I'm Lenalee Lee, 20 yrs old. I'm a newly graduated teacher, and today I'll be meeting new persons, co-teachers, students that I'll take care of.

Lenalee walks into the school her hair in a bun (like miranda in the rewinding town) and with eye glasses and a long dress.

At exactly 6:30 a.m I arrived at ROSE BACH CROSS HIGH an exclusive school for children belonging on a high society. I gulp the water lump forming on my throat, I breathe in and breath out.

"My assigned students are A-3" not bad because 'A' means a good and intelligent students. Lenalee looked at the door and opened it. The students in the room are arranged in order. 'Wow, how proper of my students'

"I'm Lenalee Lee your General Psychology teacher. Nice to meet you all" She said in a cheerful way.

"Okay. Lets take the attendance for today" she grabbed the lesson plan and started reading it.


"Here mam"



And so the calling of names continue


"…" Lenalee looked at the seat that supposed to be occupied by a kid named Allen Walker

"So Allen Walker is absen-" before she continue her words the slamming of the door beat her. There stood a white-haired boy

"Allen Walker right. Late in the first day of class?" She said in slight irritated tone.

The boy just walked to his seat and didn't even give a glance on her. 'What a rude attitude, and hey! No dying of hair '

"Mr. Walker, please dye your hair black the school don't allow dyed hair" she said glaring at the boy

"What is this, discrimination? My hair is the way you see it" he said glaring back at her.

"Ok. Let's start the class" she said with a rather irritated tone and her eyebrows are twitching. 'What the-. This kid is a pain'

The class starts running smoothly except of course for Allen Walker he is 'damn tired' he doesn't like the subject, especially the teacher. He laid his head to his desk and started to dream… but

"ALLEN WALKER. How dare you drawn yourself to the dream world when I'm here teaching" Lenalee shouted

Allen just raised his head and looked at the pissed teacher n front of him. "What now?"

"You-" she said controlling her temper making it cease out "class dismissed for today and for you ALLEN WALKER you're going to the detention because you didn't listened to my class" she said sternly

"What!" Allen shouted

"D-E-T-E-N-T-I-O-N" she said and then left the room.


Lenalee is walking down the hallway when she spotted a recognizable hair 'white-haired' it would only be Mr. Walker. It turned a corner and she follows him. When she finally turn to the same corner when Allen was she saw two guys looks like the same age as him, she hides immediately when the two speaks.

"Hey! freak!" the two man said in a unison

"YEAH. What now Jasdebi" Allen said rolling his eyes these two is always bugging him

"Let's play POKER" Debitto said

"Yeah POKER POKER" Jasdero said

"OK" he then smirk darkly and emitting a dark aura. 'hehehe this would be easy' Allen mentally laughing

Lenalee just watched there waiting. 'They're violating the rules of the campus! That WALKER he will be hustled by those two kids'

Allen started arranging the deck of cards. There s a glint of evilness in his eyes

"Let the game begin" he said while distributing the cards to Jasdevi

after 2 minutes

"Call" Allen called out then lad his cards to the floor "ROYAL STRAIGHT FLUSH" grinning so widely

"WHAT! You're cheating!"

"AH AH AH*while swinging his forefinger to the face of the twins* Come on my price"

"HERE-" the two said but interrupted

"YOU STUDENTS SHOULDN'T BE GAMBLING INSIDE THE SCHOOL" Lenalee said and the twins started running unfortunate for Allen, Lenalee caught the collar of his shirt and started dragging him. Allen tried to protest but Lenalee isn't listening. They made it to the room where the detention is.

"You need a proper education Mr. Walker…And I'm giving it to you" she said when she placed Allen in a chair facing her

Allen keeps mumbling words the Lenalee can't hear.


Lenalee: I`m a teacher here

Allen: Hey...I'm not ungentleman like! *pouts*

Me: Of course Allen dear you're not

Lavi: *suddenly pops in* Am I going to be there?

Me: Let me think...hmmm

next chapter DETENTION