The Middle Of Middle

AN: Okay, I know that it's been a while, but I started school again and have been trying to find a happy medium between my computer time and the new workload. I suspect that the best times for me to update are on Saturdays, but if they happen during the week, don't blame me! Um, I hope that you had a great summer, and have no really witchy teachers. Good reading!

Disclaimer: I just play in the local sandbox.

Chapter 5

I continued while Miroku was splayed on the ground. "Well, then we have Cho Chang and Cedric Diggory, who were named Eastern and Southern Ookami respectively, and I know enough to say that she is Ayame and he is Kouga. For Cho, it was actually quite a no-brainer solution, because she was a fiery girl when I first met her, and then also, she got into multiple fights with Cedric while he was all starry-eyed over me. As for why Cedric is Kouga, well, you saw his interaction with Harry earlier, and he was quite the charmer before I got to him. Thankfully there wasn't much that Cho and I had to beat out of him." I stopped talking and looked around. "Where are Cedric and Harry? I told them to start winding down before I started this."

Pansey got a blank look on her face and then looked at me. "They're still going at it. I'd say try the wand."

I almost smacked myself. Of course I should have used my wand. It worked somewhat like a dog's whistle, but it was specifically set for Harry and Cedric for when they ran out of range of my voice. "Scarica qui ora(1)!" A light shot out and I smirked. There would be whining boys here soon.

"So, other then that, the last person that I need to tell you about is Harry. Harry...well, he looks like Inuyasha on one of his human nights, but I think that's just a side effect of the Tetsusaiga. It dampens his youki down far enough that it is almost non-existent."

"Feh, what's so different about what it does now wench?" Inuyasha's voice drifted from the upper branches of the Tree of Ages.

I twisted around to scowl at him. "Because, I got Totousai to make a trigger for Harry to go between his human, hanyou, youkai, and dog forms at will with no failures. Your version of the fang only kept you from going all out demon on us while we were hunting for the shards. Harry gets to keep his mind when he is a full demon and his dog state, and it's also removed the necessity of Harry becoming a human during the new moon because he is voluntarily in that state for forty percent of the time. Otherwise he's a hanyou just like you. And it's scary to see him as a hanyou. He's got the ears, the eyes, the rosary and word of subjugation, the scowl, the mouth and the attitude to make him a mini-Inu."

"Well then how come we didn't see any of those when he was here?" Miroku interrupted.

Harry spoke up from the shadows, "Because of the trigger. I can choose to be human, which I do like to be in almost as much as I do my hanyou and full youkai form, but it's just a matter of personal choice." Striding into the circle, he sat down next to me and scowled. "You know Kagome, you didn't have to make the spell quite that shrill. I practically lost the hearing in my right ear and I'm sure Cedric did go deaf."

I looked around. "And where is Cedric, might I ask?"

Harry shrugged noncommittally. "Last I saw him, he was laid out on the ground. I just left once I heard the whistle." He stood and scratched my ears before walking over to Inuyasha. "So, I'm your reincarnation?" Inuyasha eyed Harry skeptically.

"Feh, what's it to you puppy," Inuyasha said. The two of them started circling around the center of the group. There was an underlying tension between the two that had me shifting uneasily in my seat. Harry had a hand on his sword and the dimly lit forest was causing shadows in the hollows of his eyes and he started to look quite scary.

"For what it's worth," Harry stated softly, "I do know that you care about Naraku going around hurting your pack...just like I hate Voldemort hurting mine. And...Kagome's a part of both our packs, and the opposition isn't just gonna lay around like a dead fish...he's gonna try and tear us apart and fight for the Jewel. I need your training," he swung around to face the others, "we all need your training, whether we enjoy it or not. Sure, some of us are a down right pains in the arse when frustrated, but from what Kagome's told us, so are you." He twisted to face Inuyasha again. "I realize that you might not think that I'm worth the time, but I'm asking you to help me get rid of Naraku, and Voldemort, for good."

Inuyasha stared at Harry for a long while. "What would you have me do?" Inuyasha's voice was soft.

Harry leaned forwards eagerly. "Anything, hell, you could even come back to Hogwarts with us and help put Naraku down there. I've been told that I am going to be the last in an extremely long line of avengers, and this would be the last that we see of him or his other spawn. If I could get the right training, then I would be able to end things between us before more people die." Harry's voice was low and fervent. I wanted to jump at Inuyasha and tell him to take on the damn job.

"Keh, I don't have anything else to do around here then be a babysitter, so why not?" He shrugged dismissively. "And if it means making sure that Naraku doesn't screw with anyone else's life, then I suppose I have an obligation." Inuyasha turned around and started walking to the Goshinboku.

"I'll see you lot in the morning," he called over his shoulder. I frowned and looked up at the horizon. Crap, it was a full moon tonight, and I hadn't taken my potion this morning. The first sliver of silver light poked its head over the trees and I dropped to the ground with a shudder.

"Kagome," Sango's voice was right by my ear. "Kagome, what's wrong?"

"Inuyasha, get everyone from here into Sango's hut and place a protective barrier over the it." My voice was a low growl. "Don't worry about the others, they'll be fine." Another wave of pain crashed onto my nerves, and my back arched. I heard I keening sound, that I later realized came from me. It really shouldn't have surprised me, seeing as I've been going through the change twice each month; once at the full and new moon. I managed to kick off my shoes and shed the outer kimono before I shuddered again and then lay limp. If I had been in another person's perspective, I know what they would've seen by this point.

MY body lay there on the ground and then there were several loud CRACKS as the bones in my body shifted into shapes and positions that they weren't originally meant to be. Claws grew out of my nails, and my canines grew to an abnormally long length, even for my hanyou form. Black fur started and finished sprouting and then it my transformation stopped just as suddenly as it started. The pain ebbed away, leaving me shivering and panting from the physical exertion that had been required to keep my human mind a part of what normally would be a feral, transformed dog demon.

