Neon Genesis Evangelion as well as all Characters affiliated with the IP are copyrighted. I own nothing, except the machine I'm typing this on. It is a good machine. It may earn an upgrade, soon.
Warning: contains bloody murder and violence, hence serious eva is serious.
Serious Evangelion is serious – 01 – Snap
He had been toyed with. Been humiliated. Been emasculated. Been hurt. Been trampled. Been hit. Been ignored. Been bitten. Been burned. Been tortured. So it was really no surprise that it as only a little more needed until he snapped.
His security detail, his PROTECTORS, threatening him and trying to sell him out to whomever, well, it wasn't unexpected, but they still chose a bad time for that. Shinji's brain drew blank.
"You will come with us now, Mr. Ikari, or else…"
The soft click of the safety being flipped to 'off' finally snapped him out of his stupor and injected a hard dose of screw this into his blood stream. Let them see how they'd fare against someone who regularly fought skyscraper-sized abominations against the laws of nature.
A sudden jerk to the right of the line of fire put his head out of the gun's sight. Not too late at that, as the sudden explosion of noise near his left ear indicated. Didn't matter, really, having his head perforated once was double as often as he wished to repeat that experience. Accelerating forward, a momentary idea made him go for his left breast pocket as he got closer to the enemy. He removed the pencil from his pocket, casually flipped it like a prog knife in his hand, and visualised his enemy as an angel. Every vital spot was overlaid by an imagined core, and half a dozen cores were more than enough targets. A quick backhand stab in the neck, just below the larynx disabled his enemies ability to speak, or swallow, for that matter, with the pencil lodged through the windpipe and piercing the oesophagus as well.
The black Suit's free hand went for his neck, but Shinji had already removed the pencil from it's temporary penholder, trailing a thin arc of blood as he did. The other Suit was close enough by now with his foot coming up with the speed and ferocity of a sports player punting the football from the starting point straight across the goal line. With no other choice but to take the blow Shinji flipped to the side, half falling, with the foot skidding across his entire right arm and inadvertently accelerating his sidewards motion. He followed the gained momentum, half twisting in the air with his right leg following and adding further spin to him until he was entirely airborne, maybe an arms length off the ground, and still turning. His bruised arm went down to steady his upcoming motion as his left leg, with the whole angular momentum gained, slammed sideways into his enemies buttocks and scratched along his inner left thigh, still outstretched from the vicious kick he had put into Shinji mere moments ago.
Both combatants could feel the tingling sensation of upcoming bruises, Shinji on his right arm, the second Suit in his left leg, but both were way too adrenaline high too feel more than that. As the Suit used turned further to get Shinji again, he went for his hand gun in one fluid motion.
Shinji in turn sprinted behind a short row of bicycles, getting out of sight of his enemy. Shots echoed through the school yard as sparks and ricochets offered momentary lights in the summer dawn. Running hunched over, a preschoolers bike just short of the end of the row gave him an opportunity he needed. The Suit in his back was just about to step into the row of bikes and get a clear shot as Shinji swerved into the row, taking a running step onto the saddle of the preschooler, another onto the bike next to it and flung himself towards a rail at the end of the rack's roof and swung himself onto the roof.
One wouldn't expect such athletic behaviour from a wimp like Shinji, but muscle memory of fighting half a dozen angels, plus all the shooting and fighting practice in the name of battling those abominations, did help and accumulate. Mind you, he'd be sore all over if he survived this, since his actual muscles weren't used to this treatment, not to mention all the pulled ligaments, but no-one, not even Shinji, had expected what he just did.
Bullets punched holes in the corrugated metal under his feet, the Suit not wasting one moment to press his attack. An idea of attack was discarded as Shinji zigzagged over the roof and jumped to another adjacent roofed rack of bicycles. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his decision not to attack justified as his former security detail had changed position to avoid just that.
Another jump and another and he was climbing the fence surrounding the school. With the bike racks and roof between him and the agent he was sure he couldn't see him, but to be sure he still jumped down once he was over and crouched, hiding behind the concrete base of the fence. With the entrance to the school ahead, he slipped out of his shoes and threw them in a wide arc in the opposite direction. Then he ran straight ahead, back to the school. He knew the Suit would follow him, with the shoes' sound as an indicator, and for that would soon come around the entrances corner.
The sound of running closed in on Shinji. Only moments, and… Just as the agent shoot out of the entrance in a rather sharp turn Shinji jumped out, his right arm glancing the opponents face and surprising him enough to loose his footing and skidding across the pavement, loosing his gun in the process. Shinji on the other hand used the imparted momentum to turn towards the fallen agent, took the gun and levelled it on his erstwhile protector.
He didn't know the make of the weapon in his hand, didn't know if the safety was on, but the agent didn't know that. Just as he was about to rise and turn…
It was the first vocal exchange with the exception of gurgling blood and grunts since the fight had started. The agent stopped and slowly lay down again. He knew, sudden moves could very well mean his death, and while he didn't have a lot to lose, he had nothing to gain from that either. The plan failed, as far as he knew, or succeeded, in some other quantity. He was partially aware of the scheming qualities of his employer and suspected both success and failure would somehow advance an agenda he was only a pawn of.
Coming down off his high he could feel his inner thigh burning, as well as the scruff marks when he had slid over the pavement. Gathering his former assignment would be coming down as well he only hoped the child wouldn't shoot him accidentally. The shakes can get pretty strong if you're not used to it, and he hoped the unexpected experience of the boy from the Angel fights translated to after fight repercussions as well. He dared not to lift his head, fearing the action would result in setting off the boy, or making him panic.
Author's note: Basically, I just had the idea of Shinjis experience fighting the Angels somehow translating at least partially into his regular body. And since there are actually scientific papers on imaginary muscle training translating somewhat to the real body (improved finesse to non-trained body, but still less than an actually trained body) I had the flimsy excuse to do that. Hence his athletic ability – estimating distance, fighting expertise – without the expected regimen. He'd still loose in a straight fight, of course.
Plus, I wanted to try writing a fight scene. Since this is my very first take on it, I'd appreciate a comment on how I did, what to improve, the pacing, you know?