Hi everyone, well here's the happy ending you've been waiting for.

This goes out to Who, who always cheers for me and encourages my writing. YOU ROCK!

And this also goes out to Anju Styx who personally messaged me with a request for an alternate ending.

Also, after some thought and many writing flops I've just decided to post the happy ending. Actually, this one was my original ending, I just thought it was too predictable and wouldn't get many responses.

Now, for the angry responses I received for the sad ending, I was actually expecting to receive those kind of responses so don't worry about hurting my feelings.

Truth Seeker, THANK YOU! I didn't think anyone would get that because of how abstract it was and I want to thank you for respecting my decision to make the ending sad, I rarely see that from readers.

Anyways, to ye that remain, here's the happy ending.


"Those foolish reptiles were unmoral obstinate creatures that needed to be disposed of, and now, it's your turn."

"APRIL MOVE!" Casey shouted, pulling the red haired woman from the blue light that appeared before them.

"You two are little trouble to me," the voice said again.

"Casey, is it just me, or does his voice sound robotic?" April asked, half still frozen in horror at the skeletons around them of their friends.

"I don't care! I'll rip out his throat when I get my hands on him!" Casey yelled, randomly selecting a spot of rustling leaves in one of these trees and jumping into it.

"CASEY WAIT!" April yelled but then fell back when the hard headed vigilante came flying out of the tree and landed painfully on her.

"Get off me you bum!" the red haired woman yelled.

"Who you calling a bum!" Casey yelled back.

Stockman's voice returned, scratchy as ever, "Perhaps I don't need to-"


"Ok creepy guy, that's enough!"

The branches of a tree behind the two humans rattled before the thump of metal against dirt sounded out against the distant flock of birds dancing in the sky.

Pain coursed through Don's limbs as the genius turtle opened his eyes and stared into thick darkness. He rested a hand against the crown of his head and sat up. He was, in a bed? Another groan echoed through the room after his.

"Sensei?" the purple clad turtle asked with a slight waver in his voice.

"No, it's me Don," the red banded turtle said as he too sat up on something that indeed felt like a bed.

"Dude, did anyone get the number of that truck that hit us?" Mikey's voice said as it's owner got to his feet in the darkened room.

"Where are we?" Don asked, also climbing to his feet, "And where's sensei?"

"Well, let's find out," Raph said, the springs in the bed rebounding as the weight of the turtle lifted off of it.

But they didn't need to move another inch, because at the moment, the door opened, momentarily blinding them. Then, a voice rang out.

"Finally, you guys can sleep forever."

"Aniki!" Mikey shouted and ran forward into the bright light where his arms wrapped around the familiar grassy green skin of his eldest brother.

Lights flickered on inside the room, revealing that they were in the attic at the farmhouse.

"Aniki?" Leo said as the younger turtles' eyes adjusted to the bright light, "Mikey, you haven't called me that since we were eight."


"No buts," Leo said holding his hand out for silence as the orange banded turtle backed away his eyes suddenly matching the now just noticed eyes of Raphael and Donatello.

All were staring at the oldest turtle with wide eyes and dropped jaws. He was young, less scars covered his skin, his skin itself was a lighter color, his eyes shone with youth they hadn't seen before and his stride towards them held more energy than they had ever recognized.

"Are you three ok?"

"Uh, sensei, what happened?" Don asked, finally managing to make his mouth work.

At first Leo glanced to each of his sides and then behind him before running a hand down his face and turning to face his younger brothers again with a sigh, "Ok, you were obviously having a dream about Master Splinter I don't know what happened last night, but maybe I shouldn't leave for camping again."

He turned to his red banded brother, raising an imaginary eyebrow, "Are you ok? Raph?"

Coincidentally, the normally hot headed turtle could only stare before he felt suddenly woozy and he looked about ready to fall back onto the bed, fortunately his older brother grabbed him before he could plummet downwards.

Placing a hand on the younger turtle's head Leo sighed again, "You've got a fever."

He turned his brother towards the mattress piled high with blankets, "Back to bed Raphael."

"Ok," was the mumble the eldest heard as his usually rebellious younger brother crawled within the warm bundle of blankets, his eyes still wide and staring down at the white sheets.

"What? No smart remark?" Leo said, hoping to get some kind of rise out of Raphael.

"Nah," the red banded turtle said as he forced his shocked eyes to shut and still partially dropped jaw to yield to his thoughts for the moment.

