Disclaimer: I wish I wish I owned Danny Phantom! Desiree: -turns me into Butch Hartman- AHHHHHHHHH! CHANGE ME BACK CHANGE ME BACK! -is changed back-

Summary: Vlad receives a visitor

Rating: T

Inspiration: Cooking bacon…I don't know why

Pairings: MaddiexVlad –is shot-

Warnings: It's MaddiexVlad and has two OCs

Other Notes:

Very few people really knew this about Vlad and Maddie, since they weren't popular in college, but they were dating before the portal accident.

Yes, the trio was in their last year of college. Vlad and Maddie dated the entire time, with Jack steadily dating a pretty red-head from class the first two years, then a nice black haired girl for the year and a half before he was single again. Jack was kind of jealous that Vlad got Maddie, but he was supportive. When he knew Vlad wasn't looking, he often looked like a lovesick puppy towards her.

On that fateful portal day, it was a week from graduation. Jack was planning on going back to his hometown in Amity Park and start hunting ghosts. Maddie said she wasn't sure, but probably go home for a while. Vlad was planning on asking Maddie to marry him. He was sure she'd say yes. Vlad already had a job lined up with great benefits and pay and was the successor of the Dairy King. They could buy a house within a few months and settle down together till death do them part.

"Maddie, I just wanted to tell you-" Vlad began.

"One second Vlad!" Maddie told him. He just smiled, but it turned into a frown as he walked up to the portal and examined it.

"I'm telling you Jack, it won't work!" Vlad exclaimed, glaring at him slightly.

"Nonsense V-man!" Jack said, over cheerful.

"Jack, don't forget to pour in the ecto-filture," Maddie called out over her shoulder as she examined the calculations.

"You got it baby!" Jack yelled out as he randomly grabbed something off the shelf. He was too busy smiling like an idiot at Maddie since Vlad was too busy checking out his awesome portal. Maddie glanced at Jack and smiled friendly at him, making Jack even more cheerful. If this portal actually worked, Maddie would be so impressed!

"Jack, these calculations aren't right," Maddie said with a small frown as she checked the papers again to make sure she was correct.

"BONZIE!" (I have no idea how to spell what Jack yelled) Jack yelled as he hit a button on his little remote control thing.

Jack and Maddie stared in horror and shock as Vlad yelled out in pain, the portal blasting him in the face powerfully. Vlad yelled out for a moment after it finally stopped, covering his face, his hair now a bright white. Maddie rushed to her boyfriend's side and gasped when he removed his hands. His eyes seemed to be glowing green and his face was covered with ecto-acne.

Vlad sighed as he pet Maddie the cat. After the portal hit him, he ran out of the room. A teacher saw him, and filled with horror, insisted on taking him to a hospital. Soon as he reached there, he began to fall unconscious.

When he woke almost two months later, he learned that he was in a coma and that his ecto-acne was naturally going away on its own. He was relieved, but frantic. Where was Maddie? He tried calling her dorm room, only to dumbly remember that she didn't live there anymore, his class graduated a long time ago. He tried calling her parents, but they haven't seen her since her graduation party. He also called Jack's parents, who said he moved to Amity Park and gave him his number and new address, but Vlad wasn't interested in talking to Jack.

Vlad was released from the hospital three months later and lived with his parents, who insisted he stay with them because he was still weak and sick from the accident. There, he learned about his ghost powers and practiced in secret while trying to get ahold of Maddie. The college didn't know about her whereabouts.

Vlad had given up hope until he received a phone call from Maddie two years after his portal accident. She lived with her sister for a year before moving to Amity Park. Then she nervously told him that she had fallen in love with Jack. When Vlad didn't reply from shock, Maddie quickly explained that she still loved Vlad, but her love for him was more like a friendly love than a romantic one. Vlad just expressed his congratulations before lying and saying that he needed to go take his medicine and needed a nap. Maddie sounded relieved before telling him goodbye and saying that she hoped they could stay in contact.

After that, Vlad decided to try and show her that he was better for her than Jack. He used his ghost powers to get rich, build a successful company and more. Instead, Maddie married Jack and ended up having kids with him. How he hated the fat oaf now.

Knock knock knock!

Vlad rose an eyebrow at the door knocking. He wasn't expecting company. Nor did salesmen or Jehovah's witnesses come to his door. His house was too far from the main road for them to walk down.

Either way, he stood up. Maddie faithfully followed him to the door. The doorbell rang again before Vlad opened it.

Outside stood a nervous black haired boy in need of a haircut with dark blue eyes and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. No, it wasn't Daniel. This boy was much older, about twenty. He was obviously in college.

"Can I help you?" Vlad asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm your kid," he blurt out.

"I have no children," Vlad informed him. Now that the boy said it, it was hard to ignore how much the boy looked like Vlad when he was in college.

"My mom gave my sister and I up for adoption," he said, biting his lip and shifting from foot to foot.

"And who is your mother?"

"Maddie Johnson," he replied. "My adoptive parents told us about her when we were sixteen. I couldn't get in contact with her, but I managed to talk to her sister. She said that you were my dad."

Vlad just stared at him.

"Why are you here then?" Vlad asked. He knew he sounded a little cold, but what exactly did this kid want?

"Um…I know it's going to be weird to ask…but my sister and I need a loan."

"What kind of loan?"

"Well…my adopted dad just got laid off and my adopted mom is too sick to work. My sister and I are both in college and my little brother will be in college next year…I know it's a lot to ask and all, but we're already maxed out when it comes to student loans…"

Vlad just stared at him. When receiving no response, the boy quickly added on.

"We'll pay you back once we get jobs and all that! I swear!" he pleaded.

"Would you like to come in?" Vlad asked, opening the door a little wider. The boy apparently took this as a sign that Vlad was going to help, because he sighed heavily with relief before walking in. "What's your name?"

"Hm? Oh, Ezekiel, but people call me Zeke," he replied, nervously looking around the castle. Vlad noticed how out of place he seemed in his expensive home, wearing torn jeans, a worn t-shirt and his jacket was way too big for him.

"Okay Ezekiel. Living room's down the hall, second door to the right. Go sit there, I need to make a few calls."

Zeke nervously nodded before walking away, glancing back.

'He thinks I'm calling the police,' Vlad figured as he dialed the Fenton's number. Jack answered, but Vlad requested to speak to Maddie real quick. When Maddie picked up the phone, Vlad got right to the point.

"Maddie, I have a college boy that looks just like me sitting in my living room claiming to be our child. Explain."