Chapter One - Bella

When Bella tells Edward

"Uh, yeah, hi. Can I speak to Dr Edward Cullen please?" My fingers nails tapped on my kitchen table in no particular rhythm. I just liked the noise they made. Usually my nails aren't long enough to tap on anything. The tap-tap-tap distracted me from the muzak currently playing down my phone as I sat on hold, waiting to speak to the man I had met last month.

"Dr Cullen." He answered the phone and I swooned a little at the sound of his voice. Trying to shake myself out of it I cleared my throat and shook my head. His voice is part of why I ended up in this mess.

"Hi, Edward? It's Bella. Bella Swan?"

"Right, hi." I could hear his smile, but I could also hear the confusion.

"So, I'm sorry I'm calling you at work but I lost your other number and I remembered where you said you worked, so..."

"I'm really glad you called, Bella." I laughed internally. Scoffed is a more apt term for what I did. He wasn't going to be so pleased once I tell him the truth of why I'm calling.

"Right. We need to talk. I, God, there's no easy way to say it." I rambled, completely out of my depth and feeling sick to my stomach. "Well, Edward, I'm pregnant."

I could hear the hospital behind him. I could hear his staggered breathing. I'm pretty sure I heard him smack his head into a wall, having lost the ability to hold it up. I know this last one because that was my reaction too.

"But we used protection. I put the..." His voice lowered for the rest of the sentence which only served to make me swoony again because that's the voice he used when he was whispering dirty words into my ear when I had my third orgasm that night. "... condom on myself."

"I know, I saw you do it." I had to shake my head to get that image out of my mind. "I don't know what to say, apparently they only work 99% of the time. Did you know they put that on the side of the box?"

"I know." He sighed. "I just never thought I would be the 1%."

"Tell me about it."...stud. Because, apparently, when my life goes tits up I internally quote lines from Grease.

"Well, I can't really talk about this right now, because of work, but give me your number and I'll call you when I finish."

Feeling like a complete shit after throwing this at him when he was in the middle of work I recited my number before hanging up. He promised to give me a call as soon as he was able. Part of me thought that perhaps he was running into the HR department and begging them for a transfer as far away as possible. I wouldn't blame him. We spent one night together, one holy-shit-this-is-fantastical night that left me with wobbly legs and a desire to somehow surgically attach him to me so that he could do that to me again. But that was all, if I were him I'd be getting the hell out of dodge.

Cradling my head in my hands I stared down at the wood of the table, scanning along the grain and back again. I let out a frustrated sigh that started deep in my toes. Blinking away the tears I tried to focus on anything but my "situation". My eyes stopped scanning the table when I realised that the natural grain in my driftwood table made a heart.

I stared at that heart for four hours until he called.

A/N: Hello and welcome to my new story.

1. Yes, she is pregnant, it isn't a false alarm.

2. This story is about love mostly, the building of a new relationship and the trials and tribulations that accompany that.

3. I understand that not everybody loves a pregnant Bella story and if you want to quit reading now I bear you no ill will...but I would rather this not be defined by the fact that she is preggers when it's all about Bella and Edward.

4. This is rated M because I tend to pepper my writing with expletives...and there will be some intimate moments (yes, I mean groping and sexing).

5. I'm not going to commit to an update schedule but it will be as often as possible.

6. I'm proper rubbish at the whole summary stuff...apologies.

7. I'm even worse at picking a title...apologies again.

8. I'm flying without a Beta, I don't really know how that whole thing works, if you want to offer your services etc then let me know :D

9. I really really really hope you enjoy this :D

10. I'm on twitter, it's not interesting and pretty much not twilight related but you are welcome to follow my inane ramblings /WithAplomb.