A/N: My heart died a little when I saw the sad look in both Eli and Clare's eyes when he apologized for 'leading her on.' I was seriously pissed off with Teennick for ending the episode there -_- I'm counting down the minutes until Monday night's episode! Hopefully Eli and Clare get together soon, because if they don't, let's all team up, move to Canada, and stalk the hell out of those producers! P.S. Why do I feel like this chapter sucked like hell? FUUUUUUU.

She pinned him against the wall, her tiny hands gripping his arms tightly. He stared at her, a mixture of confusion and shock displayed on his face. She glared him down, her bright cerulean eyes boring a hole into his face.

"We need to talk," She growled. He sighed and shut his eyes, wiggling out of her grasp. "No we don't," He replied, taking a step away from her. She pulled him back and hissed, "Yes we do. You can't ignore me forever!"

"Clare, I'm sorry. But we either stay friends, or we aren't friends at all." He yanked his arm away from her hands and shook his head. She scoffed as her hands landed by her sides. "So then it's decided." Eli peeked at her, a small glimmer of hope in his eyes, hoping that she would fight. Fight for him and prove him wrong, show him that he was wrong about this.

But her next words just broke his heart in two, and when she ran off, a sheen of tears coating her face, he felt as if he should be dead. "We aren't friends anymore." He had replayed the words over a hundred times by the time that school had ended. Adam stood before him, a disapproving look on his face. "She loves you man, and you love her too. Don't be a dumbass. Go and tell her, tell her everything! If she really loves you, she'll understand why you don't want to be with her."

He gulped as Clare passed, her face buried in Alli's chest. She patted her back in order to comfort her, but glared angrily at Eli once she realized he was present. "Asshole!" She growled, ignoring the choked sob Clare had released. Fortunately, Eli's bangs were long enough to obscure his eyes, which were brimmed with tears.

"I'll make things right. You can count on that," He said through gritted teeth as Adam stared after the two girls. "You better. If I know Alli, she'll beat your ass if you don't find a way to make it up to Clare."

"I'll be fine,"

Clare put on her best smile, though it still hadn't convinced Alli. "No you won't! Eli broke your heart! Stomped on it right in front of you, and didn't even care enough to look at you when you walked straight past him, weeping!" She argued, glaring angrily at the hearse that sat a few yards away.

"Don't trash his car. Please?" Clare mumbled as Alli took a step towards Morty. She sighed and threw her arms up into the air. "Well what am I supposed to do? You were in love with the boy for God's sakes!"

"You can stop mentioning him. And don't worry, I'll be alright. Now just go, make yourself pretty for your date with Drew!" Her voice faltered at the word 'date', and she whimpered, burying her face in her hands. Alli immediately pulled Clare into a bone-crushing hug.

"I can totally cancel if you need me to!" "No, no. You and Drew deserve a date. I just need to suck it up and deal with the fact that he doesn't want me." She breathed deeply and frowned as Alli offered a weak smile. "OK," She replied quietly, "If you need me, call me. I'll be there in a heartbeat."

Clare nodded, and Alli patted her back once more, leaving to find Sav. "Hey," She whirled around in surprise, only growling when she realized that the voice was just Eli. "Sorry. I've got somewhere to be," She mumbled, walking passed him.

"Where?" He asked, bewildered. Had she already moved on? She couldn't have, not by the way she had been crying earlier. "I'll find somewhere," She replied bitterly. Eli stared down at the pavement. "Can we… talk?" He said, nervously glancing at her.

"I'd rather not."

"OK, look. You deserve to know why I can't date you! I would love to, but I have issues, Clare! I'm not perfect. But I want you to hear me out. Just listen for 10 minutes and then you can go back to hating me! Please?"

Clare reluctantly turned, avoiding his gaze. "Explain yourself," She muttered, and he nodded gratefully. He sat down at the picnic table in front of her and patted the seat next to him. She took it loathingly, and crossed her legs, waiting. "Talk," She said patiently.

And so, Eli began to tell her his experience with love, and how two years ago, the girl he thought he loved had shattered his heart into a billion pieces.