Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: G
Summary: Salem and his people finally earn their freedom!
Challenge: Anneack's Magnificent Seven Challenge for 6-28-10 to write a 100-word Magnificent Seven drabble with the words "independence", "declaration", and "fireworks"
Warnings: Drabble, AU
Word Count: 100
Timeline: This drabble happens after the end of the series.
Date Written: 1 July, 2010
Disclaimer: Chris Larabee and The Magnificent Seven are & TM CBS, The Mirisch Group, MGM, and Trilogy Entertainment, not the author; are used without permission; and may not be used without permission. Salem Saberhagen is & TM Archie comics, Disney, and any one else who can legally claim a piece of the King, none of which are the the author; is used without permission; and may not be used without permission. Captain Jack Sparrow and Captain James T. Hook are & TM Disney and any other respective owners, none of which are the author; are used without permission; and may not be used without permission. Everything else is & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Salem sighed as the declaration rang throughout the courtroom. In seconds, he had his old body back. His human ears rang with his family's joyous shouts as they celebrated their independence. He was scared to rejoice lest his dream shatter all around him, but then Faith hugged him tightly and his people all turned their attention to him. "You did it!"
"We're free!" James cried.
"Bring on the fireworks!" Jack called.
"We want the man who saved us all to shoot the first one." At Chris' silent gesture, his men converged upon Salem and lifted him proudly up into the air!
The End
Author's Note: If you enjoyed this story, or any of my other writings, I hope you'll consider joining my friends and I at a brand new fan fic/art site called Ficcers Unite. At Ficcers Unite, we welcome all fandoms, pairings (slash and het), and even no pairings at all; hope to begin a Marvel/Disney RPG soon; and plan on issuing challenges every day of the week! This is a fic that has been produced by the Monday Disney/Marvel challenge and Wednesday Magnificent Seven challenge. Come on over and check us out at today!
For years I have searched for an active Disney community that welcomed all Disney's fans. Disney_Uberland is such a place! Members make up five teams: Team Stitch (of which I am honored to be a part of) for all heroes and adorable characters; Team Sharpay for all live action Disneys; Team Ariel for all Disney Princesses; Team Scar for all Disney villains; and Team Wall-e for all Pixars. Members compete in all kinds of different contest, including, but in no means limited to, fan fictions, icons, lists, fan mixes, recruitments, and honors, to see who can reach 5,000 points first. The first winners were Team Scar, and though we tip our hats to them, we, Team Stitch, hope to be the next winners - and we hope that you will join us, regardless of whether it be as a team member or a fellow community member! Please do come by and join us; we promise you'll have fun!
Please also remember to mention that I - OrliDepp and a member of Team Stitch - invited you as my team will garner points for your recruitment.
The best I can post of the URL is _uberland but remember to replace the DOTs with . and the SLASH with / . Hope to see you there! Happy Disney Dreaming!