This is after a poem I read on fanfiction. I switched the perspectives a bit… since I was confused when I read the poem, ha forgot about the warning in the beginning and thought the whole thing was Hayner Pov. Anyhow I hope someone reads it and likes it.
I walked to school feeling tired. Seifer really beat it into me today. He hates me more than anyone ever has, and I'm starting to get upset about it. He's upset and needed someone to take it out on, so I showed up just in time. He hates my very being so I show up to make it better for him.
Whenever I need to be strong he shows up and we fight so I can feel stronger, at least that's how it is to me. When he needs to lose control and just hurt someone I show up so he can feel better. It hurts but I need to be there for him when he unknowingly is there for me.
"I hate you." He said softly in my ear then passed me by. I watched him go and talk to his two friends that will follow him no matter what.
"I hate you more!" I shouted angrily knowing that this is just another lie. I'll keep lying and playing this charade. He needs to believe that I hate him that way I can always be there for him. Roxas ran up to me from the front of the school, he doesn't know the truth and is content with the lie. He noticed how I was clutching my stomach and looked at me in concern.
"Go off to class. I'm fine." I said with a reassuring smile. He nodded and patted my back but he still waited up for me so that we would be able to leave together. I knew the bruise in my stomach was deep, deeper than any of the other attacks he's done to me in a long time.
When I got to my first class Namine saw me and seemed a bit worried but I blew it off. I knew Sora would be curious about my slow movements today but he and Roxas really need to just leave me alone sometimes. That's something that they don't understand and Seifer does. It hurts but it's true.
Seifer walked into the class and sat in the back, it was a couple rows from my seat. I glanced back at him and tried not to make it noticeable. He was writing something in a notebook which made me curious but instantly someone sat down beside me. I looked up and saw Olette smile at me kindly.
She knows.
"Hey Olette." I said and stared at the teacher who was trying to introduce me to advanced English. That's how I'm in this class with him, and one of the many reasons he hates me. Being Nerdy probably doesn't help my standing with him.
"How are you doing, Hayner?" She asked kindly. I felt someone watching but I just shrugged.
"The same as normal. Why do you ask?" I don't want her to notice how annoyed I am by her presence but I don't like passing the ball. Tell me what you want to tell me and let me go the fuck away from you. That's my motto with my friends now-in-days.
Seifer has been getting even more angry now in days. I don't know how much I can take before I have to stop it for a couple days.
"You seem a bit… hurt?" She asked as though looking for the right word. Olette doesn't take hints. She destroys them and keeps going straight through until she understands the situation then she smiles and waves leaving the huge train wreck behind her.
"Yeah I got into a fight. Can we please drop the subject?" It's obvious that I don't want to deal with the fucking subtle hints right now. She's been raising her voice this whole time trying to get Namine and maybe even Seifer's attention.
This would mean my death.
"No! Hayner, I'm worried about you!" She hissed now choosing the time to lower her voice. I ignored her noticing the teacher walking up to us. I had to keep from smiling when I watched the teacher move me, but where he moved me to… made it difficult.
I'm now sitting next to Seifer.
"I was happy." I grumbled and leaned back in my chair. Soon the bastard of a teacher made it worse by saying that these are our seats for the year. I glanced over at Seifer but he was writing again. He glanced over at me and glared I glowered back then laid my head down on my desk.
I love him… but he can't know this, if he does then this is going to get worse. He'll have more reasons to hate me and will probably jeer in my face. I wonder how good of an actor I am. I know Seifer's been taking theatre since he joined the school but even so. That means nothing about my own acting experience which is one school play where I was a tree and Seifer was the lead.
Needless to say, we fought that day.
I looked at the clock and watched time pass by slowly. My stomach was killing me, I couldn't help but wince in pain, I tried to do it discreetly but the teacher noticed and asked if I needed to go to the nurse. I looked at him like he was crazy and asked why. He ignored me the rest of the period, and when the bell rang, I hurried out of the classroom like my life depended on it.
My next class is a private one between me and Sora. He's teaching me how to fight with a sword for my P.E. credit since I keep getting too injured to be in gym. Somehow this is the one thing I can do no matter how much pain I'm in, running not so much.
Today he just had me stretch.