The grass was cool under my paws as I tried to gain my way to a standing position. There were immediately two other inu beside me, bolstering me as I scrabbled up from the ground.

*Easy, there,* the one on my left growled softly. *One paw at a time, that's it,* His soft grumbles of encouragement gave me the strength to wobble my way onto all four of my paws and stand there.

*Thanks Stolz.* I looked around at my surroundings. Ginny and Blaise were standing, not looking like they were ready for a fight, but just alert. Inuyasha was standing in the upper branches of the Goshinboku with his hand on Tetsusaiga. There was a soft snap as a branch was trodden on and my enormous head snapped after it. A fourth dog demon had joined the fun. He had a set of magenta stripes running down his cheeks and a blue crescent moon placed on his forehead. I went out on a limb and sniffed him, after which he licked me. I yipped and then turned to examine my pack mates. Dray stood quietly and let me inspect him all over. Once I was satisfied I moved my attention to the other.

*You've never seen this, have you?* My voice was quiet. The other shook his head.

*No, but I've heard stories from Stolz(2) and the others.* I chuckled.

*Well, stories aren't all that they seem. Remember that.* I licked his crest, a green lightning bolt that ran down his nose. *Now, because I haven't had the opportunity to meet you before in this form, I have yet to name you. What do you think Stolz?*

The Inu known as Stolz trotted over and gave him a cursory sniff. *Well, I would suggest Scar-head, but since we're playing nice, I'd say something like Lightning, or Bolt. What do you think Sesshomaru? *

The inu with a crescent moon looked over. What does this Sesshomaru's opinion matter?

Stolz looked unfazed. Then again, it was likely because he had already faced Fluffy-sama in his inu form. *Well, if I'm your incarnation, and I see these as my pack, then by pack law, they are also your pack. Your voice has weight in our discussions and decisions.*

Sesshomaru gave the new pup a single sniff before curling up on the ground and covering his nose with his tail. *If you insist, either Suro or Rakurai would be good. Suro means Strike and Rakurai means Thunderbolt.* I gave Stolz a look and he shifted. I took that as to mean he was fine with it, so I trotted back over to the pup.

*Well, we've taken into account your actions and behaviors, and have decided to name you Rakurai. You have plenty to live up to in that name, and you have done a wonderful job of filling it.* The inu known as Rakurai looked up and nodded and then I stood and shook.

'The night is still young, and my bones are restless. It is time for us to go on the hunt. Come my friends,' I howled. 'Let's go for a run!' Rakurai and Stolz joined in the howl and then the ookami were standing beside me. The male was staring at the electric blue markings that were now on his arms while the female was growling at him.

"Get a move on Cedric, we don't want to be left behind." I chuckled and then moved on. Lune di Fuoco(3) was standing ready for me to take off. The demon touched Ginny had already mounted her and was reaching down to give Blaise a hand up. A ginger fox was standing by Pansey. She refused his offer of a ride, instead pulling a feather out and enlarging it with a silent Enlarging Charm. Wingardium leviosa made it able to lift and then she stepped into it. The fox looked torn between running beside me and riding with the witch to protect her. I jerked my muzzle towards the Zephyr.

'Go ahead Alepoù(4). She can keep that feather going at a fast rate, so she won't lose up.'

Alepoù yipped happily and then jumped in with her, shrinking himself so that he could easily sit on her lap. Hermione stood by the hut with Rin. "I'll be fine," she assured Stolz. "Àmyna's(5) friends here will keep me safe as houses." She ran her hand down his nose. Stolz gave her a lick and a small snort from him ruffled Hermione's hair. "I love you too. Go have fun!" He whine softly and then turned back to me.

'We are all ready to go Mitéra(6). Who will lead the run?' His voice was tight with his readiness to leave. Rakurai's tail was swishing gently in the breeze and I smiled gently.

'This time, Stolz, we just run. Follow me!' I reared up onto my hind legs and then jumped forward. I heard excited squeaking from above me, and curses on my left flank. I barked once, happy that I was finally home. Because it was true; I was finally home!

I ran without caring where I was going. It was nearing dawn though, and I knew that I had to get back to Sango and Miroku's home. Most of the others had dropped off halfway through the night, leaving only Rakurai and Stolz.

'Stolz, can you guide us home?' My mind voice was only slightly weary. I slowed our pace until we were only walking through the trees. I had noticed how Rakurai was struggling to keep up with the frenetic pace I had set.

'Yes I can Àmyna. Follow me.' He started back the way we came, at a slower pace though. We had been going through the forest for possibly five minutes when the wind shifted and brought with it a scent of sakura blossoms. Stolz and Rakurai continued forwards into the scent, but I stopped. What is that a hint of…miasma? My doggy eyes widened. And it's coming from the camp!

'Harry, Draco, follow!' I hurtled through the greenery like there was no tomorrow. And if we didn't get there in time, there wouldn't be one. I had forgotten that Kagura had been on our side against Naraku at the last battle; I was just smelling the miasma and responding. Evil was near my pack, too near.

End Chapter 5


1: Get here now (Italian) 2: Pride (German) 3: Moon Fire (Italian) 4: Fox (Greek) 5: Defense (Greek) 6: Mother (Greek)

Okay, I hope that was a good read, I kno9w that I didn't get who Pansey was a reincarnation of yet, but it will be coming in a couple of chapters, I promise. Umm, not very many reviews, if any at all, but I don't mind that there aren't any, but I would like to see some. ...there was something else that I thought of when I was typing the top AN, and was going to put here, but I forgot it...dammit! Oh, well. Until next time my friends,

Ciao~ Miera