Taking Chances

I just wanna start again.

Maybe you could show me how to try.

Maybe you could take me in somewhere underneath your skin.

Chapter One: I'm Back

"Mikan, honey," Mom said. "Are you sure you want to come with me to Tokyo? You could stay here with grandpa if you want to. He'd be willing to stay here, as well."

I smiled at my mom reassuringly, and said, "Don't worry about me, mom. I'm twenty-two, remember? I want to come with you to Tokyo. I'd love to help you expand our business. Ever since we opened the pastry shop, I grew fond of seeing people's satisfied faces when they eat your food. And, it would be fun since I'm with you and grandpa."

I'm currently living in the countryside with mom and jii-chan. It's been twelve years since Ruka-pyon helped me escape the academy. To say that I don't miss them is a complete lie. I miss them. So much. The most painful memory I had was parting with them, especially with him. Just when I finally realized that I loved him, too, so damn much, things got complicated.

That time, I wanted to go back to the academy badly. I missed the classrooms, the campus filled with alices using their alices casually. I missed Central Town and the Howalons. I missed Hotaru, Ruka, Anna, Nonoko, Koko, Kitsunume, Yuu, even Sumire! I missed Jin-jin's rough glares, Serena-sensei's predictions and Narumi-sensei's father-like treatment. My heart aches every time I remember the things that made me feel complete.

Natsume. God knows what I felt when I looked at him as I fled with his best friend. He looked as if the world was ending. His world. He loved me. I knew that. I may look naïve, but I wasn't utterly stupid and insensitive. .ME.

Like what I've said before, it's been twelve years since I last heard from them, well except for Hotaru. After their graduation, she somehow found a way to track me down and gave me a surprise visit. Surprise was an understatement. I almost died when I saw her right in front of me. I think I nearly killed her in the process. I hugged her so much that she started to look pale and she started coughing. Nevertheless, she hugged me back.

We talked about how life had been in the academy after I left. Ruka asked her out, and she said yes. Sumire almost got kicked out when she tried to send a letter to me. Yuu was valedictorian (as expected). Anna and Nonoko were invited by world-renowned chefs to go with them in a quest to find the perfect recipe. Koko forced Sumire to date her. Tsubasa got Misaki pregnant after leaving the academy. That was all. The only thing she said about Natsume was that he's just a jerk. Ouch. That kinda made my heart itch…in pain?

Anyways, back to the present. We're going to Tokyo in a while because apparently, we have a business to spread out. My mom opened this small bakery when I was thirteen. It, then, turned into a known pastry shop-slash-resto cafe. I'm proud to say that a lot of tourists go to our suburbs just to taste my mom's scrumptious delicacies and meals.

She wrinkled her nose, and then shook her head. She said, "Oh Mikan! You never spoil the fun! You're the only source of fun grandpa and I have. We only want what's best for you. So, are you really sure? 100% sure? You don't want to stay and manage our branch here?"

Sometimes, mom's such a paranoid. I sighed and said with mock hurt, "I'm hurt, mom. It's like you don't want me to come with you. I'm sure about this. Besides, you promised Shichi (my cousin) that you'd make him take care of this branch while in Tokyo. We've been in the countryside far too long, anyways. I miss the city aura, AND, this way, Hotaru and I won't have a hard time seeing each other anymore."

"Of course I want you to come with us, Mikan," she said, almost like a squeal. "I just don't want you to be stressed. I mean, the last time you've been in the city, some deranged elementary principal tried to ambush you and turn you into one of his minions. The bastard."

Gee. Thanks a lot for reminding me, mom. I guess grandpa felt the tension between us, so he started to laugh, and said, his voice rough and mature, yet playful at the same time, "Yuka, Mikan wants to come. We kind of get it now. You should stop interrogating her before she changes her mind. You would love to come with us, right, Mikan?"

I nodded my head, a grin etched in my face. Grandpa makes me feel all happy when he talks. He understands every move I make. I guess it's because I've been with him longer than I've been with my mom. He's old, I mean reaaaaally old, but he's still so bubbly. I don't seem to have an idea where he gets that energy of his. He amazes me every time.

