A/N: It's been a while.
I was in the kitchen making myself a sandwich after putting Harrison down for a nap when I was startled by a boy's voice coming up from behind me.
"Hey, I'm sorry about John and Jared, they just don't know when to keep their mouths shut." The boy spoke. I turned around to face him, placing the butter knife I was holding on the counter. He was small, a little taller than me, but petite nonetheless. His hair was a long light brown hung down to almost meet his shoulders. He was also wearing black skinny jeans and a plain brown tee shirt.
"No, it's oka-" I started to say, before I backtracked and decided on saying something of more importance, "Who are you?"
"Oh, I'm Pat, Pat Kirch." He informed me, extending his right hand towards me. "I play drums in Kenny's band."
I put my hand in his and shook each other's hands for a moment. "Oh, okay. It's nice to meet you." I said as we shook.
"Pat, you need some help there, man?" Another male voice called, emerging from behind the wall.
"And he's Garrett, he plays bass." Pat said to me once the other boy came into view. Garrett was taller than Pat and I; his short spiky like hair was a reddish-brown color, and his eyes, they stood out like a sore thumb from the rest of his Ryan Adam's image, they were a bright crystal blue.
"Hi." I waved to him, as he stood there now silent looking between Pat and I.
"Hey, what's up?" he replied giving me one of those acknowledgement head jerks that boys tend to do.
I shrugged, replying, "Nothing, really."
"I doubt that, everyone's always doing something." Garrett retorted, moving in closer to where Pat and I were standing near the kitchen sink.
I mulled his words over slightly, choosing my response very carefully. "Well, then I'm getting a glass of iced tea and trying to fix a broken heart." I said, turning away from them and proceeding to get a can of Brisk from the fridge.
"Did you and your boyfriend break up?" Garrett tried to guess as I reached for the canned beverage from the depths of the cold refrigerator.
"Oh, no." I turned around as I attempted to open the can, "I don't have a boyfriend." I said lowly, bringing the cold aluminum up to my chapped pink lips.
Pat jumped back into our odd conversation, buy saying in a confused manner, "Then why's your heart broken?" His eyes were big and brown, and his face which resembled that of a thirteen year old looked sincere and caring.
I shook my head, "Not saying." I smirked a little as I took another sip from the can. There's something about these boys, and I just can't put my finger on it.
"Well in that case," Pat started to say, "Garrett's heart's not stable either." I looked at Patrick like he was crazy, no one could be as unstable as me, but then again, none of them knew that.
"My girlfriend and I broke up." Garrett told me so Pat didn't have to, his eyes locking with the floor briefly as he spoke. "We dated for five years, so it's pretty hard to cope with not having her around anymore." He looked back up and our eyes locked, to say there was some kind of connection, wouldn't be right.
"I'm sorry, what happened?" I asked concerned, when our eyes met I swore I could see his pain flash across features. That's the connection I made, we both are in a lot of pain.
He shook his head just like I did before, "I'll tell you when you tell me." he flashed me a perfect sideways smirk, fully knowing what he was doing.
I scoffed, "Not gonna happen."
"Maybe." I replied. "If you're good." I winked, grabbing my sandwich and iced tea, and headed up to my room for our stay here.
Comment/Review please :)
Love you all - Dominique