Night Train

A/N: Hey everyone, welcome to my first pairing fan fic. Which is based on a suggestion from BulletsforValentine who asked if I wouldn't mind to write an IntegraXEnrico pairing. I accepted and have full confidence that I can do it. (But it would be very nice of everyone to go easy on me if it doesn't end up very good.) Anyway please read, review and enjoy.

Disclaimer: To everyone who has been following this story or is reading it for the first time. I have decided to discontinue this version of and might be deleting it in due time. I am though, working on re-writing it with added scenes and a more fleshed out storyline. To those who have been following this work and waiting for a conclusion I apologize. Please see my note on my profile. Thank you for understanding.

If anyone is interested in reading the newer version of this story it can be found here. s/11567592/1/Night-Train-Re-issue

- Capt.

Chapter One

Switzerland, January 07

7:20 PM

Sir. Integra Fairbrooks Wingates Hellsing sat in the dining car of the late night train heading from Zurich to Geneva waiting for an unwanted but necessary guest. As per usual he was late. Staring out the window she watched the snow swirling in the wind as the train raced down the tracks. She was here in Switzerland to sign a non-aggression pact with the Vatican. Something she had to do every January 9th, because Enrico didn't trust Hellsing to keep it's side of the bargain for more then a year. Of course she suspected that Maxwell was the one who couldn't be trusted. bur either way she didn't give it much thought and just wanted to get everything done and over with. In the seat across from her sat Walter C. Dornez who was silently working on a cross word puzzle from a two day old edition of the London Times.

Originally though the signing was planned to happen in Geneva but when it turned out that both Hellsing and Iscariot were on the same train, Integra thought it would be convenient to sign it now. Enrico agreed and so here she was in the dining car waiting. Integra sighed as another five minutes passed, Maxwell was now officially an hour late.

"Bored?" Asked Walter from behind the paper.

Integra glanced at him and sighed again. "You have no idea." She answered.

Walter chuckled. "Well, you can help me with the puzzle?" He suggested, glancing over the newspaper at his boss.

"Sure why not." Intagra agreed. She leaned forward, and gave Walter her full attention.

"Alright, seven across: A foolish or stupid person, also a type of animal." Walter muttered, half to himself.

Integra thought it over for about thirty seconds and smiled. "Maxwell," She replied.

Walter looked up at her humorously with a raised eyebrow. "I believe the answer is jackass." He said.

"Right, that's what I said." She smiled.

Walter chuckled and started to write down the answer. "M-A-X-W-E-L-L. Ha! It fits."

"Of course it does. Did you expect any different?"

Walter admitted that he did not and so they continued to fill out the little boxes one by one until only three questions were left.

Just then the sound of the compartment door opening snapped Integra out of her thoughts. Glancing at the door she saw Enrico Maxwell and Father Renaldo enter.

"Good evening Sir Integra." Maxwell said with a false smile. "I see that we have made ourselves comfortable."

Integra smiled back, still grinning at the events of before. "Well, waiting for you has forced me to do something to keep my brain sharp." She answered and took a sip of some strong black tea.

Enrico nodded and approached the table. "Yes yes, I apologize for being late but you see I had to get all the papers in order." He placed his briefcase upon the table and looked down at Walter. "Excuse me," He said with a frown, "but you are in my seat."

Walter looked up at the priest and smiled, silently agreeing with Integra. "Just keeping it warm." He said sarcastically as he got up.

He joined Father Renaldo at the table across the isle and continued his crossword puzzle, with Renaldo throwing in a few suggestions of his own.

Just then a waiter walked up to Maxwell and grinned. "Good evening Seer, Would you like to ordeer somzing off our menu? A drink peerhaps." He asked with a thick accent.

Enrico smiled. "Yes do you have mineral water?" He asked.

The waiter smiled and nodded his head. "Yez, We most ceertainly do." He quickly turned to Father Renaldo, "And for you?" He asked.

"Nothing," Father Reinaldo answered with a shake of his head. The waiter nodded and walked into the back of the dining car. A moment later he returned with a small bottle of sparkling mineral water, placing it on the table he smiled once more and extended his hand.

