I find most things in life bittersweet. People seem to forget that they can love and hate the same exact thing all too easily. Thus is the problem always eminent in my life; I love and hate almost everything that I come into contact with. I always play devil's advocate in every scenario because disregarding the negatives is one thing I never do.

I approached a red light and brought my feet to the hot asphalt road, balancing my motorcycle, and taking this time to survey the town. The shaded lenses on my helmet blocked the harsh sunlight as I watched the people file down the sidewalk, walk briskly in and out of quaint stores, and loiter noisily with their friends.

God it's so hot outside. Why did I wear polyester again?

Her hair is disgusting. I hope he doesn't think I'm like that. I'm nothing like my friends.

What time was I supposed to be home?

Shit Caroline is so fucking hot today. The things I would do to that girl.

Of course, I thought. I divulge too long into people's thoughts and I pick up something racy and inappropriate. 80% of people's thoughts are filled with something sexual. Or maybe I just hang around all the wrong people.

The thought alone brought a sly smile to my face.

The light turned green and I revved my motorcycle's engine loud, causing everyone outside to turn at the noise. I accelerated sharply, sliding through the streets at speeds twice the limit, introducing the residents of Mystic Falls to their newest member.

I held up the old Polaroid and then squinted back at the house in front of me. The house in the picture looked more, well, clean for one thing. I suppose the moss and mold growing on the wooden panels had changed the color from white to an almost greenish haze and the lawn had at one point been taken care of. In fact, I'm sure the entire house had once been taken care of but right now it looked like someone hadn't lived in it for over a century.

I hopped off my bike and made my way up the path of the dead grass to the front door. The wooden porch creaked with every step I took as I got closer and closer. I shrugged - at least I would know when someone decides to pay me a visit. I dug deep into the back pocket of my jeans and pulled out a single key. I inserted it into the lock, twisted hard, and pushed the door.

Except it wouldn't budge. I put both of my hands on the door and pushed again but once again the door wouldn't move. I sighed and blew my bangs out of my face. Grabbing the doorknob and twisting it, I jammed my shoulder into the door with all the force I had. The door flew open and I followed it, falling into the room and crashing into the floor.

I loved this house already.

I picked myself up and looked around. Musty, old furniture was laid around carelessly, with no organizational pattern or even color coordination. There was a large, three-seater sofa in the center of the room, sitting on top of a red, shag carpet. There was also a lone, blue armchair in the corner and an oak, empty bookshelf, which depending how long I stayed here will grow increasingly with books.

I looked over at the front door and saw only a single, rusty lock. To be honest, it provided the same security as fifteen MasterLocks. Those locks are only for those who need the self reassurance that they are safe and secure in their homes, that no criminal or malicious person can enter as long as those locks are properly working.

Little do they know that all you have to do is not invite them in.

About an hour later, after I had emptied everything in my large bag at the house, which was filled personal knickknacks I carried from house to house, I made my way back into town to search for more furniture for the house. I had about a hundred dollars, which was enough to buy a couple of old yet still working things. I rode into town and found a nice used furniture store hidden in between a restaurant called Mystic Grill and a pharmacy.

I parked in front on the Grill and turned it off. I reached my hands, placing them on the rim of my helmet to take it off, when my hands stopped as a single word from a nearby thought flew into my mind.


My heartbeat quickened and I felt my palms become slightly damp. It wasn't as if Ihadn'theard the word before. I've been hearing other's thoughts my entire life; I was bound to come across the weirdest shit in the world. At first I didn't believe it - people think of mythical creatures, Greek Gods, and other wacky shit all the time.

But nothing is like reading a vampire's mind. The first time I read a vampire's mind it was a newborn's. His mind was filled with nothing but thoughts about craving blood, ripping necks, sucking that sweet liquid from every vein present in the human body. It was a little gorey to say the least.

You can't always believe what people say, let alone what they think. I've come across the sickest and weirdest thoughts and after coming across a vampire's, I don't know what's true or false. It's hard to distinguish what really reality is when its filled with fables.

I traced the thought coming from a slightly tan, skinny girl with shimmering brown hair. Standing outside by the front door, she was surrounded by another boy, presumably her boyfriend by the way he stared at her so adoringly (which made my stomach sick but I try to ignore teenage romanticism as much as possible), who matched her attractiveness with fluffy brown hair and dark, oval eyes. They were alone, talking close to each other, whispering quietly, yet their thoughts were louder then anyone in the entire room. It was panicked, heightened with tension and exasperation.

I stood still on my bike, hoping they wouldn't notice that I was stalling and listening into to what their minds were chattering about.

Stefan, please, I just wish you'd let me help you. You're so weak without human blood.

I can't have a sip. A single sip of that delicate bloo-NO. God no. No no no.

I bet Damon is behind the killings. Why can't he stop attacking people for once?

If only Elena could comprehend the pain I go through drinking animal blood. It is nothing like human…

Well, at least there was one tame vampire in this town. And he's with the human girl, how cute. It's like Twilight threw up in Mystic Falls and was remolded for this Elena and Stefan.

But there's more than one vampire here. A Damon - who seems to not follow in the same footsteps as Stefan and instead go for human blood. I'm not one for killing vampires, I'm not fucking Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it's not something I enjoy doing or even want to do. But if I plan on living in this town for a little while, I would prefer to not be sucked on my neck by a vampire. I kinda look forward to growing old and being a cool mom with even cooler children.

