A/N: My first Toy Story fic I loved the third movie so much, and the budding romance between Buzz and Jessie was so sweet...

Hope you enjoy

Not mine

Bubbles surrounded Bonnie's room, the light from the open window made them shine as they softly crawled though the air, staying aloft for as long as they could before they inevitably popped and vanished against the plush carpet floor.

Buzz turned around when a load of bubbles fell gently against the back of his head, and there he saw Jessie, smiling at him shyly, a blush staining her cheeks.

She held tight to the orange plastic stick, pulling it her body nervously, before taking a deep breath and blowing a new stream of bubbles in the space toys direction, they landed softly against his plastic skin.

To anyone else, this simple act would have looked innocent, but Buzz knew better, he knew that each bubble that popped against his cheek was a kiss from her, he smiled back at her.

Kisses never felt so sweet.

A/N: Thanks for reading and please review...