Disclaimer: I don't own any character that you recognize

Title: Obsidion Princ`e
: none
: T
: I think child abuse is it in this chapter

Summary: When Harry is 6 years old the Dursly's abruptly leave and never come back leaving Harry alone in the house. Frightened Harry runs into the nearby forest and accidentally turns into a Basilisk then meets another Basilisk, meanwhile Snape finds out that Harry is Voldemort's son. How is Harry going to ever find his real father?

Note: This is my first Harry Potter Fanfiction so if I make any mistakes like regarding spell names and spellings and such let me know and I'll try to fix them right away!

Parseltoungue: "~hissssss~"

Thoughts: "why is bacon so good?"


"freak!" a large fist pounded on the small cupboard door, "Get your lazy ass out here and make breakfast!" After knocking two more times the large man stomped away.

Slowly Harry rose out of his small rickety cot that barely fit within the miniscule cupboard that he lived in. "Uncle is early today usually I have at least one more hour of sleep before I have to make them breakfast, I wonder why this is?" Harry wondered. Harry could tell the time because at exactly six o clock everyday a bird outside sang and harry based his entire schedule off that bird. Harry was a small boy for his age looking more about the age of three than his actual age of six. As Harry stood up still deep in thought he unconsciously brushed the dust off that had settled on him while he slept and quietly opened the cupboard door and set off towards the kitchen.

Harry opened the refrigerator and retrieved the materials that he needed to make breakfast for the Dursley family (excluding him). As he took out the pan from under the oven and attempted fry some eggs Vernon came up behind him and hit him upside the head.

"Are you slow or something freak? This meal has to last us all day!" Vernon screamed while Harry cowered in front of him.

"W-what do you m-mean uncle? Don't y-you usually have lunch at w-work?" Harry asked trembling.

"Oy didn't you know Freak? Me and the family are going on a vacation and this meal has to last us until we get to the airport." Vernon stated sneering at Harry all the while. "oh and by the way you and your freakishness will not be joining "

Harry stepped back a bit, shocked that he was going to be left alone in the house for longer than a day, but he would not show weakness to his uncle by crying or begging to be taken with them tears only brought more pain and taunting from his uncle. "How long are you going to be gone?" Harry asked sounding much older than an average six year old.

"Oh I don't know maybe only a week or maybe a year we might even be gone forever" Vernon know had a gleeful grin on his face " now I won't ever have to put up with you and your freakishness ever again!"

Harry just stared at Vernon, "I'm going to have to be alone forever?" he thought. "That means no more Dursly's! no more beatings! and I can have as much food as I want!"

Vernon stared hard at Harry "even though we will not be here if even one hair is out of place in this house when we get back if we ever get back I will hunt you down, find you, and beat you so much that even god won't recognize you" Harry stared at Vernon aghast, and then quickly nodded his head in understanding. "good" Vernon said simply "now make a breakfast fit for an army!" Harry quickly got to work.

No sooner had he finished putting the food out when Petunia Dursly came clomping down the stairs with a suitcase in one hand and a slumbering Dudley in the other. "Honey! Can you help me with these suitcases?" Petunia asked. Vernon than turned toward Harry

"You heard the woman Freak! Get the suitcases!" Vernon shouted.

"Yes Uncle!" Harry rushed past Petunia and Dudley and headed upstairs to grab the remaining suitcases.

"Watch it whelp! You almost hurt my poor Duddykins!" petunia shrieked as Harry sped back down the stairs lugging three suitcases. "my darling Dudley its time to wake up so you can eat your breakfast" said Petunia as soothing as she can get.

"don wanna, too tired" Dudley sated and then put him thumb in his mouth and drifted back to sleep.

"Darling?" Petunia questioned Vernon "Our little Duddykins is too tired to eat right now can we pack up the food and bring it with us?"

"Of course my pet!" Vernon stated. "Freak!" Vernon yelled.

"yes uncle?" Harry asked putting down the suitcases he was carrying and running to see what his uncle wanted.

"Bag up the remaining food so we can take it with us, and make it fast!"

