Chapter 1: Meeting

"Battements Tendus," The instructor said watching her little ballet students turn so their sides were facing the mirror, pointing their toes, and extend their right foot out.

She watched as they all did their Battements Tendus, occasionally helping them correct their mistakes. "Beautiful lady's, your all doing so much better." She smiled and gave them all a high five. "Your parents should start arriving soon, so I'll show you what we will be learning for the next few weeks." All the little girls turned to watch their instructor as she balanced all her wait on her right foot bringing her left leg strait up behind her. "Can anyone name this position?" She asked smiling.

"Very painful?" The instructor turned her head towards the voice but already knew who it was.

She turned her head, emerald eyes connected with charcoal, his raven hair was still spiked and slightly longer. She smiled at the 19 year old boy she had met in the second grade. "Hello Sasuke." She didn't notice the slightly older Uchiha hiding behind Sasuke. "Hey Sakura!" He replied.

"Is it the Arabesques?" Asked one of the little dancer in training.

"Very good Mai, yes this is the arabesques, and all of you will be learning this." She said bringing her attention back to her class, returning to her standing position. "And if you all have it down at the end of the month maybe, Mr. Uchiha will be willing to take all of you to the new water park!" She shot Sasuke a smirk as the small group of 8-9 year old girls squealed and raced over to the moody Uchiha and embraced him tightly around the waist.

That's when she noticed the older Uchiha standing against the wall, watching the little girls swarm his brother. His long raven hair was tied back with a crimson hair tie, his dark eyes showing his amusement as he watched his brothers uncomfortableness around the kids.

"Okay," She spoke up attracting a the attention of all the little girls and both Uchiha's. "Lets get back to Battements Tendus." All the girls sighed and went back to what they were doing before Sasuke arrived.

She went back to pointing out their faults and helping them correct them.

The older Uchiha watched her every move, her pink hair bounced with every step in it's slight sloppy bun, her emerald orbs calculating the girls movements, her graceful movements. She wore a dark tan leotard with sleeves that ended above the elbow, black tights, black ballet slippers, and dark tan leg warmers.

He watched as she approached the smallest dancer looking at her feet, Sakura tilted her chin upward.

"Trust your feet, they know what to do." She smiled at the girl and watched her as she corrected her own mistake. "That's perfect," She looked up at the clock above the door of the dance studio. "Okay lady's, that was beautiful, keep practicing and I will see you all next week bright and early Monday morning to learn...?" She raised a questioning eye brow at them.

"The Arabesques!" They all said in unison.

"Yes! The Arabesques, now go to your parents, go , go, go!" She said watching them all gather their things yell their goodbyes and race out the door, down the stairs to the main floor to the waiting room, were their parents sat and waited for their children.

"So, to what do I owe this pleasure?" She asked pulling on a pair of baggy gray pants over her tights, then sat on the floor and took off her ballet slippers.

"Mikoto wanted me to bring these to you." Sasuke answered handing a few CD's to her.

"Oh yeah, I forgot I asked her for these." She smiled. "Thanks."

Sakura said putting them into her shoulder bag then pulled on her skater shoes, she stood then walked out the door with the Uchiha's following her down the stairs. "So how has Mikoto been?"

"She's fine, same as usual I guess."

"Who's he?" She gestured toward the elder Uchiha as she ushered them out of her studio as she locked the doors behind them.

"Oh, this is Itachi Uchiha, my older brother." He mumbled.

"Itachi, I'm Sakura Haruno , it's nice to meet you." She smiled and held out her hand.

He glanced at her hand then to her eyes, after a seconds hesitation he gently shook her hand. "It's nice to meet you."