Author's Note: First attempt with this couple. –crosses fingers- Any feedback is highly appreciated. This is also for The Fourth Black Sister's "25 Character Challenge" challenge on HPFFC. I picked #8, which happened to be Draco Malfoy. I would like to give a HUGE thanks to Az (Inkfire) for listening to my insecurities and offering to beta this for me. She doesn't know how much I appreciate that offer. (And you should all go check out her story "Into The Dark". xD )
Disclaimer: I own nothing in the world of Harry Potter, save for a Bellatrix t-shirt. xD I also don't own anything in Sarah Dessen-land, except copies of her books. When I saw the quote from her book, I instantly thought of Draco & Astoria. I am in no way stealing her book or ideas. The quote merely inspired me.
Just Listen
[A fanfiction by Mesteria]
"Don't think or judge… just listen."
- Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
Chapter One: Year Seven: The Beginning
"Draco," she whispered, placing a hand on his chest. She pushed her hand into his chest, and then he felt her lips brush against his. "Wake up, love."
Draco Malfoy's eyes fluttered open and he found himself staring back into the brown eyes of his girlfriend Pansy Parkinson. Her hand was still pressed into his chest, while her other was on the bed, supporting herself. She flashed him a quick smile and then brought her lips against his once again.
"Pansy," Draco muttered, attempting to sit up.
She moved away from him to allow him room. She stood at the edge of his bed, smiling down at him. He sighed and leaned back against the headboard, staring up at his girlfriend. "What's going on?" he asked quietly, not sure what the time was, but knowing that he didn't want to wake up the other boys in his dorm if it were late (or early.)
Pansy smirked. "It's time for class, silly," she said. Then she yawned and stretched her hands above her head. Her shirt rose and he found it hard to resist catching a glimpse of her midriff, if only to see a little of the snake tattoo she'd gotten over the summer. "Unless you're too tired… I could do with some more sleep." She dropped her arms to her side, her shirt wrinkled up a tad.
He leaned forward to pull her shirt down, tracing his fingers along the top of her skirt. She shivered slightly and he smirked to himself. He lifted his gaze back up to meet hers. "I wish," he mumbled. "The professors will go mental."
She giggled and then took a seat on the edge of the bed next to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her thumbs playing with his hair. "At least we have tonight to look forward to," she murmured in a low voice.
Draco smirked again. Then he ducked his head into her for another kiss. Every year, the seventh years of Slytherin house threw a party after the first day of classes. All of the other years in the house were invited, except first. "I can't wait," he replied just as lowly.
Pansy gave a throaty chuckle and pushed her face against his so their lips were locked. Their lips worked together, Pansy pushed into him a little bit. She slid her tongue into his mouth, which he hated. He pulled away from her with a look of disgust.
"Merlin, Pansy," he snapped, placing his hands on her shoulders and giving her a shove. "I hate when you do that."
She looked hurt as she stood up from his bed and stared down at him. It sometimes annoyed him that she needed him so much; she was more of a dead weight than anything. But, still, they'd been together since third year after a hippogriff attacked him, so that it would almost be pointless breaking up with her now. He was probably going to marry her. She'd always love him more than he could love her. He didn't think he could ever love her. Sometimes he thought he couldn't love at all.
"I'm sorry," she said, looking down at her hands.
Draco threw back the covers and hopped out of bed. He walked to the end of his bed and grabbed his school clothes. Pansy watched his every move; he could feel it. He looked up at her, but she looked away, pretending to examine her cuticles.
He approached her gently and saw her freeze. He kissed her head. "I'll meet you for breakfast." She nodded and he slipped out of the curtain.
The first day of classes was just as dull as the previous years. Draco scuttled through the various floors and the various classrooms. But things were different this year. The Dark Lord had overthrown the Ministry during the summer and had placed two Death Eaters, the Carrows, as professors at the school. Professor Snape had been promoted to Headmaster, while Professor McGonagall remained as Headmistress.
The student body seemed frightened of Draco, especially the first years. If they saw him in the hall, they would duck their heads and scurry by or turn in the opposite direction, fleeing. He wasn't sure exactly how they'd found out what he was (it seemed as though they tried to see his Mark through his sleeve; or maybe he was just paranoid), let alone who he was. Sure, he liked to be known, but it was awfully quick that they'd figured him out.
By the end of the school day, he was looking forward to the party that night. After the summer he'd had and this first, tense day of classes, he wished nothing more than to do a few shots of firewhiskey.
"This feels good," Pansy hollered beside him, grabbing his hand. Loud music played around them, students drank and mingled and lights flashed. They had cast a silencing charm around the common room and an additional one around the first years' dorms so they wouldn't be disturbed.
Draco looked down at his girlfriend and forced a smile. "You're just realizing that now?" he teased.