Does that mean I'm going to find Damon? Spend all my time hunting this dangerous vampire? Yeah right. I'm just saying - if this guy decides to trap me in an alley one day, I will drive a stake in his heart quicker then he knows it. Which means I'll need a stake. I'll put that on my to-do list.

I hopped off my bike, taking off my helmet and placing on the rear of my bike. This town looks to nice to steal any helmets so the fact that I left it abandoned was no care to me. I briskly walked past the couple, not looking at them once, past the Grill, and into the used furniture store.

It was completely empty when I entered. Small yet spacious enough, a lone cashier who looked like a sweet, old grandfather stood behind the cash register and smiled at me as I entered.

"Well hello there miss," he said kindly. "How are you this fine afternoon?"

"I'm great," I said as I walked over to the furniture pilled by the wall, scanning them quickly, "And yourself sir?"

"Oh, just dandy," he said warmly. "You know I've lived here forty years and I don't believe I've ever seen you before. Are you visiting a family member?"

I picked up a small, antique bronze clock then set it back down when I saw how much it cost. "Actually, no," I said, turning to face the old man. "I just moved in to town today."

"Well welcome miss," he said, extending his hand for me to shake. I took it and we shook hands. "I'm Oliver Thorn but everyone just calls me Olly. I hope Mystic Falls treats you as well as it has to me."

"I've Avari but everyone can't pronounce it correctly so they just call me Ava," I said, happily. I like old people - they were so sincerely nice.

I heard a snicker from the opposite end of the room. Not remembering anyone there when I entered, I zipped my head towards the sound and I almost toppled over.

A man, obviously well built, insanely gorgeous with his black, layered hair and piercing blue eyes emerged from a shadow created by a large dresser. He crossed his arms, the leather of his black jacket rubbing together, and he leaned against the dresser as he eyed me provocatively.

Despite his appearance (which I might add was hard to ignore), there was something completely strange and bewildering about this guy. And whenever I find something strange my curiosity grows. I raised an eyebrow at his behavior then focused my eyes, ready to dive into whatever thoughts floated through his head.

Yet nothing came back. It was blank. Before I could even access the situation he was speaking.

"Ava," he said slowly, "What an odd name. Quite odd indeed."

"Ah Mister Salvatore," said Olly, seeming surprised as well at this guy's arrival. "I didn't see you back there."

"Just looking for some things for the place," said the guy. His eyes narrowed as they left mine and he gave Olly a look of a complete concentration, of wildness, of sharpness, a look I've seen only one too many times before. "In fact, do you mind going in the back room and looking for that picture frame I ordered a week ago Olly? That would be great."

Olly immediately got up and vanished into the back room. But I knew that would happen. Trances are 100% effective on every human but me.

He looked back down at me and he smiled mischievously. I, on the other hand, was not down to play games with this guy. Sure, he was the most attractive, sexiest, good-looking - okay okay, you get the picture, but I was not going to fall into that trap.

"I'm Damon Salvatore," he said, introducing himself.

I wanted to smack myself in the face. Of courseeeeeeeeee.

I turned on my heel and made my way towards the exit of the store. I flung open the door and walked out onto the sidewalk, allowing the cool breeze to whisk around my black hair and sting my mossy colored eyes.

"You know that's quite rude," Damon said, by my side a second later.

"I think it's quite acceptable considering the circumstances," I said sharply.

"The circumstances?" he asked, still playing sly yet with a hint of confusion.

The fact that I can't read your mind while I can read everyone else's. The fact that I think you're like a delicious combination of Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, and Orlando Bloom all rolled up into a single man. The fact that there is great chance you could kill me in a split second because you're a blood-thirsty, body wrecking vampire. Those circumstances.

But I chose to ignore him. Repeating those things would not be healthy or beneficial. Thank God no one can read my mind.

We walked past the couple still by the door of the Grill, who quickly noticed Damon and my presence and were hot on our heels too.

"Damon," said the one guy who's name I think was Stefan. He grabbed Damon's jacket to pull him away but Damon quickly pulled back. "What are you doing?" Stefan looked at me as if I was prey about to be devoured.

The girl Elena just stood there, looking back and forth between the two men. I hopped on my bike and hooked my helmet to the rear of the bike so that it was secure.

"I'm just introducing myself to the new girl in town, little brother," Damon said mock-sweetly. "Ava, this is Stefan, my younger and unattractive brother, and this is his lovely girlfriend Elena."

I wanted to scream. Vampire brothers? I am great at picking towns to live in.

"Would you like to come into the Grill with us? A free mea-" Damon started.

"Listen," I said, interrupting him and using a tone that caused all three to look at me strangely, "You," I pointed to Damon, "and you" I pointed to Stefan, "don't ever talk to me again."

Damon dropped his sly act. He looked at me curiously, intrigued by my behavior, that I was not succumbing to his devilishly good looks or his sexy smooth talking. The fact that it was doing the exact opposite of what was intended struck him as more then odd but unnatural.

"Look, I'm sorry for whatever he did-" Stefan started but once again I interrupted someone's sentence.

"I'm not interested vampire boy," I said, addressing both of them.

They faltered, both of their mouths opened in complete shock.

"Have a good night!" I said mock-cheerily, starting my bike and shooting out into the streets.