Author's Note: This is yet another song-inspired fic (every song I hear seems to be telling me a story nowadays), from an older band this time. Inspired by 'Enjoy the Silence,' an awesome song from Depeche Mode. This one's a bit longer than most of my songfics, though. Here's to chapter 1/6!


Jack collapsed to the side, rolling onto his back next to Ianto. For long moments, the bunker was filled with their pants and gasps for air, before Jack began to laugh breathlessly. He turned to his lover and wrapped the leaner man in his arms. He grinned his famous 'Harkness grin' with satisfaction. Ianto rolled his eyes, but smiled and turned so he could fit more comfortably in Jack's embrace.

They sat like this for several minutes, enjoying both the afterglow and the sensations of being pressed against each other. They could both feel the other's breath on their faces, and Jack moved so that he was stroking Ianto's cheek and neck. Ianto smiled at the feeling, and Jack smiled back, dipping his head slightly to brush his lips over the younger man's before settling his head back on the pillow. They were completely relaxed, eyes locked, feeling absolutely comfortable together.

Ianto's lips parted and he drew breath, but Jack quickly moved his fingers to cover his lover's swollen lips. He made a quiet shushing noise, and Ianto flicked his tongue out to catch Jack's finger. Jack snickered silently and moved his hand back to Ianto's neck. They had a few more moments of silence before Ianto went to speak again. This time, Jack listened.

"I love you," Ianto whispered.

Jack's hand froze. He didn't move for several heartbeats, but suddenly, all the warmth of the moment before was gone. He turned away, sitting up and letting his legs fall over the side of the bed. "Don't," he said, a slight rasp in his voice.

Ianto couldn't move for shock. "'Don't?'" Jack didn't respond. "I tell you that I love you and all you can say is 'don't?'" He sat up, moving to sit beside Jack, leaning forward to try and see his lover's expression. Jack turned his head away, wringing his hands slightly.

"Jack?" Ianto's voice was quieter now, almost plaintive. Jack closed his eyes, all his muscles tensed.

There was a full minute of silence before Ianto spoke, fidgeting slightly with the bed sheet. "I wasn't expecting fireworks, but this isn't exactly what I predicted."

Jack spun around violently, leaning into Ianto's space. "What you predicted? What did you predict, Ianto? Did you think I'd propose and we'd move to Paris?" All of a sudden, he was breathing hard, heavily sarcastic and hostile.

Ianto was very surprised, but he answered calmly, leaning away from Jack's spitting anger. "No. I just thought you might…" He paused, looking as though he were searching carefully for his words.

Jack didn't give him any time to find them. "Thought I might what? Reciprocate?" He smiled condescendingly. "That we could fall in love and be together and live happily ever after?" He was twisting the words cruelly now, and Ianto's face was full of shock and heartbreak at the rapid change in demeanor. Jack spun around, grabbing his clothes from the floor and the bed, and the ladder and the dresser. He bundled them under his arm, climbing out of his room. He delivered the last line over his shoulder, not looking back.

"Life isn't a fairy tale, Ianto. There are no happy endings."