Confusion face in place Leo turned when he felt a hand on his shoulder, only to meet the onyx shared eyes of his genius younger brother, "Yes Don? Are you feeling sick?"

"Sensei, what-" but he was cut off.

"Sensei?" Leo questioned, "Don something must be wrong with you too. I'm your brother not your teacher."


"Enough, you go back to bed too."

"Aniki?" Mikey asked, walking up, hugging his eldest brother from behind and laying his head against his shell.

The blue clad turtle's eyes filled with protective concern, as he turned and embraced the youngest with confusion still clouding his face, eyes and thoughts. The youngest sighed before tucking his head under the eldest chin and cuddling into the warmth of his hold much like a toddler would.

For Leo, he wasn't exactly sure how to say, 'What the shell is wrong with you!' while his baby brother was acting so, affectionate.

"Hmm," the blue masked turtle said as he rubbed a soothing hand across Mikey's shell, "Maybe you should go back to bed too. You three must have ate something."

"But Stockman! And the purple gas! And us being toddlers again! And the Foot! And Karai! And Leatherhead in that pink apron! And our lair exploding! And then you and Raph being skeletons!" Don yelled, obviously not caring that everything that he had said was a carry on sentence.

Thinking it was the right thing to say, Leo brought it up, "That was numerous carry on sentences."

"Sensei, this has nothing to do with meat!" Don protested, still standing beside his bed, his brain obviously not functioning well.

Leo frowned and pushed his youngest brother towards his bed, "Back to bed. All of you. Whatever it is that you guys ate last night, sleep the effects off before coming downstairs."

With that the eldest left the room, forgetting that he had left the lights on.

"Dude, was it all…" Mikey paused before shaping his mouth around each syllable of the word, "A…dream?"

"I-I guess so," Don said breathlessly, leaning back onto the pillow, allowing his mind to shuffle through the thoughts and memories that were hitting each other inside his head rapidly like crazy kids riding bumper cars.

"Wait! Raph's swords" Mikey yelled and turned as the red banded turtle sat up with wide eyes.

Don pushed his way through his clouded thoughts so he could look up at his red banded older brother as well. The red masked turtle touched his hand to his shell but met no sheaths. A touch to his plastron concluded that he wore no shoulder strap to hold the sheaths anyways. He glanced over to see Mikey's nunchucks and Don's bo staff resting beside their beds so he glanced down hoping and succeeding in spotting red wrapped handles on the ground.

Don and Mikey breathed sighs of relief, so they hadn't gone crazy.

"Uh, bros?"

The youngest turtles looked back as Raph took a hold of the red wrapped handles that were sticking out from under the shadows beneath the bed and pulled out two…

Sais. Not swords.

"It was a dream," Don murmured.

"But, it was so real," Mikey protested, still remembering the feel as his 16 year old eldest brother held his four year old toddler form against his own yellow plastron and hummed a lullaby under his breath while wrapping the youngest turtle in a warm blanket.

He remembered that. Donny vouched that he still remembered the larger dark grassy green hands encircling his own as he bent a wooden stick backwards to attach the string of his homemade bow which he would fire arrows out of at their archery range in the dojo that they had all built together.

Raph vouched that he remembered a lot as well, but he didn't share the memories. They were so real, so fresh, like they had just happened yesterday and as the three turtles drifted off, all seeming to look past the fact that they had left the light on, the memories came flooding back into each of their minds.

"Aniki," Mikey whined, "Why can't we go with you?"

"It's too dangerous," Leo said, as he had many times before.

"But we'll be good," Raph joined in with the begging.

"I wouldn't put you three in danger."

"But why can't we stay with Leatherhead?" Raph asked.

"He's away from his home," Leo answered, his eyes traveling to the window, "This is the only place I trust is safe for you. So stay safe. You. Must. Stay. Here. Understand?"


Leo narrowed his eyes and the younger turtles lowered their heads, "Yes, Aniki."

The red clad turtle was still staring at the floor, twisting his foot nervously against the yellow stones.

"Stop that," the eldest said sharply but silently, "You could cut your foot on one of those."

Raph frowned deeply and just stood still, his arms pressed tightly against his sides shamefully as he continued to stare at the floor, "Gomenasai Aniki."

Leo handed the three turtle tots to Leatherhead before turning to April and Casey, "Take the BattleShell and head for the farmhouse in Northampton."

The eldest turtle turned to the doors and forced them open.

"Leo?" April asked, fear enlacing her voice.

