Chapter 1
Rikki POV
"Guys! Can you believe it's our senior year? I can't believe it!" Cleo squealed. How can she be so excited about school?
"Cleo, why are you so excited? It's just school." I said.
"Maybe because it's our last year of high school and our 2nd year of being friends. But anyway I'm with Cleo, I'm excited for school." Bella said.
"Wow, why did I ever stay friends with you two? Oh yeah, maybe it's a little thing called mermaid magic." I said. They both laughed. We were walking down the beach far enough away from the water not to get wet. We walked in silence for a minute before Bella spoke.
"You know, before we got our matching necklace gems, where did you get your lockets?" Bella asked.
"Well, our friend Emma, the one we told you about, she found one at the bottom of the moon pool, Rikki found one in a store and the other one was from a former mermaid." Cleo explained.
"What do you mean a former mermaid?" Bella asked.
"Well there is this lady named Ms. Chatom and she used to be a mermaid but she gave up her powers and so did the two other girls that were mermaids." Cleo explained. Right after Cleo stopped talking my phone beeped. I pulled it out and looked at the text.
Turn around. –Emma
"It's from Emma." I said turning around. When I turned I found Emma standing 15ft away from us smiling. "Oh my gosh!" I said running towards Emma and giving her a hug. Cleo followed me and did the same. Bella walked slowly over to us and stuck her hand out at Emma.
"You must be Emma. I'm Bella. I've heard many things about you." Bella said.
"Like what?" Emma asked nervously.
"Like how nice you are, and helpful, oh and how you're an extremely fast swimmer, but trust me, it was all good things." Emma had this confused and worried look on her face. Emma looked like she was about to ask me something when I looked at my watch,
"Em, I have to go. It's my shift at the café. I'm so sorry! I want to hang out!" I said turning to go.
"It's okay I can hang out with Cleo." Emma said.
"Actually, I promised Rikki I would help her work this party. Sorry." Cleo said.
"I'm singing for it." Bella said.
"You can come if you want. It's just a little kid's birthday party." I said. Emma looked worried but then quickly said,
"No, I have to unpack and stuff, I'll meet you guys later at the café." Em said.
"Okay I'll see you there." Cleo said. Emma turned to leave and Bella said,
"Nice meeting you." Emma didn't even turn around she just kept walking.
"Don't worry about her. She has a hard time meeting new people." I said. Bella looked upset but we continued our way to the café. When we got their the place was empty and Zane was sitting at a table in the middle.
"Zane, what's wrong?" I asked while looking around.
"The birthday party cancelled and its Sunday so we're not open." He said.
"Well that's just what I wanted to hear." I said sarcastically.
"Zane, guess whose back in town." Cleo squealed.
"Who?" He asked.
"Emma! She's back!" Cleo said happily. Zane didn't look too happy so Bella asked,
"Why aren't you happy?"
"Well it's just that I don't think she liked me very much because I tried to catch them as mermaids once before I knew it was them but I don't know." Zane said. "Well, I've got to run. I'm meeting my dad for lunch. Bye ladies. Bye Rikki." He said giving Rikki a kiss. He walked out and Cleo got her phone out.
"Who are you calling?" Bella asked.
"Emma, now we get to hang here." Cleo said. "Hey Em the birthday party got canceled, come over here….okay cya in a few." She hung up. "Emma is on her way." We waited about 5 minutes and Emma walked through the door.
"Wow. This place looks amazing. Rikki you did a great job." Emma said.
"Thanks." I said. We sat down at a nearby table and I said "Anyone care for some smoothies?"
"I'll have pinapple mango." Emma said.
"I'll have kiwi strawberry." Cleo and Bella said at the same time. They both looked at each other and started laughing.
"Okay, one pinapple mango and three kiwi strawberry's coming right up." Since I knew how to make the smoothies fast, it only took me a few minutes. I came back and handed each of the their smoothie and a straw so they didn't get the smoothie on themselves. I sat down next across from Emma and started sipping my smoothie.
"So Em, tell us all about your world tour!" Cleo squealed with excitement.
"Well, it was amazing! We went to Europe, Asia, Japan, America, and even Paris!" Emma said.
"Did you have an incidents?" I asked her. When I said this she coughed and dropped her smoothie and it went all over Bella. She jumped up and I threw her a towel.
"Bella I'm sorry!" Emma said. "Here I'll go get you another towel." Emma said standing up to get one.
"Umm, I don't think it's going to matter now." Bella said.
"Why not?" Emma asked. Just then Bella fell onto the ground in her mermaid form. She sat up as much as she could and held herself up with her arms.
"A little help would be useful Rikki." She said smiling.
"Oh right." I said. Emma stood up with a confused look on her face.
"Wait you're a mermaid?" She asked in shock. All three of us looked at each other and then Bella said,
"You didn't know?"