Tsukasa: What if Torn and Ashlein get thrown back in time? Five hundred and two years to be precise. What would their reaction be to fifteen year old Jak? Especially when he is mute and not dark eco touched. There are many OOC Moments so my apologies. Here's the end of this short story, thanks to all who've reviewed!

Time Travel Mishaps

Chapter 3: All's Well That Ends...Well?

Jak awoke to see a face he thought he'd never see again. Then he remembered the portal and,

"Keira!" he said looking around to see she was next to him and they were on the beach and standing next to his cousin was himself at age fifteen along with the newly ottselfied Daxter, and fourteen-year-old Keira.

"Jak?" said his Keira groggily sitting up only to look at their company in shock.

"You just spoke." Said Daxter.

"Of course he did." Keira, the older, said.

"What are you kids doing standing abou-Great Precursors!" said Samos.

"Daddy, we need to talk." Said the younger Keira pointing to the older one.

"You four leave, I need to speak to these two." Said Samos.

"Nothing doing." Said Daxter and younger Jak nodded numbly.

"You'd better leave before this paradox messes with your head." Said Older Keira. "Even in the future you can't handle thinking too much Daxter."

"HEY!" said Daxter outraged as younger Jak laughed with silent laughter and older Jak laughed a loud.

Of course this drew Torn and Ashlein to see their Jak and Keira were now there as well.

"Now there's two of them." Torn remarked.

"That's what I said!" Daxter yelled.

"How did you two get here?" Ashlein asked the pair.

"Jak could tell something was wrong so he looked over the surveillance footage and spotted you two entering Dead Town. When we entered there was this portal where the hut used to be sucking up anything and everything. After radioing for Daddy and the Freedom League I got sucked in and Jak along with me." Keira explained. "That means the biggest question is how to get back before we destroy the space-time continuum."

"We must consult the Oracle." Mar said startling everyone, having been silent the whole time.

"Oracles don't always give you straight answers." Future Jak muttered.

"It's better than nothing." Mar snapped.

"Calm down!" Future Keira said. "You, past us and Daxter don't you have things to be doing so you can get to Rock Village?"

"She's right you know." Said the other Keira.

"Of course you'd agree with her, she's you!" Daxter complained as the trio walked away. The younger Jak shaking his head silent as the pair argued.

"So when do you gain the ability to talk?" Mar asked.

"Long story and I'm not telling." Future Jak said in a tone that said 'drop it or else.'

"Let's just get to the Oracle." Future Keira said defusing the situation. Torn and Ashlein followed unsure of how to ask them about all of what they'd seen in the small village. They arrived before the oracle which said,

"You four do not belong here!"

"Tell us something we don't know." Jak grumbled. "Is there a way back aside from the other way?"

"Find the Precursor Temple in the Desert, the Oracle there will be able to get you back to where you belong." That oracle said before it fell silent.

"Desert?" Jak asked.

"The Wasteland." Torn said. "Only I don't know where it is in this time period."

"If this was where Haven is going to be located and this is the future sight of Dead Town, which direction is it?" Keira asked.

"Towards that Island and beyond it." Ashlein said.

"How are we going to get there?" Torn asked.

"I have an idea." Jak said.

They found themselves in a small boat speeding away from the mainland with Mar in tow. He was with them to take the boat back.

"So this was how you two got to Misty Island that night." Keira said to Jak as he controlled the boat.

"With those lurker sharks it was either 'borrow' the boat or be lunch." Jak said.

"Misty Island?" asked Ashlein.

"We just passed it." Jak said as they sailed past the aforementioned landmass. It was a few hours before they came upon a much larger land mass. The four time travelers got off the boat and mar just nodded to the group.

"Good luck and tell future me hello from younger me!" Mar said before he sailed away.

"It's a good thing he doesn't know we were from over five hundred years in the future." Keira said.

"How did you guys get to Haven if you're the Jak and Keira of legend?" Ashlein asked.

"I found a device in Gol and Maia's tower that allowed us to travel forwards in time. I rebuilt it only to send my younger self, Daddy, and young Jak back in time to continue a long time paradox." Keira said.

"Younger Jak?" Torn asked.

"The Kid was me." Jak said before they set off across the desert towards a large landmass made of glinting metal.

"So what really happened with Gol and Maia? Are the legends true?" Ashlein asked.

"What do the legends say?" asked Jak.

"They say that Gol and Maia tried to cover the world in Dark Eco and you stopped them." She replied.

"That's the gist of it." Keira said, "Though it leaves out a lot."

"We have time as that thing looks a day away." Torn said, interest somehow having found its way into his tone.

They finished the story just as they made it to the base of the metal object which was their ultimate destination. The massive Oracle was waiting for them when they finally made it up to the platform.

"So the Hero has arrived. I'll send you all back to where you were transported from." The Oracle said before a glow engulfed them all. Once the light cleared they were back in Dead Town and the portal and hut were gone.

"Well we have a coronation to plan." Ashlein said startling the others.

"Why's that?" Jak asked.

"The Kid was the heir to the Throne of Haven. You've admitted to being the kid and that makes you King." Ashlein said.

"No Way in Hell." Jak growled.

"Long Live King Jak!" Keira laughed.

"Traitor." Jak grumbled. "Not that anyone would believe either of you."

"But Daddy had to have known and he's trusted." Keira said.

"If you become King you can get all those motions to banish you dismissed." Ashlein pointed out.

"Banish me? After what I did for this f-king city!" Jak yelled.

"If you do it, imagine how pissed off they'll be." Torn said in an uncharacteristically happy tone. Jak thought about it before a smirk appeared on his face, and the words

'Payback's a Bitch' came to mind.

"Fine. Let's do it." He said.

The End