We started packing our clothes and the things we would be bringing to Shibuya. The equipment for the resto café was brought there a few days ago. Some of the furniture were brought to our place there. We'll be living a few blocks away from the place. My mom managed to buy a pad in one of the priciest Suites in Shibuya. She told us she bought the pad because it was near the pastry. Grandpa and I know that she bought it because it was comfortable and big. I guess my mom just wants what's best for me.

Finally, I'm going back to Tokyo. It makes me feel all giddy and nervous just thinking about it. I took out my phone and dialed Hotaru's number. I hope I'm not disturbing her, it's still quite early. She answered it and said, quite annoyed; "What do you want? This better be important."

I gulped nervously and laughed forcefully. I said, "Well, I'll be going to Tokyo in a while, and I was hoping I'd meet you. It's been months since we last saw each other!"

"Idiot," she said. "It's 6 o'clock in the morning. You wake me up just to tell me you're coming here and you want to meet? You could've just texted me or called later at hmmm, I dunno, maybe when you're here already?"

I laughed at my friend quietly and apologized. She grunts and hangs up. At least she didn't scream at me or something, right? I'm so excited. I'm gonna see Hotaru again! And, maybe she'll bring Ruka-pyon with her. And, maybe he'll bring Natsume with him. Just maybe.

"Hey, Hotaru," Ruka asked. "Who called at such an early hour?"

Hotaru shrugged and stood up from the bed. She said, "Mikan. She's moving to Tokyo today. She wants to see me."

Did he just hear what she said? Mikan's coming back? He stared at her like she's a madwoman, and got a glare from her as a response. She said, "Don't look at me like that."

He muttered a 'sorry' and stood up from the bed, as well. They've been living together ever since Ruka proposed. Hotaru wasn't really against the whole living together thing, because she didn't believe that she has to be married just to live with her slave-slash-fiancé. Ruka must've had it hard on him, huh?

Ruka smiled at her fiancé, who was pacing left and right in front of him. He chuckled and said, "I missed her, too."

She stared at him and stopped pacing. She gave him an almost smile and said, "It's been months since I saw the idiot. I can't help it."

"At least you saw her a couple of times already," He started. "I mean, c'mon! It's been twelve years since we saw Mikan. We should give her a welcome party. Let's invite the gang. I'm sure they'd be delighted to see Mikan. What do you think?"

She stared at him as if he did something brilliant, and nodded her head. She nodded more and said, "She does love celebrating. But, I won't spend my money on it. Since you're the one who had the idea, why don't we use your credit card for the party?"

Money has never left her mind. Hotaru was still the Hotaru before. Ruka just chuckled lightly and said, "I can't do anything about it, do I?" and got a nod from her fiancé.

"Okay, then," He said. "Let's start calling our friends."

After four long hours of travelling, we finally arrived at our pad. My mom hurriedly went inside even before grandpa and I got off the car. While running, she said, "Mikan, don't forget, fifth floor, room two. Okay?"

"Got it!" I screamed, helping grandpa with our stuff. The staff helped us take most of our stuff, so we had to carry only about 3 bags. When we entered the pad, I was surprised to see a room only for one person.

My mom was grinning while leaning on the front door. She hugged me tightly, and said, "Surprise! From now on, this is gonna be your pad. Your grandpa and I have our own room downstairs."

The room was nothing from what I've imagined. The walls were a tint of purple and pink. A new cream sofa was placed almost in the middle of the living room. In front of it was a flat screen TV and a stereo. The kitchen was amazing. The refrigerator, coffee maker, oven, microwave, and all the utensils were brand new. When we entered my bedroom, I felt like a kid again. All my stuffed toys were placed neatly in a corner. My closet was light orange, and it had a lot of small flower design. And my bed was so fluffy and comfy. It felt great. The dresser was cream and there was a mirror above it.

The bathroom was still a bathroom. It had a bath tub, a toilet, a medicine cabinet and a mirror. It wasn't big, nor was it small. It was just right.

I stared at my mom, half teary-eyed. I said, "You didn't have to do this, mom. I was fine with living in a same pad as you and grandpa."

She shook her head and said, "You deserve this. You're twenty two already. It's time you pursue your dream. I knew how much you wanted to be a volunteer in an orphanage. So, guess what? There's an orphanage two blocks away. You can go there during your day-offs."

