"Dean! Sam! Dinner!" Mary yelled as she set the table. She then heard the sounds of her two teenage sons running down the stairs.

"Hey Mom, what's for dinner?" Sam asked.

"I decided to make homemade pizza, just for something different."

"Smells delicious" Dean stated.

"Alright just sit down while I go get your father from the garage." Her sons sat down at the table then she went out the door connecting the house and the garage to find John.

"So Sammy you happy to be getting rid of me soon?" Dean asked his brother as they waited for their parents.

"What do you mean?"

"My graduation idiot! I'm finally getting out of this freaking town."

"What's the matter Dorothy don't you like being in Kansas anymore?" Sam asked with a smirk on his face.

"Oh you didn't just say that."

"I think I just did." Dean gave Sam his famous 'You're gonna die' looks then looked to the door once he heard it open. Mary and John sat down at the table then all of the guys start with 2 pieces each while Mary started with one.

"Dean I am so proud that you made it through high school." Mary said with pride.

"Thanks Mom," Dean said smiling, "You know I think I finally know what I want to do."

"What would that be?" John asked.

"Dad, Mom, I want to join the Marines. Dad you were a Marine and so was Grandpa, maybe I'll just continue the family tradition."

"Dean you want to be a Marine?" John asked with shock.

"Yes, you know I'm strong, I'm at the top of my class, maybe I'll be the best Marine there ever was."

"You don't know that." Sam said quietly.

"What?" asked Dean

"You don't know if you're going to be the best Marine ever, you could just go out there and get yourself killed!" With that Sam stood up so fast he knocked over his chair and ran to his room. Mary and Dean started to get up at the same time but John motioned for Mary to sit back down and let Dean handle it.

Dean went up the stairs and knocked on his brother's door, when no answer came he opened it up and there was his little brother sitting on the side of his bed with his eyes cast down to the floor.

"Why the sudden outbreak?" Dean asked while he sat next to Sam.

"You could get yourself killed."

"I won't die."

"You could! Don't you remember what happened to Uncle Bobby? He joined the Marine after his wife died and he never came back, Grandpa almost died, hell so did Dad! You say you want to keep the family tradition then you're going on a suicide mission!"

"Sam I promise I won't die, I'll come back. I'm not like Dad, Grandpa, or Uncle Bobby. Don't worry."

"You're scared Dean."

"I'm not scared."

"Yes you are Dean, you know that what I'm saying has some truth in it and you're afraid that I might be right."

"Now how would you know that?"

"Because I know you Dean!" Sam said as he stood up.

"Because I've been following you around since I was four! Studying you trying to be just like my big brother! And this is exactly how you act when you're terrified!"

"What do you want me to do Sam? I want to be a Marine and you have to accept that!"

"I can accept it it's just…it's just I want you to cut the crap and be my brother again."

"I'll always be your brother, and I've never regretted that for a second. Alright I admit it, I am a bit scared, I mean who isn't when they go into the Military. But I'm trying to keep my fears at bay so they don't get the better of me. I'm trying to be strong for Mom and Dad…..and you."

"I'm sorry Dean, I…"

"Don't be sorry. There's nothing to be sorry for."

"Thanks Dean."

"Anytime, now let's go down and finish that pizza that Mom made, hopefully Dad hasn't eaten all of it yet."

"No Doubt."