"Leo you can't!" Casey protested.

Leo looked back at his younger brothers, all of their wide eyes shining with worry and fear.

"Aniki?" they asked with whimpers as they reached out to him, "Aniki!"

Leo walked over and nuzzled their foreheads, "You three go with Leatherhead, April and Casey."

"But Aniki!" Raph protested.

Leo forced himself to turn away and he drew his swords, a glint in his eyes.

"ANIKI!" the three tots shouted as their older brother disappeared out the door.

The doors closed just as they saw a black clothed Foot ninja aim their sword for Leo's head.


Mikey sniffed suddenly after a minute of serene silence, "What are we going to do if Aniki's-"

"Don't worry," Raph said quickly, not letting the youngest finish his sentence, "Your big brother's still gonna take care of you."

"But Aniki's-" Donny protested before Raph shushed him.

"You still have me. I'll take care of you. I promise," Raphael said, pulling his little brothers closer.

Mikey and Donny snuggled into the comfort they were being offered.

For the young turtles, for just a moment, everything was ok. They stood together, as they knew they would in the future.

"You didn't have to do that," April said.

Leo glanced down at the orange masked turtle tot that was curled up in his lap, "Yes I did."

Yes, he had done it. That was his only chance to regain them but he would give it up again. If he hadn't, Mikey would've paid the ultimate price.

"So what are you going to do now?" April asked, watching humorously as Raph and Donny shuffled to the front of the BattleShell, still half asleep, and climbed into Leo's lap, each of them throwing a protective arm around Mikey.

Leo lowered his eyes and ran a soothing hand down each of the toddler's shells before looking through the window and up towards the sky once again, "I guess we just move forward and see where the wind takes us."

When a few hours had passed Don called a halt to the work and said that they should get back to Leatherhead's before Aniki woke up or the mutant crocodile returned.

"But can't we fix it up more? I was going to paint the walls," Mikey said, holding an old and mostly washed out set of paints and a toothbrush, since he couldn't find a paint brush.

"Come on," Don said stoutly, "Aniki will be up soon and Leatherhead may come home to update his security system early."

They all sighed at the feelings of disappointment washing over them.

"Don't worry Mikey," Raph said, slinging an arm over his youngest brother's shoulders, "We'll come back tomorrow and fix it up more. We can work on it every day until it's done and then we can surprise Aniki."

"Yay! A surprise!" Mikey said as he clapped.

It became quite a battle to get furniture down the ladder and into the home but with Leatherhead's strength this became highly possible. Hours later, all seemed to be in order. The tots though, agreed that they were missing a few things. There were no beds. Leatherhead responded to this by saying they could use the mattress he had lent them at his home. The turtles also decreed that there wasn't a space marked off for a 'forbidden room'.

This made the two humans and crocodile look at them questioningly.

"What's a forbidden room?" Casey asked and got whacked on the head with a long plastic pole by Donny, "You uncompleted baffling lacking intelligence organism, it's a room no one but Aniki can go into."

"What did he just call me?" Casey asked.

Leatherhead and April chuckled while Raph and Mikey shrugged their shoulders at one another in hopeless understanding.

He remembered that his little turtle toddler brothers had practically shoved him into largest bedroom and said it was his. Looking around at the wide space, the eldest was now certain, he didn't know how to fill so much space. He shook his head and slipped outside his room before walking towards the kitchen.

When he stepped into the kitchen, he glanced up to see three, 16-year-old, teenage mutant ninja turtles staring back at him.

"Morning Sensei!"

On the first floor, Leo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did they buy it?" Casey asked from where he and April were sitting on the couch, some kind of old boxing show playing across the television screen.

"Yep, and I've hidden away Raphael's swords and replaced them with his sais."

"Good," April said stoutly with a proud smile, "You shouldn't overlook details."

"What about the whole, new lair thing?" Casey asked, stating the obvious.

"I took care of that," said a bubbly voice from the front door.

Rennet was there, leaning against the closed door with a satisfied smile. She giggled and then smiled at the blue banded turtle, "And it's so totally cool, Lord Simultaneous said that since I was able to fix everything, my two months of dusting was reduced to only a week."

"I'm eternally in your debt Rennet," Leo said, bowing his head to her.

"Oh you don't need to be so thankful I should be the one thanking you," the Timestress said, "Without all this happening I wouldn't have been promoted or my punishment softened. Oh, I better get back, sorry it took so long Leo but you know how the whole time thing goes, we aren't really aware of it passing by."