Pansy laughed and gently swatted his shoulder with her free hand. "No!" she said, still laughing. "I mean being seventh years… it feels great! It feels right. I'm so excited that it's finally come – we've made it this far!" She grinned.
He couldn't help but laugh with her, maybe catching a little bit of her excitement. It would be their last year here, suffocating in this castle and under prudent rules. Just one year and they'd be free. Hopefully by then, the Dark Lord would have risen to his highest power and have complete control over the wizarding world of Britain.
Draco bent down to kiss Pansy in celebration. When he felt her smile into their kiss, his stomach sank. But he quickly shoved any thoughts of guilt out of his mind. When they pulled apart, Pansy gave his hand a squeeze and then ran off to grab them some drinks.
He walked slowly through the crowded room, smirking at the couples that were trying to shag (already drunk) in dark corners or the ones that were snogging in the middle of the room. He stepped over their legs with a roll of his eyes; some people had no decency. When he looked back up, he stopped short, his breath caught in his throat. Directly across from him, standing awkwardly against a wall, was the most stunning creature he had ever laid eyes on. She was pale, like him, and she had golden hair like his mother. Her hair was curly, though, and half of it was pinned up. And even at this distance, he could make out her eyes: a piercing blue… so sharp… so bright.
He wasn't sure who this girl was. She must have been a first year if he didn't already know her. Then his eyes slid down her body to the small, perky mounds that signaled to him she was not a first year; then they slipped further, to the curve of her hips and down her long, shiny legs before rising again to look at her face.
She looked at him and shifted on her feet.
But it wasn't her voice that spoke. It was Pansy. Draco groaned inwardly and then turned to face his girlfriend of four years with a smile.
Pansy handed him his drink and returned her boyfriend's smile. He took a sip of the drink (some cheap wizard beer, at which he made a face) and then looked around the room some more. He brought his eyes back to where the girl had been standing, but she wasn't there any longer. He almost panicked; he wanted to see her again. He felt oddly attracted to her. But then he remembered that Pansy was by his side. So he continued to take in the scene around them. He took several more sips of beer and waved Pansy off when she begged him to dance.
Then he spotted the girl again. She was standing off to the side of a group, holding a beer in her hand. Her jaw was set and she kept glancing over at someone Draco couldn't see.
"Hey," he called to Pansy, bringing his face down to her height. He pointed to the girl with the hand that held his beer. "Who's that?" He straightened and looked down at his girlfriend.
Pansy gaped up at him. "You're serious?" she asked, looking shocked.
Draco narrowed his eyes. Was she asking because she knew that he was attracted to the girl? Or was it something else? He weighed his options – to react defensively at Pansy's insulting question (which might give away that he was attracted to this girl, if Pansy already didn't know) or just answer her. He decided to simply answer her, thinking it was the lesser of two evils. "Yes," he said tightly. "I wouldn't be asking if I knew the answer, would I?"
Pansy laughed. "That's Astoria," she said matter-of-factly. He narrowed his eyes at her once more. She looked shocked once more and gave a small shake of her head, in disbelief most likely. "Greengrass. Astoria Greengrass—"
"Daphne has a sister?" Draco questioned further.
"Draco." Pansy's voice was demanding, serious and quite insulting as well. He didn't like it when she spoke to him like that, like she was better than him. Sometimes he had the urge to hit her, as he knew many pureblooded wizards did, beating their wives or giving them a slap every once in a while to keep them in their place. But he'd learned long ago to respect women – by his father, no less, which had been quite surprising. His father was a tough. In fact, if there was any physical abuse, it was his mother who slapped his father across the face (though it was never all that serious because he would hear them later on, making up, after forgetting to place a silencing charm around their room.)
"What?" he snapped, trying to hide his embarrassment.
"She grew up with us. Do you honestly not remember her?" Pansy went on. "She attended all the same cotillions and balls and parties that we did. You really don't remember her?"
"Merlin! Will you stop asking me that?" he shouted. It was a little too loudly because the students near them turned to look. Draco looked away, avoiding the pained expression on Pansy's face.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled. It was the most common thing she said to him. He wondered why she put up with him.
He worked his jaw, staring at the floor. He cleared his mind before looking back up at her. Then he grabbed her wrist roughly. "Come on," he demanded. He led her off in the direction of his dorm, looking back at Astoria Greengrass one last time. A quick flash of two sleeping kids raced through his mind. He shook his head, clearing the memory away.
That night, he let her take her frustration out on him. Usually he was the one moving roughly above her, his Dark Mark mocking him. But not that night….
She climbed atop him willingly, smirking. He hated it when she knew she was in control. She remained still for a while, staring down at him. He reached up to trace the large snake tattoo with his fingers; it wrapped around from her right shoulder (the tip of the tail), over her right hip and then ended right above her heat. The snake's tongue stuck out, parted over the beginning of her own slit.
