AN: Here's the end of the ride, folks! I'm always nervous about my endings, I hope this doesn't suck. And I forgot to mention that I really hate when authors have Jack call Ianto 'Yan,' but it just seemed to fit. Anyway, don't forget to review, and I hope you enjoy!



Jack rested his head on his chest as the lift brought him into the Hub. Flat Holm had been just as emotionally and physically exhausting as ever; it was the reason he'd gone. He knew the trip wouldn't help his problems with Ianto, but it had definitely been a thorough distraction.

He stepped off the lift and slowly walked into his office, fully intending on digging deeper into the liquor cabinet he'd disguised from Owen all those years ago, when a voice surprised him.

"You're late."

He spun to the source, hand darting to the Webley tucked into his waistband. He relaxed from the sudden thrill of danger once he realized there was no threat, but suddenly it was a different sort of tension stiffening his spine. "Ianto, what are you doing here?"

The Welshman stood from his usual perch on the captain's desk, but didn't move closer. "I came to see you."Jack's nervousness made his question come out breathier, more vulnerable than he would have liked. "Why?"

Ianto was silent for a few moments. "I won't mention it again, if it bothers you. But I realized I don't want to loose you over a meaningless argument."

Jack's breath caught in his throat. After ignoring his deep sense of loss for the whole day, the hope that was springing in his gut was almost too good to be true.

"You… You're not mad?" He asked, turning his head questioningly. He couldn't believe… after everything that had happened… "It's not that it bothers me, Yan, I-"

Ianto stepped forward, making a quiet shushing noise and shaking his head to preempt Jack's words. He opened his arms for an embrace. Jack hesitated for an instant, then they were crushed together.

Jack gripped his lover tightly, curling his fingers in the soft fabric of Ianto's dress shirt and buried his face in his neck to breathe deeply in the scent of the Welshman. Tears prickled at his eyes as he gasped and let out a sound like a whimper. Ianto clasped him tighter in return and Jack almost shuddered in the hold he hadn't been sure he'd ever feel again. He loosened his grip on the younger man enough so they could see face-to-face.

"Ianto," Jack breathed, looking into the bright, silver-blue eyes to see they were sparkling with tears of their own. "I do… I do lo-"

Ianto's lips pressed against his mouth, cutting him off mid-word. He returned the kiss with all the emotion he was feeling, but looked at Ianto in question when it ended.

"You don't have to say it, Jack. I understand. It's what you feel that matters, and I know how you feel. Words are trivial." He smiled, and kissed Jack again, lightly this time. Then he hugged him again, and Jack couldn't think of anything else he could possibly want.