"Year, 12 years of it," Casey said with a smirk.

"Casey!" April yelled.

"Ow! My ear!"

Leo laughed and shook his head, saying a short goodbye to Rennet as she vanished in a blue light.

That blue light still made him shiver from memories but he fought them off with thoughts on the current situation.

"So when are you gonna tell them?" Casey asked, rubbing his now painful ear.

The blue clad turtle sighed, "In a week, after we get back home. Rennet said that's how long it'll take for ALL of their memories to return to them."

"But Leo?" April asked.

"Hmm?" Leo inquired.

"Will they still remember, you know, what Stockman did?"

The eldest turtle glanced down at the floor as he leaned against the wall, "I'm not sure," then he smirked as a thought entered his head, "I guess we just move forward and see where the wind takes us."

April smiled, remembering when Leo had said that exact line to her.

"So what happens now?" Casey asked.

"We're going to leave tomorrow evening and return to New York," Leo said.

"I'm sure glad Rennet and Lord Simultaneous showed up when they did and that they could reverse time on you and Raph so you two wouldn't be permanent skeletons," April said.

Leo shivered as a shock ran down his spine, "Don't remind me, please. That's one experience I wish Rennet would wipe from my mind."

A week later, the four turtles were back in their new lair, although they had trouble deciding which memories were real and which were the fake ones they were now positive that they had dreamed. Throughout that week the memories before their 'accident' or their 'dreams' started streaming into their minds.

Leo breathed a hidden sigh of relief when his three younger brothers had eventually accepted their encounter with Stockman as simple 'dreams' and when the week ran out, he hadn't spoken a word. Maybe it was better that they had forgotten that it had truly been a reality.

"Dude, if that was a dream, it was a really long dream!" Mikey said as he jumped back from Don's bo staff as he tried to swipe the orange banded turtle's feet out from under him.

"I've inferred that it was that pizza we ate the night before when Leo and April went on that camping trip in the woods," the genius turtle explained as he planted his right foot and swung around, trying to trip his younger brother with his foot while simultaneously driving his bo staff forwards to land a strike on the youngest turtle's left shoulder.

"Then why didn't Casey have the dream too? He ate the pizza like us," Mikey asked, jumping back and catching Don's foot within the chain of one of his nunchucks while the other flew forwards for direct contact with the bo staff.

"Oh, it could've been a million different things Mikey."

While the two continued to spar Raph was looking through the weapons cabinet, "Have either of you seen my shuriken?"

"They're probably somewhere in that lost world, called your room," Don said, performing a back flip to pull his foot from the chain of Mikey's nunchuck.

Raph huffed, his room wasn't that bad, Don obviously had him confused with Mikey. The red clad turtle's room may have been messy but Mikey's always looked like a tornado had passed through it. Ignoring the two Raph pushed aside a box of kunai knives and then froze as his eyes widened and his jaw dropped, he was convinced, all the way to the floor.

For there in the weapon cabinets, slightly protruding from underneath a loose board in the back, were two swords, their handles, wrapped in red.

Raph felt the smirk grow on his face, "Hey guys, why don't give our sensei a little surprise?"

As for what happened next, one could call it a joyful and fulfilling learning experience or one could label it the backlash quietness of the century, either pne you prefer. Since that moment only fate would decide which blades would dance among the rooftops and throughout the alleyways of NYC.


I'm done! I'm done! I'm done!


Ok, is everyone happy with this happy ending?

Well, strange as it is, I tell you, someone out there better come up with something interesting soon, I'm getting bored of TMNT fan fiction, I've either read the story a million times over or the story just isn't getting continued! It's driving me insane! Putting that behind me, I'm thinking of all of the other fan fiction I've written. I remember that I started off writing Sonic the Hedgehog fan fiction, then I went to Naruto and lastly I came to TMNT fan fiction.

Plain and simple, when I wrote the Sonic fan fiction it was no good and all my Naruto fan fiction was based on…if you can believe it…romance. UGH!

For some reason, I'm starting to like Sonic the Hedgehog again, although this is so ironic. When it comes to TMNT I like Leo, the responsible, blue clad, cool headed leader and Raph was probably my least favorite character because of his hotheadedness but when I look to the Sonic universe my favorite character is actually the stubborn, easily angered, rage red echidna, Knuckles.

Go figure? O_o

Enough of that though, a few final reviews please? I want to know which ending you prefer, the sad or the happy.