She'd been rough with him, but part of him couldn't deny the fact that he liked it when she was on top. If there was one thing that told him to stay with her, it was the sex. Sometimes he felt guilty thinking that, but most of the time, he didn't really care. Pansy would always be the one to care more.
After they'd finished, Pansy had cuddled up to his side, holding onto him for dear life. She really was far too needy. He tried to need her that way – he tried to want her that way – but he could never pull it off. He'd back away (physically or emotionally) after only a matter of minutes. But he let her sleep next to him, clinging to his body. He let her have her dreams; he didn't dare disturb them.
When they woke up the following morning, Pansy looked up at him happily. He smiled and she lifted her head to kiss him tenderly.
"I love you," she whispered, closing her eyes. It wasn't the first time she'd told him that. And he always reciprocated, even though he had to force himself and it made him feel awkward.
"I love you, too," he lied.
They hopped out of bed and dressed quickly, after realizing that they didn't have time to take a shower. Pansy then scurried off to her own dorm to dress in her uniform and school robes. Draco waited for her and then they headed down to the common room together. When they entered the room, they spotted Astoria Greengrass sitting on one of the leather couches, rubbing a stone between her fingers. She stopped when she saw them and stood up awkwardly.
"Hey, Astoria," Pansy greeted her easily, breaking away from Draco and heading over to the younger girl. Draco swallowed, again stunned by this girl's beauty, and followed behind his girlfriend slowly. "Is everything alright?"
Astoria looked nervously over at Draco, though he was sure it was unintentional. Then she looked back at Pansy and she began to rub the stone again. He silently urged her to speak; he longed to hear her voice.
"Daphne's really sick," she said quietly. Draco stared intently at her; her voice was beautiful. It was light and gentle, but she didn't sound airy or daft; in fact, that type of voice suited her. It somehow made her seem more intelligent than anyone Draco knew.
Pansy snorted. "You mean, hung-over," she corrected.
The other girl's fingers stopped rubbing the stone and she stared sharply at Pansy. She looked angry for a while, her jaw set. Pansy stopped laughing and offered her an apologetic smile. Draco stood behind them, trying not to seem awkward. He couldn't take his eyes off of her; she was absolutely beautiful…
"Hung-over, sick… whatever," Astoria finally said, glancing up at Draco. He noticed heat rising into her cheeks and he almost smirked, but he looked away instead. Merlin, what was wrong with him? "I just don't know what to do… it's only the second day of classes; she can't be missing classes this early."
Next to Draco, Pansy shrugged. "Let her figure it out on her own."
Astoria bristled. She narrowed her pretty blue eyes (so pretty) and ran her tongue between her lips. Draco couldn't help but imagine himself tongue wrestling with her. "She's my sister," she said defensively. "I won't just leave her to the dogs!"
Pansy looked down, obviously ashamed. Draco stepped forward and Astoria looked up at him, her gaze challenging. "Don't mind Pansy," Draco said. "She tends to speak before she thinks and doesn't realize that other people might have feelings." He thought he saw a smile tug on the corners of her lips, but she managed to suppress it down. She looked back at Pansy and he did, too.
Pansy gave him a dirty look. Then she smirked and looked back at Astoria. "Hey, you know Draco, right?" she asked. "Because he was just telling me that he wasn't sure— Ow!" Before she could finish, Draco slipped his hand to her bottom and pinched it to keep her quiet. His girlfriend leapt forward, away from him and turned to face him with a glare.
"You weren't sure what?" Astoria asked curiously, peering up at him and ignoring Pansy's outburst completely.
Draco swallowed. She looked so sexy, with her lips parted ever so slightly, her question lingering in the air between them. He wondered what she tasted like, how smooth her lips would feel. Snap out of it. "I wasn't sure," he began slowly, telling himself to think faster. "I wasn't sure if… if you knew me. I remember you from all those years ago and I know I haven't spoken to you much since you've been here, but that was because I wasn't sure if you knew me… remembered me," he corrected. He then mentally kicked himself for babbling.
Astoria smiled. Then she nodded. "Of course I remember you, Draco Malfoy," she said. He was positive that she was flirting with him. Chills skipped down his spine and he did his best to control his reaction. "How could I forget?"
He was about to reply when the door to the common room burst open. All three students looked over at the door to see Daphne Greengrass sauntering into the common room, looking awfully pale. Astoria gasped lightly and rushed over to her sister. She grabbed her by the shoulders and stood her upright. They spoke in hushed voices.
"Come on, Draco," Pansy said quietly, tugging on his arm. "We shouldn't get caught skipping classes already."