Chapter 7

The new team

The next morning. The Yamanaka residents

Knock, knock, knock.

Ino woke to the sound of her father knocking on her bedroom door. "Time to wake up princess, we both have been summoned to the Hokage tower in about an hour from now. I will have breakfast ready when you get downstairs."

Ino groggily opened her eyes and slowly sat up in her bed. She rubbed her eyes and then put her arms above and gave one long stretch. "Ok daddy, I'll be down in a few." Ino swings her legs over the side of the bed and stands to walk to her closet to grab her close and heads to her bathroom to freshen up.

She then takes a quick shower and gets dressed into her ninja outfit and puts on her gear. When she finishes getting ready, Ino heads downstairs to meet with her father who hands her a bowl of rice for breakfast. "Morning daddy, so what do you think Hokage-sama wants this morning? It's not every day that we're both called together to the tower for a meeting."

Inoichi took a bite of rice then responded to his daughter. "We will find out soon enough, princess, so eat up. I will shunshin us there when we are done."

With that, Ino and Inoichi finish breakfast, cleared the table, and Inoichi places his hand onto his daughters shoulder and transports them in a puff of smoke in front of the Hokage's tower. The pair of blonds head into the tower and head upstairs to the Hokage's office.

They get to the reception area where the Hokage's secretary's desk was and the elder Yamanaka says "Inoichi and Ino Yamanaka to see the Hokage as ordered." The secretary checks her appointment log and looks back to Inoichi "Please have a seat, the Hokage is in a meeting at the moment and he will be with you shortly." Inoichi nods to the secretary "Thank you, ma'am."

The pair takes a seat and Inoichi looks to his daughter and starts talking "So Ino, the last few days I've seen a change in you. You seem to have an extra bit of peep in your step. I have also seen you smile more this past few days than I have seen in a long while."

Ino blushes which didn't go unnoticed by her father "umm…. Well, you see….ummm…. I kinda started to date someone."

Inoichi raised an eyebrow "Really, and when was I going to be told about this. Just who is it that has stolen my princess's heart." He said after crossing his arms and giving her the all-powerful 'Daddy Super Stair of Disappointment'.

Just as Ino was about to say something the secretary walked up to them "Thank you for waiting. The Hokage will see the two of you now. This way please."

Inoichi looks back to Ino and points at her nose "To be continued little missy." And follows the secretary to the Hokage's office with Ino directly behind her looking really nerves.

The secretary walked to the door and opened it and announced the pairs visit and led them into the office. She let the two pass her and left while closing the door behind her.

Inoichi and Ino walk into the office to see it full of other people. There was the Hokage sitting at his desk smoking his pipe. Behind him was an Anbu with an odd raven mask wearing a black cloak with red clouds all over.

Sitting in front of him was a blond with twin loose braids wearing a green jump suit that was stretched to its limit with her well-endowed chest. Standing behind her was a younger woman with dark hair wearing a dark color battle kimono. She appeared to be holding a small pig in her arms.

In the back of the room stood two people Ino recognized. One was Kakashi Hatake, a Jonin with a bad habit of reading certain books out in the open.

The other person was someone Ino knew who worked with her father at the I.T. department. It was the snake mistress Anko Mariachi.

But the person that got Ino's attention was a certain blond headed boy who was talking to the Hokage at the moment, which didn't go unnoticed to Inoichi. He filed it away to go with the earlier conversation he had with his daughter. He walked up to the desk "Inoichi and Ino Yamanaka reporting as ordered Hokage-sama."

At that time Naruto turns around to see Ino and gives her a bright smile. "Ino-chan, you're here too? How cool is that?" and sports a good guy pose…. With gleaming tooth. In the distance one could hear someone shout something about the powers of youth being spread somewhere. Which interned caused the adults in the room to sweatdrop. "Naruto-kun, as Hokage I am giving you a direct order to never do that again. Am I clear?" the Hokage said giving off a small amount of KI. Enough that caused Naruto to drop his arm and begin to sweat. "Hehehe… Ok ok I gotcha jiji. Sorry about that." And places his hand behind his head, and backs away slowly from the Hokage closer to Ino, again which didn't go unnoticed by Inoichi.

