Three days later

Naruto hadn't expected to be alone in the castle for so long; yes, three days was long to him. Though he guessed he wasn't actually alone: Sakura and a few others occupied the palace with him. He had come to enjoy Ino and Sakura's company during his stay, as well as that of the cook he had met yesterday.

The cook-Chouji- was friendly enough and loved having someone to praise his cooking skills; which, after the amazing lunch he had made Naruto, left the blond hanging around the kitchen most of the time and enjoying the snacks that came his way. They engaged in idle chitchat which to be honest was still a new thing for Naruto. Still most of the talking on his part was questions that would revolve around the god whom still hadn't returned home.

Sakura had been worried, which in-turn caused Naruto to worry then worry about the reasons why he was worrying. Still he hadn't wished any ill will upon Sasuke or Sai. Despite the situation Sasuke hadn't done anything against his will; rather, he seemed to be giving Naruto little gifts that were not so much material possessions. Naruto wasn't the type that enjoyed those things anyways.

Then on the third morning a messenger pigeon came and Naruto was informed they would be gone a few more days.

It was after a rather busy lunch, when he learned of Ino's relationship with Chouji- since they had started fighting in the kitchen- that Naruto had found himself wondering about the castle, something he had yet to do before. It had actually been Sakura's idea, since she was busy, that Naruto finally familiarize himself with the surroundings. Well, sort of: he didn't really wander into the private quarters where the others slept. He found a large oval shaped library room but wasn't the best reader and hadn't really tried.

And because not much left an impression on him, he found himself returning to the flower field throughout the days. It was the one place he found the most peace. And of course he could try and clear his head here, well the best he could.

Everyone he had met here would tell him Sasuke wasn't a bad guy, not good with expressing himself but not a bad person. And maybe despite how he came to be here, they were right. Sasuke hadn't done anything to hurt him or against his will and that had to count for something. Course, he still thought the god was out of his mind with bringing him here with the intention of marriage. He wasn't quite sure on how that would work, and still not sure how felt about meeting other immortals in just a few weeks. At a ball no less! That particular thought worried him and he couldn't even begin to count the reasons why. So he tried to keep it at the back of his head to worry more about later.

For now he had thought about what Sakura said, ' give Sasuke a chance.' A chance at what, exactly? Apparently, a chance at wooing him; that's what slipped from Chouji's lips before he was hit upside the head by Ino.

At least it gave him some clarity about being here: Sasuke was wooing him. He would say maybe Sasuke didn't know he was a man but that was dismissed his first day here. Of course he had heard once about two guys being together, and of course Sasuke was handsome. He just didn't think he was what Sasuke wanted. Though he guessed he wouldn't be here if that was the case. But he just didn't understand why he was here. They hadn't known each other before he came here. But maybe it would have been different had they spent time together before Naruto was pushed into a carriage and brought here.

He may not be going home again, and all though he was brought here against his will it wasn't a prison and he was treated far better than he had ever been by strangers that he grew up around.

Naruto ran his fingers over the bright colored flowers.

"Sasuke showed you the honey suckles he grew, right?"

Naruto slightly jumped, startled by the voice that came out of nowhere. He turned towards the direction it came from and saw Sakura, who whispered a sorry before offering her hand to help him up.

"H-he grew?" Naruto accepted the extended hand watching the small smile grace the woman's face.

"For you." She added.

Naruto felt his checks heat as he asked in a shaky voice, "M-me?"

Again Sakura smiled and nodded.

"You like them right?" She questioned as Naruto nodded, not really sure of what to say in regards to this new information.

"I'm glad. He really changed after-," Sakura sighed, "Well I just came to tell you dinner is almost ready. Maybe some honeysuckle would taste good with the tea?" She changed the subject, smiling at the confused look changing quickly to a small smile and a nod.

"Well… as long as you promise not to run away." Sakura winked, turning to return to the castle and leaving a slightly flustered blond behind.

"I have to say that was a long trip just for that." Sai grumbled from his horse, slowly catching up to the god.

"I told you not to come if all you're going to do is complain." Sasuke could feel his irritation rising slightly. Going through 24 hours of Sai's little sarcastic comments could grate on anyone's nerves. "I can see home. Now it would be appreciated if you kept your thoughts to yourself."

"You're not still mad about the kidnapping jokes are you?" Sai took the responding glare as a yes. Sasuke had made it too easy for him though; the fact that the god was so head over heels over the blond boy and absolutely no good with conveying feelings was very amusing to Sai. And there was no way he would drop it anytime soon.

Sasuke was sure to make it a point to ignore the other for the remainder of the trip. He had no regrets with his actions or choices.

The twitching of his left brow came to a slow stop as they approached the castle where Sakura was standing, a slightly nervous look on her face. "Sakura?" He asked, his left brow arching. Sakura bowed immediately in front of him and recited her greeting.

"Welcome back." Her smile looked strained, and Sasuke found an uneasy feeling settling in his gut. "Is there something wrong?"

"Well… Naruto went to pick some honeysuckle." Her lip twitched. "…a few hours ago." She added in a mumble, watching as Sasuke, still on his horse, disappeared into the woods and left the couple behind.

Sai had made a few jokes of Naruto running away, but Sasuke never took them to heart before. Perhaps he never considered the idea since he assumed Naruto would be better off here and happy. But what would he do if Naruto did run away? What could he do? It was something he couldn't really find an answer too. It didn't stop him from going to where he hoped his bride was at and not trying to pay the dread any mind. This was how much the other affected him. His family would be shocked to know that this person held so much power over his emotions and didn't even know it.

He slowed down, nearly jumping off the horse as he dismounted when he spotted the honeysuckle tree. Sasuke felt the relief flooding through his veins once he saw Naruto, but slight panic remained as he took in his bride's head down in the grass, an outstretched hand limp and unmoving in the water. His immortal heart was still pounding as he grabbed slim shoulders and pulled the startled awake man into his arms.

Naruto gasped in surprise, body lashing out momentarily as he found himself it a tight grip. He took a deep breath as he listened to the rapid thumping that echoed underneath his ear. He never heard anyone's heartbeat so fast. Naruto realized though just whose arms he was in, whose chest his head was pressed against, and whose heartbeat he was hearing. And then it dawned on him: the darkness surrounding them meant he must have fallen asleep. He bit his bottom lip briefly at the thought of Sasuke being worried about him. That was it, right?

"Why didn't you come back?" Sasuke hoarsely whispered.

"There are koi fish in the lake… " Naruto faintly whispered back. "I...I didn't notice… yesterday." He blushed and further said, "I-I, I guess I feel asleep watching them." He rushed the explanation out, feeling the need to and unable to control the volume of his own voice as he did it. Feeling the arms tighten around him, Naruto gulped down another deep breath as he titled his head back intent on apologizing; only to find lips pressing against his own.

"You went looking for him? And knew he fell asleep?" Sai whispered as they started back to the castle, watching as Sakura answered with a shrug. "You just wanted to make Sasuke worry," He bluntly stated and again the woman shrugged, but with a victorious smile as he slipped an arm around her waist.

"It was an opportunity one couldn't pass up."

Sai chuckled as the two walked back inside. "That's my girl."