"Yes uncle" Harry ran into the kitchen and quickly fumbled around in a cabinet for some Tupperware's that he could store the food in. While he was doing this Petunia grabbed Dudley's blanket off the couch and walked to the car and carefully put her "Duddykins" in the car and then got in herself.

Harry hastily shoveled the food into a multitude of Tupperware's and then put them into a plastic bag. "Freak! Im going out to the car and I want you to bring the food and all of our suitcases outside and into the trunk within five minutes or your going to regret it!" Harry nodded quickly and then set off to take the Dursly's nine large suitcases from upstairs and fit them into the trunk of the car.

Harry managed to put the last suitcase into the car with a few seconds to spare and he wiped a bead of sweat from his brow. Vernon stood towering over Harry looking at him in disdain "pity and so close too, you were a few seconds too slow" Harry looked up at his uncle in bewilderment.

"What are you talking about? I had a few seconds to spare!" Harry instantly regretted what he said. Vernon's face was turning various shades of red and purple, he kind of looked like a deformed tomato.

"What gives you, a freak, the right to talk back to me!" Vernon shrieked silently closing the gap between his and Harry's face. He violently grabbed the scruff of Harry's shirt and dragged him into the house. "You have been living under my roof for six years! You have no right to speak to me that way!" Harry backed up a few inches but Vernon caught him and brought him close to his face. "I've wasted my time and money on you and this is how you repay me?" with that Vernon punched Harry in the stomach, and Harry lurched over in pain. "After I found you on my doorstep and took you in with the goodness of my heart after your parents had just died in that car crash?" Vernon said feigning hurt. He kicked Harry repeatedly in the chest until he heard a crack. "here is a lesson for later in life, show respect to your elders!" Vernon stomped out and closed the front door of his house for the last time ever. With that the Dursly's car started up and drove off.

Harry was lying facefront on the floor, battered and broken. Slowly he rolled onto his back but soon regretted it because as soon as he did his side instantly hurt. Gritting his teeth with pain Harry prodded his ribs to see how many fractures he had. From the feel of it only one had been cracked, the others were just bruised. "Good" Harry thought, but then realized with a start that the Dursly's were gone! He could talk out loud now! "GOOD!" Harry shouted. Now satisfied he decided he better get to work on those injuries.

Harry hesitantly sat up wincing in pain as he did so, and then brought himself to his feet and slowly lumbered up the stairs to the bathroom so he could bandage his wounds.

When Harry's wounds were fully bandaged he went toward the fridge, opened it up and stared inside it with awe. He had seen the inside of the fridge a million times but never was he able to actually consume any of the food in the fridge! Harry quickly pulled out a full chicken and was about to gobble it up when he remembered that he hadn't eaten in two days and should probably pace himself and instead settled on some oatmeal.

Afterwards Harry explored the house and became comfortable in the living room and watched some TV. Later he had a light lunch more exploring, dinner, and then his first real sleep in Dudley's bed. Harry continued on like this for a week until he heard someone knock on the door. Harry curiously looked up from where he was watching TV and crept towards the door. "Open up Mr. Dursly it's the Police!" Harry stared blankly at the door

"The police?" Harry thought "what would they want here?"

The Man at the door knocked a few more times before Harry could hear him whisper to another person "He's not home as suspected, they've been missing for a week. We'll have to just try back later today and if they're still not home we'll just bust in I guess." After that he heard two sets of footsteps go back down the walkway and a car start and drive away.

"Bust in?" Harry wondered aloud "I can't let them find me in here they'll just take me to and put me in an orphanage!"

Without thinking Harry did the first logical thing any little kid would do, he turned and ran. Harry ran out the backdoor of the house that had harbored him for six years. He ran through the backyard and right into the woods. Once he was in the woods Harry kept running until he was out of breath and by than it was dark and he was undeniably lost. "Well that was stupid of me" Harry stated "I'm bloody lost in the middle of nowhere!" Harry sighed and sat down under a large oak tree. When he got there he abruptly started to cry, he didn't even know why, maybe it was for the years of torment and neglect or that he was now officially all alone.

"Nobody wants me anywhere" harry sniffed "there's no reason for me to even exist! I'm useless and probably going to get attacked by some animal and die cold and alone in this stinking forest!" Harry whined. When his tears had finally stopped flowing he lay down near the tree exhausted and fell asleep.

