Title: Points of Connection

Author: Galanthus

Translation: 7toublesome

Beta-reader for English version: awesome MAKKURA ARASHI (thanks for patience!)

Paring: Sasuke U./Naruto U.

Genre: Romance/Fantasy

Status: finished

Permission for translation and posting: officially given by the Author (Many thanks, dear Galanthus!)

Disclaimer: Kishimoto

Warning: AU, OOC, Sasuke-neko

Autor's note: It was written for myself. The Author is not a philologist. It is recommended that the warnings and the headings be consulted before reading further.

Summary: They have saved a strange creature; beautiful, wild and dangerous. But is he intelligent? While they try to find his home, the creature steals Naruto's heart.… A prissy Baby with cat ears and fluffy tail…

Chapter 1.

They quickly cleared the perimeter. The authorities had seized another organization responsible for exploitation of extraterrestrial forms of life. The picture was shitty and depressing. The organization seemed to be one of the biggest and the most disgusting ones Naruto had come across. The law, of course, was strict and merciless to such crimes, but the temptation was even bigger. To have an exotic pet was the dream of many rich people and they were ready to pay insane amounts of money in order to fulfill it. That was the reason such organizations prospered. The department that specialized in dealing with their liquidation was called "Konoha", and it was where Naruto had been working for six years already. It was like a family business, all his relatives were in it; his father was the current head of the department.

Walking into one of the labs, Naruto wrinkled his nose and tsk-ed with displeasure. This was a real torture cell. As soon as he entered, his attention was captured by a creature, hunched over in the middle of the lab. He had never seen many humanoid creatures before. In fact, only feline ears, a tail and claws on fingers and toes made the creature look different from a human. Maybe there were more differences, but there was no time for a detailed research at the moment. The creature was in a very bad state. It was on its hands and knees; its head and wrists chained to the floor by shackles or something like that so the reader has a clearer picture of what he has on his neck and wrists. Its feet were permanently kept down by leather straps not allowing it to be rise or even be moved. The creature's back was covered with bloody scars from continuous flogging. But the most sickening thing, was the fact that the creature was being prepared to be a sex toy. A vibrator had been inserted into miserable creature's anus, left on vibrate, and there was a ring on its erected penis, preventing the creature from gaining completion. The people, torturing the creature had tried to escape as soon as attack on the building began, absolutely not caring about leaving their experimental guinea pig behind. During such moments as these, Naruto felt a deep shame for the whole human race, but at the moment there was no time for sentiment, as the creature desperately needed help. It was a part of their job, but strangely nobody volunteered. Both the medics present, Sakura and Ino paused in confusion. Naruto, decided not to wait any longer and resolutely made his way to the creature.

Though the creature was exhausted, it was definitely not going to surrender. It continued to make angry noises, and its half-fluffy tail twitching nervously all the time. Carefully pulling its buttocks apart, Naruto pulled the vibrator out. It caused the miserable creature to delect its back and to howl. Without lingering any longer, Naruto confidently took the victim's penis into his hand and pulled off the ring. The organ was similar to touch as his own though a little hotter and more solid. Wanting to put an end to the innocent creature's suffering and save it further humiliation, Naruto made several firm movements and led it to orgasm. Miserable creature jerked with a vague noise.

Sakura immediately bent over in order to take the sample for further analysis. The sperm looked ordinary but Naruto wasn't interested in such details. The primary objective was to free the victim and to provide it with medical treatment. First of all he took off the straps, freed its legs and saw bleeding wounds caused by constant struggling. Obviously, the creature struggled with recklessness. It kept still, locked in its position, but trembled all the same. Naruto shifted his gaze to the chains. The strapped neck and wrists were bleeding. Coming over to the creature's head, Naruto had met the creature face to face for the first time. It's face appeared to be perfectly human. The human winced in surprise. He somehow thought that its eyes would be feline, with elongated irises, but that was not the case. He was looked at with perfectly human eyes, pitch black, with long black lashes, displaying the whole range of emotions – suffering, pain, challenge and hatred. As it turned out, a special ring was shoved into victim's mouth being the cause of such vague sounds. Lips and gums were severely scratched and were bleeding badly. Blood was streaming down its noticeably protruding fangs. Naruto carefully brought his open palm straight to its face allowing the creature to get his smell. Its nostrils trembled nervously. The tail was nervously twitching all the time.

Nobody interfered with Naruto's work. He had a rare gift of finding understanding with the weirdest of creatures. Once he had managed to get along admirably well with three-feet-tall nine-tailed fox, a male fox to be exact. The beast came to like him so much that it was not willing to return to its own dimension. People, inclined to analyze, believed that Naruto had a very profound professional approach, but in reality it was the matter of unusual consideration, kindness and compassion. Living creatures felt it and were drawn to him. Naruto didn't know whether this creature felt it, but he managed to pull out the ring easily enough, then he took off the stocks. But as soon as the creature was free, it attacked immediately. Sharp fangs pierced his arm near the right wrist, drawing blood and both the creature's claws plunged into skin of his back. It was howling with deep vibrant sounds, back fluffy ears stood upright, the hair on its nape stood on end, the tail constantly twitching. The occurrence didn't cause any panic, fuss or haste. It was a routine for Naruto and everybody had gotten accustomed to it. Naruto made not a slightest attempt to pull out, petting the creature soothingly on the head with his free hand. During such moments he just paid for all these fuckers that dared to call themselves human.

The medics worked quickly. Sakura took the samples of blood from the creature's bleeding back, while Ino prepared the first aid kit.

Ino had a magic touch, but the creature seemed to be very sensitive and when the girl's hands touched its wounded back, it cried in pain and distress.

