Here is the next chapter..Enjoy

AN: Time to have fun

Kim, Aisha, Tanya and Kat were sitting on the blanket wearing identical smiles thinking about the plan that came together and left the boys sulking in the end

Earlier Today

Tommy, Billy, Rocky, Jason and Adam was cutting through the park unbeknownst to them that they were being followed by Trini

" Guys."

" Yea Jase, what is it." Rocky wondered

" I get the feeling that we are being followed."

Adam fake stretched as he brought his arms up and he secretly glanced around them.." Are you sure Jase." Adam wondered as he didn't see nothing out of the ordinary

Jason shook his head.." I don't know and with everything we are going through at the moment."

" We get where you are coming from Jase."

So the guys continued on their heaing towards their destination

At the Youth Center

Kim, Aisha and Tanya decided to put the part of their plan into action by tweaking some of the things the guys normally use and do when they are at the youth center practicing their katas or just working out so while they were sitting at the table, Kat had snuck off into the men's locker room and she went over to the guy's lockers. Kat had started with Jason's first and once she tampered with his she moved on to the others and once she was done she closed Tommy's locker door and quickly made her way out of the boys locker room just in time to ease into her seat a couple of minutes after Trini arrived

" I was detailing them in the park and Jason felt uneasy so he told the guys and Adam fake yawned." Trini explained as she demonstrated the moves Adam performed which had the girls cracking up

" They are already paranoid." Kim stated

" And by the end of the day those three will never want to bet against us again." Aisha commented

Tommy and Jason came around the corner followed by Billy, Rocky and Adam.." All of the girls are here."

" Then you don't think it was one of you know who's henchmen then." Billy implied

The girls laughed out loudly cutting off their little discussion so they decided to head over to them

" Hey Guys." all five of the girls chorused as they greeted the guys with wide smiles

" Good Afternoon Ladies." The men voiced out as they all pulled up seats near their counterparts and friends and sat down

" So what's on the schedule for today." Aisha wondered

" We could go window shopping." Tanya tossed out

" By "window shopping" she means actually purchasing something along the way." Rocky added cheekily

" Oh Rocky, I think you are beginning to learn alot more about me and how I tend to operate." Tanya applied as she leaned over and pinched his cheeks

Rocky poked her in her side making Tanya squeal and jerk away from him.." Don't pinch my cheeks and I won't poke you in your side deal."

" Deal."

" Alright what about the rest of you guys." Trini asked as she glanced at them

" We're gonna do a little exercising before we go to the track later." Tommy replied

" What's going on at the track." Kat wondered

" I'm meeting my uncle about some things we were discussing the other day." Tommy answered then he go up from his seat and the guys followed suite as he led the guys over to the men's locker room

Rocky and Adam glanced back at the table and they didn't pick up any sneaky vibes from their female counterparts so they went inside the room

" Hey guys did any of you pick up any weird type of vibes from the girls?" Adam inquired

Jason, Tommy and Billy shook their head no as they started to change into their gi's and tank tops

" Aren't you guys just a little bit on edge." Rocky implied

" Nope, those girls can try their best but they won't get the better of us." Jason commented

" Billy, you and Jason know Trini and Kimberly very well."

" True but Zack was the prankster of the group." Billy revealed as his eyes widened as he looked at Jason then he locked eyes with Tommy

" Guys were are getting worked up over nothing." Jason stated as he took his towel and layed it around his shoulders.." Let's go get a workout in then we'll head to the track."

At the table with the girls

" I wonder if they're getting worked up in there." Kim whispered

" More than likely, I mean Rocky and Adam looked back at us in puzzlement." Aisha inserted

" Is everything ready." Kim wondered softly and all the girls nodded their heads softly as the guys came out of the locker room and the five of them sectioned off into two groups of two on two, Billy and Jason as one team sparring against Rocky and Adam on the other side and Tommy as the ref for the first bout

" Let the show begin." Aisha wrote on a piece of paper and slid across the table and all of the girls glanced down then smiled at one another before they turned their attention back to the guys

The guys were the center of attention while they sparred between the two teams

" We have gained everyone's attention." Jason whispered to Rocky

" The girls are staring mighty hard in our direction, it's starting to get me off centered."

" They are watching us, trying to find some way to get to us." Jason applied as he ducked beneath a swing

" You mean if we don't give them a reaction we spoil their fun."

" Affirmative guys."