Slowly Harry opened his eyes to find that there was an immense amount of light blinding him. Startled Harry blinked a couple of times to adjust to the light and looked around. The previously dark forest that he had been in before was now blanketed in light. Stretching Harry sat up and tried to stretch his arms but couldn't feel them. He looked down at where his arms were supposed to be and screamed. His arms! They were gone! He looked for his legs but they were gone too! His body had been replaced with the sleek scaly body of a snake!

Harry jumped in the air in surprise but fell on his face, not being used to his scaly form. "~ouch~" harry mumbled and raised his head up towards a strange sound emanating from a nearby bush. Slowly a very very large snake slithered in front of Harry. Harry gulped and examined the snake, it was much bigger than any snake he had ever seen! It looked like it wouldn't be able to fit in the Dursly's garage! The Snake was mostly green but with dark purple markings on its head and a dark purple stripe down his back "Now I know snakes aren't purple" Harry thought.

"~Are you okay?~" The snake asked making that weird sound in between words that Harry realized was laughter.

"~I'm fine!" Harry replied, angry that the larger snake was laughing at him.

"~You didn't sound fine from that scream I heard~" the snake replied finally containing its laughter "~I don't usually find other Basilisks in these woods. What brings you to these parts?~"

"~Basilisk?~" Harry questioned not knowing what the word meant.

"~You know what you and me are, Basilisks.~" The snake confirmed. "~did you really not know what you are?"

"~No I did not, I had yet to meet anyone else in these woods that I could compare myself to!~" Harry stated ticked off that the snake was talking to him like he was stupid.

"~well you do look kind of young maybe not even 10 winters old…~" the snake trailed off. "~Well anyways I am Cadus, and I'm headed for the winter rest grounds, would you like to join me?~"

"~Winter rest grounds?~" Harry questioned

Cadus sighed "~ it's where us Basilisks are protected from the cold chill of winter, come on I'll take you~" Cadus started off and Harry rushed to catch up with him stumbling occasionally not yet used to his new body. "~ What's your name kid?~" Cadus asked.

"~Errr Harry…~" Harry reluctantly replied.

"~Harry?~" The snake asked shocked and then sighed "~ bet you came up with that yourself, how about I give you a new name now that I've taken you under the scales of the great Cadus?~"

"~ umm sure~" Harry replied not really knowing what to make of the situation.

"~hmmmmm how about Obsidian?~" Cadus suggested.


"~Yeah! It's a stone I know that is the same color as you!~" Cadus looked at Harry triumphantly "~you will now be known as Obsidian!~" and he started off deeper into the forest.

"~Obsidian~" Harry replied awestruck and hurried after Cadus.

"Ugh is there something wrong with me?" Severus Snape wondered aloud while walking down privet drive towards an average looking house. "It seems recently Albus has taken it upon himself to send me out to do the most ridiculous tasks" Severus sighed. In the past two weeks Albus Dumbledore had sent Severus out at least 6 times a week if not more for only meager tasks that anyone else could perform. Earlier in the week Albus had sent him out for some more lemon drops, something he easily could have just had ordered and had personally brought to him. Severus sighed again and continued walking to the house marked number 4. Today Albus informed Severus that he thought it would be wise of Severus if he would go and check on a certain boy-who-lived, Albus had a certain way of saying things to make it sound like he's asking a favor but actually he's giving you an order, yet another reason that Severus has come to hate Albus Dumbledore. Dumbledore's "request" is what led Severus Snape to privet drive on this cold Thursday afternoon.

Privet drive was a long road residing in the county of surrey, it was one of those roads where all of the houses looked the same and if one looked slightly different it was looked down on by the neighbors. The road was seemingly quiet but nobody really ever knows what happens behind closed doors.

As Severus approached number 4 he looked around him, the flowers were all dead and there were weeds in the garden and grass. He noticed that there was a car lacking in the driveway, "In the garage probably" Severus thought to himself.