He looks back to Ino with another raised eyebrow. Ino could do nothing but giggle nervously with a guilty look on her face. He then walked up the set of chairs to the blond "Lady Tsūnade, Lady Shizūne. I must say that I never thought I would never see you in Konoha again, but I am pleased to see your return. "

Upon recognizing the name Ino became wide eyed and a bit confused. The lady standing in front of her was one of the legendary sanin, but she looked way too young to be her though.

Tsunade looks to Inoichi "Well if it isn't my favorite mind walker, and is this little Ino-chan. My word, the last time I saw you, you were still in diapers. My you have grown into a beautiful Kunoichi. You look just like your mother with your dads hair color." Ino was blushing like mad with all complements the legendary sanin was giving her.

Ino then got distracted when she saw the Hokage stand from his desk and walk to the door to start a long set of hand signs. He then places his hand on the door frame and the whole room glowed blue for a split second. Ino looked to her dad and he saw the confusion on her face. "That was a sound barrier seal as it sound proofs the room." Ino nodded her head in understanding. That's when the Hokage sat back down to begin the meeting, but first he grabbed his pipe, reloaded it, and sparked it with a small katon jutsu and took one long drag on the pipe to blow the smoke into the air.

"Ahh, now onto today's docket; to start off I would like to welcome both Tsūnade and Shizūne back home. It fills a hole in this old man's heart to have you both back from your long absence. You both have been gravely missed here." He takes another drag from his pipe and wipes away a lone tear from his cheek

"I will start this meeting by stating that everything that is discussed here today is to be concentered a SS class secret. First thing I wish to discuss is why you are all here. We are here to discuss the future of Konoha. I will start off with my student Tsūnade; you are here for multiple reasons. First is you will take over as head of the hospital, and get it back to top form. I assume that Shizūne can help you with that function. On to the second reason; you are to start a new class in the academy to teach the art of field medicine. When you get it ready we will start the program that you begged me to implement so long ago. We will start having a trained mednin in each new team. I even have your first student here in the room, Miss Yamanaka Ino. I would like you to teach her all you can on the art of mednin."

Tsūnade turned to see the fellow blond standing next to her father looking very shocked. Tsūnade couldn't help but chuckle at her as she turned back to the Hokage when he continued talking.

"Another reason she is here is to perform an important operation on Naruto here. Normally I would never agree to such a controversial procedure, but due to resent events I believe this is imperative to the future, and security of the leaf village. I am having you transplant Sasuke's sharingan eyes into Naruto. I believe with the help of the fox's healing ability, and your medical skills he will have full function of the sharingan."

Naruto looked to the Hokage and raised his hand "As to that jiji, I had a conversation with the fur ball about that. He told me that in return for access to my senses so he won't be so 'board' he told me that he will unlock all the sharingan's powers and improve all my senses plus make it where I'll keep my blue eye color when the sharingan is not in use. "

The Hokage takes a moment to proses this new bit of information and takes another drag from his pipe and continues "Thank you for telling me Naruto, but I want you to be very extremely careful when dealing with the fox. I still don't trust it fully. As I was saying; I believe this will help in the future. I have received some reports on a very dangerous man. As I have already told some of you already; we are facing none other than Uchiha Madera."

Tsunade let out a gasp "What a minute, I thought my granddad killed him at the valley of the end."

The ageing Hokage took another drag from his pipe and continued "No, we were mistaken about that. It appears that he had unlocked a special ability of the sharingan that allowed him to escape unnoticed somehow. He has also learned how to prolong his life it seems too, and this is just the beginning. I won't get into much detail about it right now, but I will say this. He is responsible for a lot more of the worst things that has happened to Konoha, including the attack of the Kyūbi along with the massacre of the Uchiha clan."

The Hokage lets everyone spoke in that bit of information before moving on. "Inoichi, I assume you have been fully briefed on the Akatsuki?" Inoichi nods. "Good, I want you to tell Ino everything you know about them. I am planning a future team to deal with this threat, and I am assigning Ino to this team."