Granpda smiled at me and said, "There's an animal shelter beside it, too. You're going to have fun here, grandchild."

I hugged the both of them and the tears freely flowed. We all cried and laughed at each other. Mom wiped her tears, then mine. She patted my shoulder and said, "Feel at home. Our room's in the sixth floor, room four. Grandpa and I would go to our pad now to unpack. You should do so, too."

They left, so I took my bags and went straight to my room. When I unpacked my first bag, the first thing I saw was a framed picture of me and my past classmates in the academy. I took it and stared at all of the people in the picture. Hotaru was on my right, her face still emotionless. Anna and Nonoko were above me, hugging each other tightly. Koko and Kitsunume were beside them, acting goofy as usual. Yuu was beside them, who looked like he was trying to stop the two from goofing around. On the left of Koko was Sumire, looking pissed as hell. Beside her was Wakako, laughing at Sumire. Mochiage was floating on top of us while Yura Otonashi was staring at him with her glassy eyes. Ruka was beside Natsume, and he was smiling brightly, his usagi sitting on his lap. And, Natsume was sitting right beside me, and it was as if his lips were oh so slightly twitched upward. He was smiling.

I smiled to myself and placed the picture frame in the dresser, somewhere I could see it all the time. After unpacking most of my stuff, I decided to call Hotaru again. Her phone rang for a while before she answered it; "You're in Shibuya now, at the Shibuya Imperial Suites, fifth floor, room two. Wow,Mikan, nice place."

"How'd you-" she cut me off an said, "I told you a while ago, didn't I? Don't forget what my alice is."

Oh yeah. She must've invented something to track me down. I was about to say something, when she said, "Ruka and I will be coming there in a while, in about twenty minutes. Prepare some food. We still didn't eat our lunch."

Before I could even say anything, she hang up. I laughed at myself and went straight to the kitchen. I wasn't surprised to see the fridge packed with food. Once my mom prepares something for me, she makes sure that everything has to be flawless.

I started taking some fish and shrimp, rice, and nori. I'm gonna make some sushi. Before starting, I called mom. I said, "Mom, do you have some pastries with you? Hotaru and RUka are coming in twenty minutes. Hotaru wants food."

Mom giggled and said, "Hotaru didn't change at all, ne? Well, yeah, I have some cupcakes here and a blueberry cheesecake. I'll bring it there in a while."

"Thanks mom!" then, I hang up. I started cooking and remembered the time when I thought Permy how to cook. It was devastating. She was so bad. But, I'm glad I helped her.

Remembering I was an alice, I used some of the alice stones to help me cook. In fifteen minutes flat, I finished the sushi. I even made a crab roe just for Hotaru. Mom entered in a while and brought the pastries with her. We placed it on the dining table.

Mom kissed my cheek and said, "Have fun with Hotaru and Ruka. Grandpa and I are still unpacking our stuff. Tell Hotaru I said hi."

I nodded my head and led her to the door. She smiled at me more before leaving. My mom was still beautiful. I always admired her beauty. She didn't look her age. She's forty, but she still looks and act like she's in her late twenties.

After a while, while I was watching TV, someone barged in. It was Hotaru, and behind her was Ruka. Ruka smiled at me apologetically while Hotaru stared casually at my room. She nodded her head while looking at the walls and furniture, and said, "Pretty impressive, Mikan. How'd you afford this? When you were in the academy, you spend most of your time in the attic."

I pouted at her comment and said, "Mom gave it to me as a growing up gift. It's too much for me. I would've been okay with living with them in the same pad, but she insisted. I couldn't say no since it's been payed for already. Hey! You didn't hug me yet!"

I ran to her and gave her the tightest hug. She started to cough and said, "Stop killing me."

Ruka and I laughed, and I apologized. I, then, hugged Ruka. He smiled at me and said, "Wow, Mikan. You still haven't changed. You're still beautiful. We missed you so much. Things haven't been the same without you there. It felt empty."

I giggled at what he said, and said, "Thanks,Ruka. I missed you guys, too. I missed the academy a lot. I've always wanted to come back, but it was too dangerous for me to stay there."