" Hey Guys"

All of the guys were caught off guard and all of them ended up with some gut wrenching aches and body pains

" Jason just caught Adam in the stomach."

" And Adam nailed Jason in the shin."

" But hold up girl, Billy and Rocky also were dealt some not easy blows by one another."

" You are correct Aisha, both of them are going to have a bruised cheek and eye."

Tommy tried to hold in his laugh but he couldn't

" This is not funny bro." Jason commented

" Yes it is."

Kim closed her eyes and mumbled "tap your foot"

Tommy started to tap his foot and Jason glanced down at Tommy's foot

" scratch you head"

Tommy's hand went up to his head and he started to scratch his scalp

" flex your muscles"

Tommy stopped scratching his scalp and he started to show off his muscles and his eyes immediately swung in Kim's direction

" Guys what in the heck is going on." Rocky asked just as he and the guys all looked at the girls who wasn't paying them any attention

" Let's go get changed." Adam suggested and the guys quickly agreed

Once the girls saw that the guys fled into the boys locker room they got up and left the table and headed out of the juice bar

" Time for phase two." Kim stated

" That was a nice trick you put Tommy through, sis." Trini praised

" Yes indeed, and you all can best be assured that he will want answers."

" And knowing you like we do, no offense Tanya and Kat."

" None taken."

" You will be all about that chase."

" Exactly."

inside the boys locker room

" What in the hell did they do." Tommy wondered as the guys stood around the area

" No the question is what in the hell can't they do." Rocky pointed out

" Guys we are no longer dealing with the same girls out there." Jason adds

" The stakes have been raised." Billy applied

" And they will get their just desserts." Adam stated as they all gathered there towels and soap and headed towards the showers

A few minutes later

Rocky and Adam heard Tommy, Billy and Jason's voices exclaimed loud profanities as they came out of their stalls scratching at their skin

" What in the world is going on."

" They put itching powder in our body wash and the shampoo."

" And now here I was thinking that we received humiliating laughs, but you three are getting it worse."

" Don't rub it in Adam."

" Let's get this stuff off our bodies and then go after the girls." Jason insisted as he scratched at his exposed chest

The guys all agreed and went back to finish their showers and getting dressed as quickly as possible hoping to get to the girls who they though were still sitting at their table when they exited out of the locker room only to be shocked that they were no longer sitting at their table

" Guys let's split up and find them."

" Let's hope they didn't retreat to Kim's place." Billy pointed out

" And if they did, then they will pay for cheating." Rocky injected

Angel Grove Mall

" I wonder how long it will take for the guys to realize that when we mention anything about the mall, we are not joking." Aisha commented as the girls walked towards the entrance of the mall

" They probably are searching for us at the moment, so Trini and Aisha dial down on your ninjetti links."

" Okay." both of the girls answered as they closed their eyes just as the five of them stopped inside the doorway of the mall and then they all went their separate ways

At the Park Pavillion

The guys on the other hand went to Kat's place but they was told that the girls wasn't there since this morning, so they checked the park and they came up empty

" Guys, the mall." Tommy said as they all nodded their heads in agreement as they all headed to their vehicles and drove towards the Mall in search of the girls

" Remind me to never bet against them." Tommy said to Jason

" Deal." Jason agreed whole heartedly

" Right about that." Adam and Rocky pointed out

" Affirmative." Billy added as he looked at his friends in the front of him as Tommy drove into the mall parking lot

Adam followed close behind them.." Guys I can feel their energies from here

" Me to."

Then come and get us big boys

Tommy and Adam wasted no time whatsoever in finding a parking spot and once the engine was cut off all of the occupants quickly exited out of the vehicles and headed straight for the entrance of the mall, and once they stepped inside of the mall they separated from one another in search of the girls

The girls on the other hand decided to lead the guys all over of the mall only managing to duck them a few times before they just headed to the food court

" This shall make it easy for them to find us." Aisha exclaimed as they made their way through the table and chairs and then up the three stage steps and over to the middle of the setting and they all sat down at the table with their smoothies

And they wasn't kept waiting long because Jason turned into the Café followed by Rocky, Billy, Adam and Tommy

" Hi Guys, did you want to make another bet with us."

" Heck no, we don't ever want to bet against you girls ever again." Adam applied

The girls all wore identical similar smirks on their faces

Girls 1 and Boys 0

That is the end of this chapter..stay tuned
