Alright this is the sequel of Chances Wasted which is the sequel of Second Chances. Welcome to my story Last Chance. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

After Jasper proposed in front of the school all the shit hit the fan. The Cullen's were excited that I was officially joining their family. The pack was a little angry about the fact that I loved a werewolf. They thought I would be better with a human. Paul was supportive of the entire thing, he was happy I found my imprint and that we could be together. The others would come around eventually. All but Jake. He was so in love with Bella that he couldn't see anything else. My parents were really worrying me. They hadn't said anything and it scared me. They were just waiting for the right time to blow up and I didn't know what they would say or do.

Rosalie and Bella had really started to help me. Jasper and I wanted to get married right after graduation so the wedding had to be planned quickly. Jasper tried to be involved but he didn't understand all of it. He just laughed and gave me his credit card. "Whatever you want Darlin, will be fine with me." He was so sweet about the entire thing that I had to include him. Rosalie was an expert about weddings and Bella was helping me keep it low key. Rosalie loved over the top things but I just wanted to marry Jasper. The only thing they weren't helping me with was my wedding dress.

Leah was helping me make it by hand. It was going to be a gorgeous dress with very simple beading. It would take a little while but it should be ready in time. The only thing we couldn't agree on was a day and place. We were still arguing about that. Actually that's what we're doing now. "Sam I just don't want to risk the day becoming sunny and having to reschedule it." Jasper was frustrated and I could tell.

"Jasper I keep telling you. My feelings are always right and I have a feeling that it will be fine." I was angry that he wouldn't trust me.

He sighed. "Darlin, I love you and I just want it to be special. I don't want to disappoint you by messing it up. I know you want it to be special and I don't want to risk it." He was so sweet. I couldn't stay mad at him.

It was time to break out the puppy dog eyes. I focused on all my affection and love for Jasper and pushed it towards him. "Jasper could you please just consider it?" He just sighed and nodded. He could never refuse me when I did that. I heard laughter behind us.

Edward and Bella were standing there and Edward shook his head. "You are so whipped." Bella just raised an eyebrow and Edward started stuttering to make her happy.

It was our turn to laugh. "And you're not. Besides they're pretty, how can we refuse them?" I leaned up and kissed his neck. That was the highest I could reach since he was so damn tall. The day was pretty uneventful. Angela was asking me about everything and was genuinely happy for me while Lauren and Jess were so jealous. They all wanted details and Jasper laughed and said. "It's her wedding. I'm just supposed to show up and say my vows." I smiled and kissed his cheek. After school Jasper dropped me off at the reservation. He would sneak in my bedroom window later.

I walked into Leah's house and said hi to Mrs. Clearwater. She had been so nice lately while all the other mothers thought it was disgraceful it was. They all ignored me and talked about me behind my back. The pack defended me because they saw how bad I was without him. Leah and Mrs. Clearwater understood that. We set to work immediately on my dress. It was coming along great and it would be ready in three weeks or a month. We heard a howl rip through the air. We started taking off our jewelry and I put mine on her dresser. I would scream if I broke my ring by accident.

We ran outside and Sam was waiting. Leah immediately phased and ran away from him. Sam had dumped Leah when he imprinted on Emily and worst of all Emily is Leah's cousin. The drama caused a bit of a divide in the pack. We tried our best to stay one big group but it was hard. With so many people, each having a different opinion, clashes happened easily. We can't hide anything from each other so it makes everything harder. Right now we were running extra patrols. Something was going on in Seattle. People were disappearing and corpses were popping up. All the signs pointed to a group of vampires and since it was so close to home, we were being extra careful.

The patrol was long and grueling. No one other than Leah, me and Mrs. Clearwater had seen my dress so the guys kept trying to see it in my mind. I was blocking it from them and it was a fun little game they played. After patrol I ran out of there and the guys were laughing at me and teasing me. I went to the Clearwater's house and Mrs. Clearwater had a plastic bag with my stuff in it. I gave her a smile and licked her face. She laughed and pushed me away. I ran towards the border and Jasper was waiting for me.

I jumped on him and he laughed at me. "Feeling playful?" He asked with his sexy accent. I just tried to lick him. He stopped me from doing that. "I don't want to have to change Darlin. Are you going to phase back?" I shook my head and he looked confused. I wrote in the dirt with my claw. Race? He nodded. "First one back to my house wins. Winner picks the time loser picks the venue. We can agree on a date later. Deal?" He stuck out his hand and I quickly thought it over. Either way I would get something I wanted. I put my paw in his hand and shook it. We stood next to each other and faced the forest.

"Ready, set, go!" We both took off running. I knew I could run faster than vampires but I didn't know how fast Jasper was. We were neck in neck for a little while until the trees started to thin. On a flat surface I could build up my speed and beat him. I was pulling ahead of him and he looked shocked that I was beating him. The rest of the family was sitting outside when I barreled past them. Jasper was running as fast as he could but he couldn't keep up. I tapped the house with my nose seconds before Jasper. We were both panting and he just looked at me. I sat down on my hind legs and howled straight towards the sky.

It was silent until Emmett said. "Damn, Jasper got beat by a girl." With that everyone started laughing and I smiled at my future family.

Alright first chapter done. It will get better as time goes on I promise. Please review!