"What room are you in?" Alexa asked Roman in between kisses in the elevator.
"523," Roman said as he heard the elevator chime as it arrived on his floor. The two paused their make-out session to get off of the elevator.
The first thing Alexa saw when the elevator doors opened was the face of Randy Orton. Alexa shook her head and took Roman's hand, guiding him down the hallway to his room with Randy hot on their tail.
"Randy, why are you following me?" she asked, not bothering to turn around and look at him. "Go away."
"You think I'm just going to sit here and let you hook up with this guy?" Randy said as he waved his hand in Roman's direction with a disgusted look on his face.
"Yeah," Alexa said as she waited for Roman to open the door to his hotel room. "Because there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me." Alexa followed Roman inside the room, shutting the door in Randy's face. Randy let out a frustrated sigh and punch Roman's hotel room door before storming away.
Inside the hotel room Alexa and Roman both ignored the sounds of Randy's frustration as Roman pushed Alexa against the wall and began kissing down her neck. Alexa halted Roman's kisses as she removed his shirt and began kissing his neck and stomach as the two moved towards the bed. Alexa gently pushed Roman onto the bed and gave him a smirk before unzipping her dress and letting it fall to the floor. Roman smiled in appreciation as he looked down her perfect body; Alexa returned his smile as she climbed on top of him. Roman leaned up a little bit and the two locked each other in a passionate kiss, Alexa reached down and began unbuttoning and unzipping Roman's jeans. Alexa leaned a little bit to the side as he pushed his jeans down far enough so that he could kick them off. As he took his pants off Alexa slipped off her bra and panties, Roman smiled again as he pulled his hard cock from his boxers and stroked himself, craving to be inside of her the more he looked at her. Alexa climbed back on top of Roman and slowly slid onto his cock. Once all the way inside Alexa began rocking back and forth, throwing her head back and moaning in satisfaction. Roman grabbed onto her hips and pulled her closer to him as Alexa sped up the pace. Alexa rode faster as her first orgasm rushed through her. Before she could come down from her high Roman had flipped her onto her back; the two of them continued their mind blowing sex well into the morning.
Alexa looked over at the alarm clock next to the bed before looking over at a sleeping Roman. It was now close to three in the morning and sleep just wasn't happening for Alexa. She carefully climbed out of bed and gathered her belongings before slipping into her dress and then quietly exiting the hotel room. Alexa made her way to the elevators and got on; pushing the button for her floor before releasing a breath she hadn't known she was holding. When she heard the elevator signal that it had reached her destination she got off the exit. As Alexa approached her room she noticed a man sitting on the floor next to her door; his legs were completely stretched in front of him and his head was slumped down as if he was sleeping. The sound of footsteps caused the man to lift his head; giving away his identity. Alexa shook her head as she stepped past Randy to open her hotel room. After sticking her keycard inside and opening the door she tried to make it in before he had a chance but Randy caught the door and followed behind her.
He reached for her arm and as Alexa tried to pull away he pulled her to his chest and crushed his lips to hers.
Alexa dropped her shoes and purse that were in her hands and placed both hands on Randy's chest and shoved him away from her. "Get off of me."
"What's wrong?" Randy questioned, showing Alexa that he was very drunk. "You just did this with Roman and it was okay."
"That's exactly why I'm not doing it with you," Alexa said. "Where is Eve? I'm sure she would be more than willing fulfill your needs tonight."
"Eve is terrible in bed," Randy admitted. "It was the worst experience of my life."
"Well I hope that experience was worth losing me over."
Randy took a deep breath and stumbled over to the couch before crashing face first onto it. "It definitely wasn't."
"That why did you do it?" Alexa asked, looking over at the couch only to seeing Randy passed out. Alexa shook her head before pulling one of the blankets from the bed and covering him with it.
Alexa yawned as she woke up the next morning; she rolled over and looked at the clock before getting out of bed and walking over to the couch. Randy was still passed out, on his stomach with one arm hanging off the side of the couch. Alexa shook her head as she made her way to her suitcase, grabbing her gym clothes and walking into the bathroom to put them on and brush her teeth and hair.
Getting ready for the day she walked back out into the living room, seeing Randy sitting on the couch, elbows on his knees and his head resting in his hands.
"Headache?" she asked as she closed the bathroom door behind her.
"Yeah," Randy said without lifting his head to look at her.
Alexa walked to her purse and fished out a bottle of ibuprofen; she opened the bottle and popped two in her hand before grabbing a water bottle out of the mini fridge and making her way back in Randy's direction. She held the two items in Randy's direction, receiving a 'thanks' as he took them from her hands. He popped the pills in his mouth before washing them down with a huge gulp of water.
"Did you really have sex with him?" Randy asked as he leaned back on the couch.
"Not that it's any of your business," she said as she turned back to her suitcase to grab a pair of socks. "But yes, we did."
"Are you planning on seeing him again?"
"No," she answered as she slipped on her socks. "He and I were just a onetime thing – nothing serious."
"You and I were a onetime thing," he replied. "Now we're serious."
"Were serious," she said, stressing the word 'were'. "We're not anymore," she added as she slipped her shoes on and tied them. When she got no reply from Randy she said, "I'm heading to the gym, I'll be back later. You're welcome to stay here until you get your headache under control."
Alexa walked into the gym and scanned the room, when she saw Adam putting his weights back on the rack she made her way over to him.
"Hey Adam," she said as she approached him.
"Hey," he responded, not bothering to hide how unhappy he was.
"What happened with you and Alisha?" she sighed, knowing that she was the one causing him to be in a bad mood.
"She said she doesn't want us to continue what she and I were doing until I break up with Megan," he said as he sat down on the bench.
"I can't really say I blame her for putting her foot down," Alexa answered honestly. "It's obvious you really like my sister, so why not just break up with Megan, you've been cheating on her."
"I know and as much as of a lie as this may sound, I love Megan," he said. "There's just something about Alisha that I can't find in Megan."
Alexa sighed for Adam, mostly because she knew exactly how he felt. When she slept with Randy she realized she had feelings for him but she was still with John and she loved him also, "All I can tell you to do is go with your heart," she said as Adam stood up. "But I personally think you should pick Alisha."
"Yeah, you're only saying that because she's your sister," he smiled.
"No, I'm saying it because Megan is a bitch," she smirked. "I'm going to go get a workout in real quick," she said before she and Adam said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.
After her workout Alexa left the gym, making her way through the lobby she spotted Randy and Eve sitting on one of the couches. Even was very close to Randy and the two were smiling about something. Alexa shook her head in anger, 'She must not have been too bad in bed.'
Randy looked up just in time to see Alexa storming off in the direction of the elevators, as he began to go after her Eve placed her hand on his arm, successfully stopping him.