AUTHOR'S NOTE: It's been quite a while. I haven't forgotten about this story, I'm just trying to figure out the direction I want to go with it. Honestly, I still haven't figured it out yet. So I thought maybe if I post this short and simple chapter, it would help. And because if I don't post this, then it'll just be put off longer.


"Honey, you're home," Mrs. Pierce said as she saw her daughter walk up the stairs.


"I thought you were staying at Quinn's? Are you okay?"

"Oh, well you said that you needed to tell me something so…I don't know mom." Brittany unenthusiastically responded, thinking about how she lied to Quinn about her mom wanting her home soon.

"I told you it could wait till tomorrow…Did something happen between you and Quinn?" Mrs. Pierce asked worriedly. She remembered the last time her daughter came home looking extremely sad, recalling that Santana had something to do with it.

"I don't know. I love her but we're on a break and it doesn't feel right. It's kind of scary." Brittany confessed.

"Oh," Mrs. Pierce responded somewhat confused, "What happened honey?"

"I just said I don't know, mom. What did you want to tell me?" Brittany really didn't want to talk about this with her mom. Hell, she didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment except for Quinn, but she didn't know what to say or do to make it better.

"Well…okay. I'm sure you'll work things out. Just remember that you two were best friends before you two became girlfriends."


"Oh right, we're going to Toronto for Christmas vacation. We're leaving on Wednesday…" Mrs. Pierce said with a smile on her face in hopes Brittany would be excited since she always loved family trips.

"What? You're leaving me alone for Christmas?!"

"No…honey, we're all going," Mrs. Pierce rolled her eyes at her daughter, "Well, that's if you want to go…I mean you don't have to, but I mean it is Christmas."

A smile formed on Brittany's face, genuinely excited for the trip. She always loved the chances she got to leave Lima for a bit. She always liked the feeling of not having to wear a Cheerio's uniform and being all touristy taking photos everywhere. Her photo collage on her wall was a great example and she loved any chance to put anything new up there.

Brittany just wished that Quinn was there to share the memories with her. She wanted to ask Quinn to go, especially when she saw the sad look on Quinn's face when she told her she wouldn't be home for Christmas or New Year's. But she decided against it acknowledging the fact that it would defeat the purpose of a break, listening to Kurt's advice.

With that, Quinn was a total mess, thinking the worse would happen to her relationship with Brittany. They were on a break and Brittany was out of town, meaning there was no way that Quinn could spend time with the girl she loved to celebrate the New Year.

What made Quinn feel even more anxious was the fact that once Santana found out about the so-called break, she would take full advantage of the situation, making Quinn look like the bad guy again.

But before Brittany left for vacation and kissed Quinn on the cheek and gave her a small smile in response to her "I love you", Quinn felt like the current break would be very short lived. She hoped.