A deeper perspective on Nodame and Chiaki's relationship.

My Girl

A Nodame Cantabile Story

chapter one: +my girl+

This is unbelievable. I can't believe I'm running after her. I've never had a chick treat me this bad โ€“ twice.

"Hey, Nodame!" I pant out. "Stop!"

The weirdo, a few meters ahead of me, stops. Really, it's about time she does.

Her fish pout makes me want to throw the nearest stone I can find at her face. Unless I want her out of my sight again, this time, I have to restrain myself.

"You just have to walk away every time we have an argument, don't you?" I sneer, grabbing her arm. "Don't test my patience."

Nodame instantly recoils. I never expect her to do this. In fact, she's the most unpredictable person I know. She looks me in the eye, her other hand soothing the arm I've grabbed. I probably pressed too hard.

"Why?" She starts. I suddenly feel a light pang hitting my heart. "It's not like I should be afraid of you or anything. I've got nothing to lose, anyway...at least not right now."

What is with this woman? We've been so happy three days ago that I haven't seen this coming.

A fight about not being able to make it to one of her piano shows at a parlor party due to a spontaneous fill-up for Stresemann in his Berlin concert turning this bad is utterly ridiculous. In fact, I don't have time to be wallowing in this nonsense.

But boy, she's got me wrapped in her tiny finger. What else do I have to do to show her that I do care? I'm pretty convinced that standing in front of her right now is enough for an apology, because normally, I don't do the begging.

"For the love ofโ€”"I close my eyes, taking in the cool breeze of the autumn, as I mentally count from one to three before speaking, "Please, Nodame, I am deeply sorry. I wouldn't have run after you if I'm not, would I?"

"Then stop making broken promises!" she bursts, tugging at my coat. "It would've been totally fine if you haven't made me expect in the first place."

Her body moves away a bit and I can see few small crystals rolling down her cheeks. I attempt to wipe them off, but her hands find mine before I can even touch her face.

"It's like you don't even-"her voice breaks, her eyes darting side-ways. "Do you even love me, Shinichi?"

Here we go. She always has a need to ask me whenever she wants to assure herself of something. But I'll take this liberty to melt her against me.

"Idiot." I move an inch toward her until our bodies meet and I can finally wrap my arms around her small frame.

She buries her head on my chest for a moment before looking up again. "So, do you love me?"

"Yes," now I'm defeated. "I even cried a bit over you the other night, Nodame."

I lean down and press my lips on hers. "Satisfied?"


Of course, Shinichi Chiaki can get a way into sweet talking this weirdo. This is probably the only thing I know I'm good at more than anything, and dreadfully, more than conducting.

I can't remember how I've fallen in love. Until now, the word can make me cringe. People who know me well can say that this is the most peculiar thing's that ever happened in my life. It's the only thing I don't want myself doing, yet inevitably, the one I also know I can't live without.

The sounds that Nodame is producing dance vividly in my head. This is how I'm supposed to make up to her โ€“ to listen to the pieces she has played at the parlour party. Not that I mind, really.

In fact, I regret missing it in the first place.

Wait. An error-

"Sloppy." I correct.

"Gyabo." Her eyes shoot open from the daze she's been, and look at me, confused. "But I played it alright at the party."

"Well, it's not alright."

Can this get even more annoying? The girl really gets defensive when you criticize her. Fortunately, finding the will power to hold my hand from smacking her head is pretty easy.

Nonchalantly, I sit by her side and for a few minutes, instruct her fingers to do the exact way I'm doing.

Huh? That's strange. She's stopped.



Small, smooth arms engulf me all of a sudden. I can't help but let out a contented sigh.

"Nodame's missed you."

"I've missed you, too."

She kisses the nape of my neck, hard and lingering. The warm contact immediately ignites a growing pain inside my pants.

I lightly dress out of her arms, giving her a soft smile. "Not now."

"Gyabo," she mutters, "It's not fair. Nodame hasn't been with Shinichi for a week and a half already!"

What a surprise. She counts. Really, is this all she ever thinks about? I mentally laugh inside. I'm not sure if I should be lucky she's a pervert or scared she might drain me nonstop.

"Listen," I start, bringing a hand to her cheek, "play that piece like you mean it, then I'll cook your favorite. Do we have a deal? I know you can do better than that."

She groans, stretching her arms in the air, and then slumping back on the piano. "Nodame doesn't have a choice."

Her comment makes me smile. It's just so right.

Come to think about it, it's really been a while since we've been together, alone.

I also have to admit, I do miss her. She smells a bit nice today, too, like a faint scent of melon. One of the rare occasions she can turn me on.

For a moment, I bury my face on her hair, inhaling the intoxicating mist that only she can produce, and whisper, "You can stay here for the night."

Slowly, she turns and looks up, our eyes meeting intensely.

"Thanks. I'll play now."

"That's my girl."

With that, her lips curve into a smile before I crush them with mine.