"Hokage-sama, you can't be serious. Ino has just graduated from the academy." Inoichi said trying to rain in his anger.

The Hokage took another drag while Ino just stood there with a dumfounded look upon her face "I understand your concern Inoichi, but please let me finish."

The Hokage then looked to Ino "Ino Yamanaka, I am reassigning you to a new team. With sasuke's death, Sakura's meltdown, and with this new threat of the Akatsuki I have to restructure team placement. I have already informed your sensei about this just this morning. Your other teammates are being reassigned as we speak. Shikamaru is being trained by his father as my new stagiest. Chōji is to be trained to head homeland security by his father. You Ino will be trained by multiple teachers. You will be trained in the mednin arts by Tsūnade. You are also to be trained by Anko and your father in the art of torture and interrogation. You will also be trained by your new squad leader in the art of ninjutsu. You will serve as this teams filed doctor, I.T. specialist, and serve as backup for your new teammates. I know I am asking a lot out of you, but I have no chose in this matter. The threat we face is massive, however I have faith in all of you. This new team will be as follows. Squad leader will be Kakashi. Second in charge will be the Anbu you see here. His code name is raven. Your other teammate will be Naruto. This team's primary objective will be the destruction of the Akatsuki. Now, I need to tell you about your new teammate raven. He has been away from the village for a while on a recon mission. He has been acting as a spy who has infiltrated the ranks of the Akatsuki as one of their members. He has been and is one of my most trusted shinobi. His identity will remain a closely guarded secret known to only the people in this room. Raven, could you please remove your mask."

The Anbu reaches up to his mask and with a click detaches it from his face to reveal a pair of sharingan spinning wildly. And with no emotion in his voice speaks. "As ordered Hokage-sama."

The Hokage continues "may I present your new teammate and teacher Itachi Uchiha."

There was mixed reactions in the room. Some who knew he was here just stood there with a small smirk. The others just stood there with a look of shock on their face.

The Hokage took another drag off his pipe and proceeded to tell the room the truth behind Itachi and the massacre. The next few hours was used to let the Hokage go over what the plan for the new team along with giving them there new training schedule.

The Hokage looked at the people in the room "Naruto, Ino, I want you two to take the rest of the day off. Tomorrow starts your new training regiment, and starts a new chapter in your lives. Dismissed. Naruto, Tsūnade, I need you to remain behind to discuss about the operation tomorrow.

With that Inoichi and Ino walked out the tower together without saying anything. It was Ino who spoke first "Wow. That's all I can say is wow." With a look of shock upon her face.

Inoichi places his hand on his daughters shoulder "I know this is a lot to take in, but I hope you see just how big this truly is. I need to go to my office to pick up a few things to help me explain about the Akatsuki more. I will meet you back at the house in about an hour to discuss this more in private. Ohh, and don't think I didn't see how you and Naruto were looking at each other. That is something else we will be discussing at home." Inoichi leaned over and placed a kiss on top of Ino's head and Shunshined to his office in a puff of smoke.

Elsewhere at the hospital…


In a room lay Sakura still in a deep coma from her breakdown on the bridge in wave. The doctors didn't think she would ever wake up. In the shadows of the room a masked Anbu came out and walked to the side of the bed. He saw Sakura hooked up to a bunch of machines. The girl looked like she was just asleep. The Anbu did a long set of hand seals and places his hand upon her forehead and pushed a small amount of chakra into her head. As soon as he removes his hand her eyes pop open and saw the Anbu standing next to her. "It's about time you woke me. I was about to go mad of boredom trapped inside my own mind for so long.

The Anbu then places his hand upon her shoulder "Lord Danzō has decided to return you to him back at NE headquarters. He wishes to speak to you about your new mission cense you last mission to try to seduce the last Uchiha has failed due to sasuke's passing."

And with that the two disaster in a puff of smoke. What the two missed was the small toad hiding in the air vent. It too disappeared in a puff of smoke.