"Zat will be twenty Swiss francs." He said cheerily.

"Twenty francs for such a small bottle? Are you crazy?" Asked Enrico, angrily.

The waiter chuckled. "I do not zink so but who knows." He joked.

Enrico was not amused "I refuse to pay such a high price for relatively nothing!" He stared at the waiter defiantly.

"Well, suit yourself Seer." The Waiter said with a shrug taking the bottle away from the table.

Once the waiter had left Enrico turned back to Integra. "Can you believe these people? Terrible! Absolutely shameful!" He shook his head in disgust.

Integra sipped her tea smiling. "Do you want to begin?" She asked pointing to the briefcase.

Enrico nodded "Yes, lets get this over with." With that he popped open the latch and pulled out the large stack of documents.


The locomotive engineer sat in the cockpit of the train, staring intently out the window chewing on a cigarette. Outside the snow covered the tracks and caused visibility to fall to a horrid low.

"I hope the tracks stay stable." The engineer mumbled to himself as the train continued to speed to its destination.

Suddenly, the radio came to life with an explosion of static, "Main Rail Hea-sssshhhh-train 42, come in 42."

The engineer sighed and flicked on the respond switch on the radio. "Train 42 reading you with major static disruption." He replied.

"Train 4-ssssshhhhhhh-reported sno-ssssshhhhh-ead! Recommending-ssssshhh-of train immediat-." The radio fell silent as the signal was lost to the snow and mountains.

The Engineer sighed and switched off the radio, it was just a few hours to their final destination and he was sure everything would be fine. Unfortunately, that was not the case.


Enrico Maxwell stared across the table as Integra carefully read every word of the newest non-aggression pact.

"My dear Integra," Maxwell spoke up, "I certainly hope you don't plan on reading till we arrive to Geneva." He glanced at Renaldo who just shrugged.

"I plan on reading all the fine print you and your cronies might have put in here." Integra answered without looking up from the paper.

Maxwell chuckled, "Not the trusting type I see." He quipped.

Integra nodded her head, "That's right, I don't trust anyone but myself."

Enrico raised his eyebrows, "Hmm...well I can't say that isn't a wise decision..." He admitted as looked out the window at the snow and ice, "I hate the cold." He muttered. "Did we really have to have the signing here?" He frowned unhappily.

"I don't mind." Integra stated dryly.

Enrico glanced at her and smiled. "I'm sure you don't mind any place that is similar to you heart." He chuckled waiting for Integra's comeback.

At that very moment the horrible squeal of the trains wheels filled every compartment and sparks lit up the windows as the emergency brakes were suddenly pulled by the engineer in the cockpit. This of course caused a great deal of damage as everyone and everything was flung violently forward. Screams of surprise and pain filled the cars as people fell out of their seats and beds, while others slammed into walls or doors.

In the dining car all the table and chairs toppled over while dishes, bottles, silverware, and glasses crashed to the floor. The waiter who was standing behind the bar ended up flipping over it and falling to the floor on the other side, while at the same time Sir Integra, and the table crashed into Enrico Maxwell, Who ended up tumbling backwards into the table behind him, causing him to get a painful bump on the head. It was at that point that lights flickered and died plunging the whole train into darkness.


"Enrico...Borther Mexwell..." The distant sound of Renaldo's voice cut into Maxwell's consciousness. Slowly, he opened his eyes and trying to figure out where he was and what was going on.

"Maxwell!" He heard Renaldo yell once more, turning his head, he saw the priest who was trying to remove his right leg from under one of the heavy tables.

Looking around the once peaceful compartment Enrico now saw destruction as furniture was toppled onto the floor, along with the photographs, china, and anything else that wasn't some how attached to the walls or the floor.

"Maxwell are you alright?" This time the voice belonged to Walter C. Dornez, who was apparently the only one not stuck or hurt.

Maxwell nodded and began to sit up. As he did he noticed Integra lying on the floor, bleeding from a wound caused by the small tea cup which was now embedded in her chest.