Hotaru's eyes glistened when she saw the dining table. She mumbled to herself, "Mmm, Crab roe." and started eating, not even bothering to invite us to eat with her.

We just laughed at her and went to the dining table, as well, then munched on the sushi. She took a slice of blueberry cheesecake. She nodded her head and said, "I'm guessing, your mom made this."

I nodded my head, still eating my sushi. Ruka took a slice and almost jumped in delight. With wide eyes, he looked at me and said, "Wow, you're mom's great! This tastes awesome. I'm sure the people would love you family's cafe."

"Resto cafe," I corrected.

We ate quietly until Hotaru broke the silence. She said, not looking me in the eye, "Ruka and I prepared a welcome party for you. The gang's coming."

Ruka smiled at me and said, "Yeah. We'll be having it at our house. This friday. Don't worry, it's just a simple reunion and welcome for you."

I'll see my old friends again? That's great! I grinned at Ruka and said, "Thank you so much! I'll finally see the rest of them."

"You're lucky your friends are nice," Hotaru said. "You do know some of them will come back to Japan just to see you? If I were them, I wouldn't bother. You're still the same idiot from before."

Hotaru's never really good in expressing herself. She just uses insults to say what she means. Ruka seemed to understand that. I focused at my food when I aught Ruka caressing his fiance's hand. The way he looked at her like she's the only woman in the world. I'm really happy that he finally found the one, and what makes me happier is that the one he found was none other than my best friend.

It was quite obvious that Hotaru loves him back. She may act cold, but a small blush is very evident in her face when he held her hand. While we were eating a while ago, she glances at him every once in a while, her lips formed a small smile. I envy them.

"Should we invite Natsume?" Ruka asked Hotaru.

I stared at the both of them and looked away. I pretended not to listen.

Hotaru just shrugged and said, "Why bother. The bastard's just gonna ruin the fun."

That was when I looked at Hotaru again. Her voice was full of loathe, maybe even disgust. I, then looked Ruka in the eye, hoping to find an answer.

When he caught my gaze, he looked away awkwardly and said to Hotaru, "But, Hotaru, he's still part of the gang. And, if you've forgotten, he's my best friend. He's pretty close with Mikan, too. Wasn't he, Mikan?"

I nodded my head slowly and looked at Hotaru curiously. She was clenching and unclunching her fist. What made her so angry? She sounded like she growled before she said, "Fine, invite him. It's not as if he's gonna come anyways."

Finally having the courage to talk, I asked, "What exactly happened to... Natsume when I left the academy?"

"Mood swings," Ruka said quietly. "Nothing more."

The both of them acted weirdly after our conversation. After a few minutes, Hotaru stood up from her seat and said to Ruka, "We should go now. I still have work to do. And, you should go to the clinic now. You have an appointment for today, don't you?"

"Oh shit," He muttered. "I totally forgot!"

Ruka smiled at me apologetically for the language, and said, "We better go now, Mikan. We're going to our work. I'm sure you're quiet from the journey here. We'll see you on Friday. Thanks a lot for the food! It was nice seeing you again."

I smiled at him and waited for Hotaru to look at me. She didn't. Before leaving, she just said, "We're expecting to see you on Friday. I'll pick you up at around 6pm. Bye."

Nothing more. Before closing the door, I also caught her glaring at Ruka after leaving my pad. What happened to them? I'll be expecting a straight. answer this Friday.

Disclaimer: Gakuen Alice will never be owned by me. Tachibana-sama does. :DD

Author's note: It's been a while since I last typed a story. I guess I've just been too preoccupied with what's happening and all that. But, right now, my head's pretty clear. This story just entered my head, and I don't want to miss this wonderful opportunity. It's been a long time since my brain created a new story. I'm quite proud that this is longer than what I usually write. Haha.

BUT, don't worry, I have no plans of deleting Meet Mr. Perfect. As soon as I find the perfect idea for the next chapter, I'd update. I promise. Just please be patient with me. :D

AAAAAAAAND, if you have suggestions or you want to clarify some things, , feel free to go to my formspring account. I'd be getting FAQs there. :D

here's my formspring account: www,formspring,me/nissadevora (just change the comma to a period)

no need to register to ask. :D

Miharu Endou would totally appreciate it if you rate and review. :D