- "There, there, Baby." The nickname sprang out of his mouth suddenly, all by itself and since that very moment Naruto called the creature by that name.

Naruto continued petting and slightly massaging the Baby's head. The hair was black, thick, silky and extraordinary soft to touch. Then he moved his hand and started to stroke the bridge of the Baby's nose carefully. He was He was aware that the movement usually calmed cats down. And he was right in assuming that Baby would calm down as well. Baby relaxed a bit and convulsive grip of its teeth slowly lessened. Naruto went on speaking.

- "A little patience, Baby. We just want to help you. As soon as we know where you are from, we will send you home that very instant."

Meanwhile, Ino finished cleaning the wounds and carefully applied a salve that would close them in an hour.

- "It is a Neko!" Sakura announced suddenly, her voice trembling with excitement. All this time she was testing the collected samples at portable lab. She could not be wrong with the result.

- "A Neko?" asked Capitan Kakashi with astonishment.

- "Yes!" Sakura still unable to rein in her excitement.

- "That's a surprise," said Kakashi.

- Everybody looked with undisguised curiosity at the captured creature.

- "As far as we know Nekos are intelligent," Ino interfered. She finished applying salve to the wounds and gave creature an antibiotic injection.

- "That cannot be known for sure," answered Sakura. At the moment she was confirming the data on computer. "The last a Neko was seen, according to records, was a hundred and sixty seven years ago." The creature refused to establish any contact and disappeared quickly. But there were some bits of its fur left, which were used as genetic samples. The new species was given the name of Neko, taken from old legends. The genetic structure of the sample and that of the creature are identical. This is a Neko undoubtedly, but except for the knowledge from legends and myths, nothing can be added. We have a mystery before our eyes."

Sakura was very curious and was anticipating great discoveries. But Naruto was anxious to clear up the matter of Neko's intelligence.

- "You have said they are intelligent, right?" he addressed Ino.

The girl shrugged and answered. "So say the legends."

Naruto's gaze shifted to Baby. Even with little reason he believed that the neko had the ability to think and to understand. The creature probably just didn't understand human language. Anyway Naruto had never given up before.

- "Will you let me go, Baby?"

The neko gazed unblinkingly at him, but Ino's treatment had an effect as the expression of black eyes slowly lost its violent aggressiveness and hatred. Naruto kept his gaze direct, without a single blink. They stayed like that for some time before the neko's jaws slacked and the grip of claws relaxed. Baby very slowly and a bit tensely pulled away, still looking Naruto straight in the eye. The man slightly smiled in answer.

- "Well, good boy, Baby."

Ino hurried to treat his wounds, but Naruto gestured for her to stop. He pulled out a bottle of water, opened the lid and took a sip.

- "This is called water. Have some." He handed the bottle to the neko.

Baby hissed with protest at first, not understanding the meaning, but after sniffing the contents and finding nothing dangerous to him, decided to take it. Unfortunately he had no strength to hold it and dropped the bottle from its weakened fingers. Naruto caught it in midair.

- "That's ok," he said calmly. "I will help you."

He approached the neko slowly and calmly, ignoring threatening hissing sounds.

- "Don't be afraid, I won't harm you," he said. He was not worried that Baby did not understand him. "We are going to drink some water, and you'll feel better."

Though the hissing sounds and tail twitching continued, Baby let him approach. Very carefully, trying to avoid wounded lips and gums as much as possible, Naruto brought the bottle near the neko's mouth and tilted it. The water began to trickle into the neko's mouth. Baby swallowed greedily and quickly. After downing half-liter of the bottle, the neko's thirst was satiated. Water did its magic and revived him immediately. Dried eyes shone, neko licked its lips and gums. Naruto wanted to straighten in order for Ino to tend to his wounds, but suddenly Baby grabbed his arm and hissed in protest. Neko looked at him for some time unblinking and then meowed. Naruto took it as a greeting and answered:

- "Hi." And then he put his uninjured hand on his chest and added, "I'm Naruto."

He got another mew for an answer. Naruto smiled. "I will call you 'Baby'."

Suddenly Baby leaned forward and rubbed its head on Naruto's shoulder. Black eyes gazed over at the still bleeding wrist and it seemed they acquired a shade of guilt. But Baby managed to surprise Naruto again bowing its head and licking the wound.

"It's all right," he petted the black head. "There's no need to apologize. I can understand."

He went on with petting neko on the head and gestured for Ino to come up. While the girl treated him, he explained to neko her every move. Being on alert, neko closely watched all the girl's movements, probably not trusting her. When the treatment was finished, another matter came up. What should they do with the neko?

- "I will take him home with me," Naruto stated calmly.

Nobody objected as the current situation occurred on a regular basis. Besides, the neko seemed to show definite liking of Naruto and taking into consideration the possibility the creature could be intelligent, it was the most reasonable solution.

- "Sai, how about the neko's dimension?" asked Kakashi.

- "It is an absolute mystery so far. I don't have the slightest idea where to look, Captain. I took note of the parameters, but there hasn't been a single match so far. I really don't know, but maybe the creature came to our world willingly and then was captured. If that's really so and we presume he's intelligent, we might expect some visitors. The possibility is high.

"It's going to be difficult," Kakashi sighed. "Well, we will deal with it along the way."

Somebody had brought a blanket and Baby was allowed to cover himself in its warmth. He still clung to Naruto, keeping the body contact. Naruto kept petting his head and talking to him soothingly. Baby didn't have any strength left to walk so Naruto picked him up. Apparently his physiology was different from that of human's as the neko was not as heavy as he looked. While carrying him to his car, Naruto said:

"It will be all right, just a little patience and we will send you home."

Exhausted the neko either dozed or jerked awake with violent hissing. However, Naruto thought he was cute.

-End of Chap 1-