Severus walked casually up to the front door of the house that the boy-who-lived presumably resides in. Severus was dressed in a clean black suit that he uses when he needs to make home calls to the muggle world, on top he wore a long black wool jacket that ended just above his knees, for this trip he had to actually clean himself up so he took a shower, washed his hair (shocking I know!) and combed it. Right know his hair resided in a loose ponytail that reached down to the bottom of his neck, he needed to look clean and important in case a muggle saw him.

Severus knocked on the door, paused for a couple of minutes than knocked again. "is this even the right house?" Severus mumbled angrily. He had never before been to the house that Harry Potter resided in, not that he would ever visit the son of James Potter. Severus knocked again except much louder this time. Still no one answered so Severus briskly took his wand out of his inner coat pocket, pointed it at the door, and whispered "Alohomora" and the door swung open.

Severus peeked his head in and glanced around, "no one home" he confirmed. Cautiously he stepped in and took in his surroundings. On the walls were many pictures of three happy people, a very fat man, a tall horse-like woman, and a small fat boy no older than 7. Severus didn't acknowledge the fact that Harry was absent from all of these pictures as anything of importance.

The house looked fairly normal with a small kitchen, a large sitting and dining room and 4 rooms upstairs, two large bedrooms, a small bedroom, and a bathroom. Only two of the upstairs rooms seemed to be in use which was odd since 4 people resided in the house and only one of the rooms looked to be shared so where did the fourth resident stay?

Not wanting to extend this horrible visit any longer than it had to be, Severus cast a magic locater spell that can track magic to places where it was used most frequently (this is because being a wizard/witch leaves residual magic on things and such). Severus' wand didn't give off any readings whatsoever until he was about to give up and started towards the door, as he walked past the stairs his wand started beeping like crazy. Severus glanced around not noticing any place that could have given off that type of reading until he noticed that there was a small cupboard under the stairs.

On closer inspection of the outside of the door Severus saw that it was pretty battered and the handle had some dried blood on it. Cautiously he entered the cupboard, barely able to stand up at all. He scanned his wand around the barren room that consisted of only a bed with a ratty sheet and some large clothes on the floor, the bed gave off a high reading so he ripped off the sheet and had to cover his mouth in order to suppress his shock.

The bed was covered almost completely in blood some brown with age and others still slightly red showing that it was recent. Finally piecing himself back together Severus came to the conclusion that the boy wasn't treated right by his relatives but first he had to make certain that the blood was the Potter boy's. Severus took out a piece of parchment muttered the spell "determinus" and swiped the paper against the most recent bloodstain and then waited for the results.

Soon red ink spread over the page and formed a message like this.


Name: freak, Harry James Potter


Mother: Lils, Honey, Lily Potter/Evans

Father: Him, My Lord, Master, You-Know-Who, he who must not be named, the dark lord, Voldemort , Tom, Thomas Marvolo Riddle

Severus put down the paper with his mouth fully opened in a look of shock. "Not only was Potter abused horribly by his relatives but he is my lord's son! I must never tell Dumbledore! The only person I tell will be my lord himself upon his return."

With that Severus apparated to Hogwarts to tell Dumbeldore of how the house was abandoned and there was signs that the boy was beaten and that is all, Dumbledore will never know of the boys true parentage, after all Severus is a master at keeping his thoughts completely secret.

AN: There it is! The prologue to my first Harry Potter and multi-chapter fanfiction! Please read and review since this is only my second fanfiction ever criticism is welcome as long as it's helpful and not just dissing the story and such. By the way Severus' little excursion takes place while Harry is still running through the forest. Ok here's a few notes on characters and things.

Cadus: Pronounced like Kaydoes with a hiss on the S at the end, as for his size imagine him as basically the length of an average yacht and when coiled is about the size of an SUV so he's basically long and skinny.

Determinus: I completely made up this spell so that's why it has such a lame name but here's the gist of it, basically with a sample of blood and a piece of parchment it will list all the names the person who's blood it is goes by and that persons parents since their genes are like in the blood. The names are listed by most recent to the least.

-I don't know the next time I will be able to update this story but I will try to have it up within about 3 weeks.

Next Chapter- Voldemort! And I'll try to put in a description of Basalisk Obsidian in there!

Thank you for reading this chapter!
