brighter than sunshine

pairing: alex/justin. (sorry if this freaks you out, I just kept seeing this pairing and I had to try it! I'm not usually into incest, but this ship is so popular and I was reading some amazing fics, and I just couldn't help it.)

summary: "her heart beats with his." before, during, after. She used to know how to tell time, now she's not so sure.


(before, before, before. Alex used to know how to tell time, now she's not so sure. The clocks chime twice, numbers melt.)

"We'll figure this out one day." Justin says, almost before it's even started, his voice deep and his sleeves rolled up to the elbows.
Alex laughs and it's cruel, brushes off his comments the way she brushes off everything else- easily.

"No, we won't." She replies, and he doesn't look at her for the rest of the night and if he had he would have seen her little smirk, a smirk that said its true its true its true and would have dared him to fight her.


(love is cruel, love is kind, whoever and whatever- Alex doesn't care much for it, not really. She dates Dean and she dates others and she lets them run their hands up and down her and lets them whisper always and forever baby and she lets them think she says it back, lets them think she agrees but she's always half-there and part of her is always with him, always thinking of new insults and comments and cruelty and Alex is never fully anywhere because part of her is always with him, always missing.)

(she stops calling out, though, stops the slight whisper of "just-" before it even hits her lips. She refuses, screams loud and clear and nothing makes sure not to pronounce a word because that would mean something and Alex keeps it cool, keeps it pretend, keeps it at nothing and the way her lips form just before she muffles them.)


Days after he starts dating Juliet she throws her mirror against the wall, watches as the pieces fall on the carpet, a thousand glittering shards and she collapses to the ground, presses her head onto the cool shiny pieces of her reflection, even though it's not safe, even though she'll probably cut herself.

Dad comes in and asks what happened in here alex and she smiles sheepishly back and says spell gone wrong and promises to be more careful and all the while he's looking at her over Dad's shoulder, a look in his eyes she can never place.

The look is why she can never leave, why even though he's off dating beautiful vampires and she dumps Dean, dumps all of them- why every time she tries to get out, something pulls her back, turns her around, whispers, stay.


(harsh breathing, legs tangled together, her nails dig into his back-

her heart beats with his, and they make their own rhythm.)



Alex gazes at the blonde bimbo with disdain, brushes off the brunettes and the redheads and the ones with big smiles and bright eyes, all of them just sosohappy and soinlovewithhim and Alex watches it all with a smirk on her face and one eye on the exit.

They never last long.

(Justin kisses the blond and Alex takes her coat off the rack, slides on her shoes and slips out the door- doesn't look back.)
