at the beach he had had the tune stuck in his head. He couldn't get rid of it, and he didn't really want to. He had really enjoyed himself that day. After the camera incident he had played his saxophone in the makeshift band, and even done a solo. Greensleeves had told him she liked it, and he had felt proud when she said it. Towards evening the dancing had started. He had quickly noticed that Greensleeves had no partner. When he wasn't playing on stage he was dancing with her. They danced very well together for two who had such very different dancing styles. He had talked to Lilo about Greensleeves' new one true place, and she had said she'd talk to the store owner. Reuben hoped Greensleeves got the job.

"Oof!" Reuben ran against something solid. He looked up to see who he had run into. It was Gantu. "Hi G, whatcha doing?"

"Walking to the control room," Gantu answered. "Were you humming Greensleeves?" Gantu had noticed how much time Reuben had spent with the green experiment.

"It wasn't Greensleeves," Reuben defended. "It was What Child Is This."

"An earth holiday song?" Gantu did not look convinced.

"Well it's about that time isn't it? Christmas comes after Thanksgiving. Say, do you think they'll do the same sort of thing for Christmas as they did for Thanksgiving?" Reuben changed the subject.

Gantu glanced around him. The hallway was empty. He squatted down to Reuben's level and whispered, "Did you um... like her?"

Reuben took a step back. He hadn't expected Gantu to be this nosy. "You are starting to act like that walking noodle, did you know that?"

Gantu stood up, "I have to be going now." He walked off.

Reuben sighed. Looks like I've offended him. Boy, he's getting touchy lately. Of course comparing him to Pleakley was a bit strong. Reuben headed towards his quarters. He needed to be alone for awhile.

Later that day he received a knock on his door. "Come in!" he called, not really caring who it was. The silver doors slid open, and there stood Gantu.

"What do you want?" Reuben asked.

"Officer Reuben."

Reuben looked up. Gantu never called him by his title.


"I am giving you a week's leave."

"A week's leave! What for? If this is about comparing you to the walking noodle, I'm sorry."

"It is not about that," Gantu paused. He needed to think of a good reason to tell Reuben. "Uh," then it came to him. "All officers must take a week off after their third month." It was a weak lie. He never was very clever at falsehoods, but he hoped it would work.

"Why didn't I know this before?" Reuben was suspicious.

"I just forgot," Gantu explained.

Reuben sighed. He didn't believe Gantu, but it wouldn't hurt to take a week off, as long as Gantu wasn't planning on getting rid of him. "Okay, I'll go, as long as I can come back."

"Of course!" Gantu sounded genuinely surprised.

"When do I leave?"

"Tomorrow." Gantu left the room. As soon as the doors closed behind him he relaxed. Reuben had seemed to believe him. It was time to report to Lilo.

Reuben looked around him. Tomorrow. That didn't leave him much time to pack. He guessed he would go to earth; after all, it was the only place he really knew. Lilo would probably let him stay at her house. It would be nice to visit her, and maybe while he was there he could ask how Greensleeves was doing. It would be the polite thing to do. He ignored the little voice in his head that asked him when he was ever interested in being polite, and that maybe he just wanted to see Greensleeves again.

"Aren't you a little young to be playing matchmaker?" Nani asked.

"Greensleeves' one true place is with Reuben," Lilo declared.

"And how do you know this?"

"Because they were looking at each other the same way Stitch and Angel look at each other. I saw them!"

"You can't make plans on just a look."

"Well, it's too late now. I've already started."

"What's already started?" Pleakley entered the living room.

"Nothing," Lilo answered. Pleakley meant well, but she had a feeling he would be more hindrance then help to her plan.

"Oh, alright then. I'm just going to the mall. Bye!" With that Pleakley exited the house.

"Besides," Lilo finished her argument, "she won't have to live here anymore if she goes with Reuben."

Nani wavered at this. It wasn't that she didn't like Greensleeves. It was just with Lilo, Jumba, Pleakley, Stitch, and now Angel the house was getting full. And the fact that what with three experiments already in the house, it would make it that much easier for Lilo to convince her that one more wouldn't hurt. She gave in. "Alright. But be very careful. You can hurt people's feelings doing things like this."

"Don't worry," Lilo smiled. "I have everything all planned out."

Reuben knocked nervously on Lilo's door. Gantu had dropped him off this morning, saying he had already told Lilo about Reuben's vacation and that she had been delighted to have him stay at her house. He still found all this strange. Something fishy was going on. He just didn't know what. The door opened and all other thoughts fled from his mind. For there was Greensleeves! "Greensleeves? What are you doing here?"

Greensleeves smiled at him. "Reuben! It's so nice to see you!" She opened the door wider allowing him to come in.

"It's great to see you too," Reuben responded. "But I thought you'd be staying at the costume shop?"

"I've been living here," she smiled sadly "I didn't get the job."

"You didn't? Why not?"

"Hawaii is a warm climate and medieval costumes do tend to be heavy."

"Oh, that's too bad. Don't worry, Greens, you're pretty. I'm sure you will find a place somewhere." Reuben comforted the best he could. She really looked disappointed.

Greensleeves lowered her head and blushed at this unexpected comment. "Thank you, Reuben."

Reuben looked around him. "Hey, where are all the others?"

"Pleakley took Jumba to the mall, Nani is at work, Lilo is at hula practice, and Angel and Stitch went for a walk on the beach. Please sit down. I'd show you to your room but Lilo hasn't told me where you're going to sleep yet." Greensleeves gestured toward the couch.

Reuben took up her offer. Setting his brown bag down beside the couch he scrambled onto it, while she sat on the opposite end. "So we're all alone huh?"

"Yes, I suppose so," Greensleeves shifted uncomfortably. As host she aught to suggest something to do, but she couldn't think of anything.

