A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.
George S. Patton
"Actually… we do have a plan" Colby said a little bit unsure.
Don, Megan, Liz and David quickly exchanged glances and nodded their agreement. Then Don spoke for all of them. "So, fill us in then."
And so Colby did. While the rest of them were listening quietly, asking questions where needed, Granger quickly explained what was about to happen. By the end of his explanation everyone in the room felt like maybe, just maybe they did have a chance of getting Chris Granger back safe.
When they were done discussing the plan and everyone got an assigned task, Colby felt like he needed some air so he excused himself and went out to the backyard. He stood there for what looked like a long time, but actually wasn't more than a few minutes, just staring at the dark sky, trying to hold it together.
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a gentle cough, followed by a hand at his shoulder. He turned around startled.
"Hey, calm down-"David asked calmly. "I didn't want to scare you."
"Nah, you didn't, I was just-"Colby didn't finish his sentence, not really being able to explain.
"Look-"they both started at the same time and then laughed awkwardly. David found his ground first so he spoke.
"We are going to get her back, I promise. For what I've seen of your sister, she looks like a tough one. She will be alright."
Colby just smiled. "I know, but thanks for saying it. Listen, David, I want to-"
David just waved him off. "We'll talk later, now let's get Granger junior back. Now come on, I think we are ready to go."
"Sounds good." Colby agreed and followed David inside.
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No one admitted it to Granger, but the plan was kind of insane. Megan didn't like it at all. Of course she understood it was their best chance for a successful outcome, but she still hated the idea that Granger was about to put himself in danger again. But it was not her call to make so she just followed orders.
Right now, she and Liz were sitting in the SUV, waiting to be needed. Megan hated waiting. Being a back up meant that if things went wrong they would have to show up. And no one wanted things to go wrong.
Agent Reeves were a person of action; she always preferred doing something to not doing it, that's why this current situation was quite irritating. Judging by the expression Liz had on her face, she was having those exact same thoughts.
Finally Liz broke the silence.
"Tell me again, how did Granger know that they are keeping his sister in here?"
"Apparently Scott and Violet followed them to here." Megan answered automatically.
"But they could have moved her by now."
"Scott said that Chris has a GPS tracker on her. It shows she's still here."
"They could have found it and thrown it away." Liz was still unwilling to accept the plan.
"I know, but right now we have to hope they didn't." Megan was not too happy about this idea also, but she just needed to believe that everything would be alright. "We have to trust Granger, Liz. It's his sister we are talking about. I doubt it that he wants to risk her life."
Liz nodded and didn't say anything. They just have to wait and hope their presence won't be needed.
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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Granger asked for what felt like a hundredth time.
"Yes I am! Now shut up. We do it as a team." David's tone was hard to argue with.
Don nodded his agreement. "Do you hear him Granger? As a team. No solo work this time, okay?"
As a team. That sounded almost too good to be true. But Colby decided to dwell on to that later. So he just agreed quietly.
"Yes sir."
"Good. Now, let's roll." Don winked and spat out his gum.
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The world was blurry. Or was it the pain in her…well, whole body that was making it blurry? Chris wasn't sure. She concentrated at the task in hand – open her eyes and see what was going on.
"Hey, look who's finally awake." A sleazy voice announced.
Chris winced in disgust as the voice was soon followed by a much sleazier hand, caressing her cheek. "Waky waky, sleepy head." The owner of the voice and the hand materialized in front of her.
Great. He wasn't wearing a mask. That was not a good sign when dealing with kidnapping.
"What do you want from me?" Chris flinched as the Sleazy Hand was touching her again.
"From you? Oh, I'm sorry to bring it up to you sweet heart, but you are nothing more than a bait." Another voice announced and Chris heard footsteps. "Jake, leave her alone…for now. We don't want to damage the goods. Save your lust and energy for when her brother comes here."
Colby. Oh god! They were using her to get to Colby. And she let herself be taken. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Chris didn't need to hear the rest of the story. She knew pretty well who was behind that.
"Listen, Mr. Lancer, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but Colby would never show up here."
"Oh, so you figured it out, huh? Smart girl."
Michael Lancer appeared from behind Christina's back and kneeled before her.
"If he wants to see his baby sister again, he will. And I can assure you, we'll be waiting for him."
Lancer smiled at her. Chris spat in his face, hoping she could annoy him enough to kill her. But the bastard just wiped his face, and smiled at her again.
"Save your energy, missy. You'll need it."
"I'm telling you again, Colby would never show up he-"
"Boss!" Christina's rant was interrupted by another male voice. "I was just informed that someone resembling Colby Granger is approaching the warehouse. By the looks of it – he is alone."
"You were saying?" Lancer looked at Christina but before she could answer he smacked her across the face strong enough to draw blood from her nose and mouth.
Chris took it without a sound. She felt like she deserved it – she lead her brother to his sure death. She just prayed it would be quick. She closed her eyes and waited. Seconds later she heard door opening and Colby's voice.
"So, I'm here. Let her go."
"Well, hello, Mr. Granger." Michael Lancer made a sign to his people to let Granger approach him.
Colby looked around. His heart skipped a few beats when he saw Chris tied to a chair in the center of the room, right where Lancer was standing. By the looks of it – she was beaten, but alive. That bastard was going to pay.
"Let her go," Colby repeated again.
"Well, it doesn't work that way." Lancer laughed and made a sign to one of his man who immediately came behind Colby's back and handcuffed him.
"You know, when we were growing up, Manson was always looking up to me. He was my sweet baby brother." Colby had hard time imagining it. The creepy animal who was sticking needles in him fishing for information, didn't look like a sweet "baby brother" to him at all.
"Do you know how it feels getting a call inviting you to your brother's funeral, huh?" Michael punched Colby in the face.
"Your brother was a criminal, not a saint." Colby said calmly. "And I didn't kill him."
"No, you didn't, but it was because of you. Because you had to put your nose where it doesn't belong. And now-"Lancer looked at Chris, who was looking horrified. "Now, little Granger is going to pay. And you'll have the privilege to be in the first row and watch."
Lancer gestured to "Sleazy Hand" who was waiting nearby.
"Now, you can have the little bitch. Just be sure to put on a good show for our VIP guest here."
He laughed. It was the most disgusting sound Granger has ever heard.
Colby closed his eyes and actually prayed. He prayed for his friends to come here in time and he made a promise – to himself and to the whole universe – no more lies. If only they make it out alive – he'll change his life.
Granger opened his eyes again just in time to see Sleazy Hand trying to kiss his baby sister.
Then, a few things happened at once : Chris spat in Sleazy Hand's face, Colby screamed for him to leave her alone and a door being broken indicated that someone was going in.
"FBI, get drop your weapons and get down on your knees, now!" David and Don yelled.
What the hell? Colby looked horrified as his friends appeared in his line of vision pointing guns at Lancer's people. No, no, no! That was not the plan! What were they doing? And where was the back up? How did they expect to win against a little army?
Didn't they trust him enough to follow his plan?
"Trust is like a vase.. once it's broken, though you can fix it the vase will never be same again." Anonymous
Notes : thank you so much for reading. I'm really really sorry that it took me so much time to update this story. I was going through some stuff and kind of lost any ambition to write, but now I feel like I want and need to finish this story. Thank you for all of your nice comments and messages of encouragement. Hope I won't disappoint you.