In general girls don't come in between the awesomeness that is Toph and Sokka. Expect for Yue. Which is okay because Toph is tough and doesn't need to compete with a dead girl. And Suki which is fine because Suki doesn't show up that often. And that pretty tavern girl. Who Toph got rid of by spilling soda down her dress. And the pretty merchant girl. Who Toph got rid of by earth bending her stand away. And the pretty inn keeper's daughter. Who Toph got rid of by making numerous rude demands. Hello? Where are our rooms? I'm ready to sleep now if you don't mind! And…. Huh. Now that you mention it, except for ugly girls and Katara; girls DO get in between Toph and Sokka. In the immortal words of fire prince Zuko "this sucks".