"Do you want to watch TV?" Reuben suggested, saving her from having to think of anything.

"Sure," she answered. She didn't particaully like TV. Most of the programs on it were silly, but it wouldn't hurt her to watch a bit.

"Great," Reuben reached for the remote. "They don't have television in space, for some reason."

Lilo crept up the steps to her home. Reuben should be here by now. She thought that the best way to get them to realize they like each other was to leave them alone, so she had left for hula class early. She had also convinced Jumba to ask Pleakley to take him to the mall. Nani was already going to work, and she only had to suggest the word beach to get Stitch and Angel to go. Quietly, Lilo opened the door.

Reuben and Greensleeves were still sitting on the couch, except they were much closer now, and Reuben had his arm about her. When Lilo entered the room, they jumped apart from each other as if guilty of something.

"Hi guys," Lilo waved.

"Hi Lilo. Well, you can see I got here safely," Reuben slid off the couch, as did Greensleeves.

"Lilo, do you know where Rueben is going to sleep? I couldn't show him to his room because I didn't know," Greensleeves asked.

"He's going to sleep in our room with me and Stitch. Jumba made an extra bed."

Reuben reached down and picked up his bag, "I'll just go put my bag up there." He had been in the house before and knew the way. He exited the living room leaving Lilo and Greensleeves alone.

Greensleeves turned to Lilo. Still embarrassed at being caught snuggling on the couch with Reuben, she reverted to formalities. With a small curtsy she asked, "May I have use of your kitchen?"

"Well, I guess," Lilo looked thoughtful, "as long as you don't blow anything up." The microwave had already exploded once this week and she didn't think Nani could endure another one, at least not until next week.

Greensleeves smiled, "You shall not have to worry about that."

Softly singing to herself Greensleeves walked around the kitchen. Reuben must be hungry after his trip. She would fix what he appeared to like best. She had never made one before but it didn't look too difficult. She pulled out a chair and stood on it, allowing her to reach the table. Grabbing a plate and some bread she set to work.

When Reuben came back downstairs (if you could call it downstairs, seeing as you used a lift to get there) Greensleeves was waiting for him. "I made some sandwiches for you in case you were hungry."

Reuben smiled at her. She had remembered his favorite food! "Thanks! I'm starved."

Greensleeves looked nervously on while he tried one of the sandwiches. "I have never made one before," she confessed, "so if they're awful..."

Reuben set the sandwich down and chewed thoughtfully. He gave the sandwich an expert look. The bread was a little crooked, the peanut butter too thick, and the jelly too thin, but it wasn't bad for a first try. "Not bad, but it could be improved some." He finished off the sandwich. "How bout I show you how to make a perfect sandwich?"

"Yes, that sounds wonderful," she responded and the two set to work.

Greensleeves sat on the Pelekai's porch steps dejectedly. She sighed sadly. All day long she and Reuben had been trying to find her one true place. All day long they had been met with failures. It was nearing the end of the week now, and soon Reuben would go back to his job as a galley officer. This thought made her sigh again. She didn't know what she was going to do when he went away. Life would be so dull and depressing. She and Reuben had had fun this week. Most of their time was spent trying to fine Greensleeves' one true place, but they did other things as well. Take walks on the beach, watch movies, make sandwiches...

"Don't worry we'll find your place somewhere."

Greensleeves jumped. "Reuben, you frightened me!"

"Sorry," he apologized.

"Its alright," she sighed for the third time, "I don't even know if I want a true place."


Greensleeves shook her head. Why had she said that? Well, she had to go on now. "I have greatly enjoyed your company," she lowered her head and blushed, "and I will be greatly saddened when you depart."

Reuben's heart beat faster. He had been thinking about something for awhile now, but he had thought she would prefer finding a one true place here in Hawaii. "Greens," he started and then stopped.


"Greens, I was thinking. Maybe I could convince Gantu to give you a place in the fleet. You could be my assistant if you wanted to."

Greensleeves' eyes lit up. "Really!" She asked like an excited schoolgirl. Realizing how unlady like that sounded, she added, "I would be honored to be your assistant."

Reuben smiled broadly, "Great! I'll call G. There shouldn't be a problem. After all I've saved his tail enough times." He started to hurry off but then stopped. Not quite having the courage do to what he wanted to do, he settled with sweeping Greensleeves up in a large hug.

She squealed with laughter, completely forgetting to be a lady, and hugged him back. Reuben finally set her down. "Come on. The communicator device is in my room." He grabbed her hand and walked up the steps.

Gantu grinned as he turned off the communicator device. It seems the little earth girl was right. It had only taken a week. Now maybe Reuben would get back to work. He had been so distracted lately that, if it wasn't for the people under him, nothing would have gotten done. Gantu thought of Reuben humming Greensleeves in the halls and him trying to say it was something different. He had not brought it up today, but he was definitely going to bring it up later. Especially after all the teasing Reuben had given him over the years. He allowed himself a small chuckle.

Reuben had never felt so happy. Like he had expected, Gantu had agreed to the plan. Reaching into his bag and pulling out his saxophone, he began to play, pouring his joy into the music.

Lilo smiled to herself as she listened to the music drifting downstairs. She had been right. Her plan had worked. Greensleeves would go with Reuben and they would both be happy. Now all she had do to was to get Nani and David married...

Greensleeves looked around the room she had been sharing with Angel. She had never really liked staying there. It had always felt like she was imposing, never like she was truly home. But she would be home soon. She could sense that on the spaceship it would be different. It would have to be, for she would be in her one true place-with Reuben. She wouldn't dare tell him that yet. But someday... someday she would.

Well that the end of this story. I hope you've enjoyed it. I may write a follow up with more action and adventure, but that depends on my mood. Currently I'm a bit busy writing a Stargate MacGyver crossover.