Hallo, my dear readers. I still get reviews, favourites etc, and I wanted to kinda finish it.

For those who don't know, this is a very old story, when back in the day Demi and Joe dated, and broke up, and Joe started dating Ashley Green.

Also, I'm very sorry for my language, I know it sometimes changes tenses, but as I said English isn't my first language, and in my country English is just the tourist language, so forgive me for mistakes. ;)

If anyone is still reading, please review, so I know that it was worth the time.

!: Surnames are changed, so this is legit.


''I..I can't believe you just said that,'' Demi whispered. Joe didn't normaly swear, at least the Joe she used to know. Who am I kidding, I don't know Joe anymore. Of course he would say something like that.

Suddenly some kind of instict kicks in Demi, and she quickly runs into Joe's bathroom. She could hear him runing too, but she locks the door before he can open them.

''Fucking asshole,'' Demi sighed. She hopes he doesn't hear that, but by the sounds behind the closed doors, she knew he did.

''Demi. Come. Out.,'' Joe says very slowly.

No answer.

''Demi! This is my house, and if I have to break down the doors I will do it!'' He says.


''For fucks sake,'' she yells as she opens the door, ''What is wrong with you?''

''What is wrong with me?!'' He yells back, ''I dont think you are in the right situation to be asking ME that.''

''Ugh..'' she lets out a noise and goes to wash her face. Her mascara is all over her face, her make-up is everywhere.

On her way, she stumbles in her heels and loses her balance. She falls down, and hits her head against the left side of the bathtub.

''Fuck! Are you okay?'' Joe quickly asks as he rushes to her and helps her to get up.

''Yes. But my head hurts really bad,'' she says hissing.

He helps her move back to the couch.

''I'll go gets some ice.'' he says disappearing into the kitchen.

For a second Demi thinks of running away, but that thought vanishes as soon as she tries to get up from the couch.

Ouchh..I'm going to kill Chloe..

Flashbacks from the last 6 hours run through her mind like a movie.

Little scenes from the bar, everyone shouting "SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS", her laughing, her and Chloe dancing at the bar stool, her dancing with a guys named Mike, her running to the bathroom and falling, security guards picking her up and carrying her to the guard room, her vomiting, them calling the cops, her being carried away.. oh God.

I GOT ARRESTED. F.U.C.K. The tabloids are going to eat me alive.

Joe comes back with a ice-patch. He hands it to Demi.

''Ahh..God.. that feels good,'' she says moaning. Joe's eyes darken at the sweet sound of her moan. He watches her lips as she parts them slightly.

She lays back still holding the ice patch to her head. Her chest moves up and down and her dress is still not covering her bra. Her dark blue lace bra fits her breasts perfectly.

He continues to look at her moving chest when..

"JOE" Demi screams wide eyed.

''What?'' He asks innocently.

''Oh, don't give me that look. You have your new toy now, look at her all you want,'' she says pulling up her dress. ''Where is Ashley by the way?''

''She is not my toy and she is in L.A. right now for the Twilight premier.'' Joe says proudly.

''Yeah.. rightt,'' Demi mocks him. Joe's eyes darken as she whispers the last word.

''What do you think I'm lying?'' he snaps.

''I don't know,'' Demi snaps back, ''For the past few months, I never know anything with you.''

''Well, thats not my fault, is it?'' he snaps now getting angry.

''YEAH, YEAH IT'S ALL MY FAULT, ISN'T IT.'' Demi yells. ''I DID EVERYTHING. I DUMPED MY SELF, DIDN'T I?'' Demi yells standing up.

''Oh, not again with this'' Joe whispers.

As Joe stands up Demi takes a step back. He moves foward, she steps back again.

''Demi..'' Joe warns taking another step fowards her.

''Don't come near me Joe, I mean it.'' Demi warns him, taking two steps back and hitting the wall behind her.

''What are you going to do? Run? In those heels I don't think so. Yell? Yell as much as you want,'' he says,slowly moving foward, so that they are face to face ''Hit me?'' Demi gasps as flashback runs through her head of slapping Joe. He now is extremly close to her, '' You've done that, and I don't think I liked that.''

They are now only inches apart. They're practically breathing the same air right now.

Demi moves her palm against his chest, trying to slowly push him away.

''Joe.. Stop,'' she says.''I'm warning you again.''

''Why? You used to like when I did this,'' he smirks. And as soon as he says the last word, Demi pushes him as strong as she can.

He always used to do this. I used to love feeling his body against mine.. until he dumped me.

''What is wrong with you? Haven't you done enough?'' she says as tears form in her eyes.

Joe's smirk fades as soon as he sees her sad eyes. He closes the distance between them and hugs her while she tries to push him away again.

''JOE, let me go,'' she whispers, ''I'm really tired.''

After a couple of seconds he lets her go. His arms fall and he moves to the staircase, climbing up he stops in the middle and he reaches out his hand...

TBC, if you review guys.

I have to know if any of you are still reading.

Hope you liked it.
