I have come up with more AU/UAs for the Naruto cast and I will be so happy to have the readers feedback on what you think about it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto™

(Line Break)

Modern AU: The Spiritual Agency

Konohagakure academy valued itself with high standards and the top-rated students in the region in hopes to change the future with an age of new thinkers and doers. The academy was run by Jiraiya, had founded the school to do two things, one, to provided high education to as many students as he could, and as a front for a covert operation of Japan's military force. Jiraiya was an Black Ops elite officer in Japan's spiritual force command over the sector in Konohagakure and a few of the neighboring countries. This force handled all other worldly beings that use the mortal realm as either a playground or a hunting grounds. The best way to handle these creatures was to partner with the creatures that want purpose or just something to do. But trying to partner up with a spirit was hard to do at an older age and it meant that older members that join may try to sync up with a creature or spirit or they will be trained in charms and spells to fight and protection along with relocation. It happened a lot with the members of the command force, but, as an old fonder discovered, it seemed that children had a higher success rate at syncing and that meant they became key members of the command force and could grow into the elites. And they ranked as such.

But not just any child could be chosen to sync up…so it seemed they were at an impasse, agents had to find a way to scout for potential students to sync and train. It used to be that commanding officers would look to agent's children, but many were quick to turn away and refuse to allow their child to take part. Which, in all respects, made scene. No one wanted to sacrifice their children for the sake of the upper hand. So, then scouts came up to consider cities and high ranked academies, where they would find the perfect subjects. Though, it was hard to get around it legally because scouts went to the student and never to the guardians; so, with the regret from the country leader Minato Namikaze turned a blind eye to the agency about who was hired and how. With so little regulation, it always seemed dangerous that one day, the Spiritual Agency would one day either collapse in the worse way or grow to be an unbeatable force.

Jiraiya tried his best to never force a student, but he was greatly understaffed when it came to synced agents and not many students were quick to risk their lives for something like that. He could find a few students though, very good ones, but also ones that were a major pain in his ass too. Speaking of them, he heard his phone alert go off and he opened a drawer at his desk to see the glowing screen. It looked like another crisis was on his hands and it was only midday. He sighed and without question tapped on the glass between his office and one of the secretaries. She looked over and frowned when he held up a sign that had three student's name.

Shizune huffed as she went to the microphone and pressed the live button. "Nara, Uchiha, and Aburame, to the main office during lunch break." She only had to say it once, it was a common occurrence with those boys, with missing days and coming in late. She was sure that Jiraiya had to make several calls to their parents and she did not want to be on the receiving of those calls.

On the other side of the building, Shikamaru groaned as he was lying his head on his desk as other students snickered at him. His teacher only sighed and brought attention back to the board to get through his lesson. He pulled out his phone and looked down to see that the other two were already going back and forth about who was taking what notes and who was going to buy dinner later. He looked up and marveled at how the two could continue to stare straight at the board and write novels back and forth. He looked over to see that his family friend seemed to be upset as she sat back with her arms crossed over her chest. She almost sounded jealous sometimes. He looked at the clock and timed out how long he could nap before he would have to be awake enough not to be killed by one thing or another. Shikamaru looked over to the Uchiha, who was still texting like a mad man and noticed that the bags under his eyes seemed to have lessened, which was good because a tired Uchiha is a troublesome one.

It was not a long enough nap and Shikamaru felt himself growing angry with the idea of having to deal with some creature and an exam. He walked between the two other students, who were already tracking and finding out what was going on. He was already losing out on a lot of sleep and those to sleeping just as much as he does and still being able to work at 100% meant either meant there was something wrong with him, or his companions.

"I say we just send Shino to go deal with this," Sasuke Uchiha said as he pulled at his tie to loosen it and walked with his hands shoved into his pockets as his bag hung on one shoulder. Dark hair was left to frame his face and stuck up in the back and would never flatten down. The basic uniform was black white and blue; black pants, blue ties, vest, jackets, and white button ups. Girls followed the same example. Shikamaru was more a shirt, vest, and tie, while Shino just wore the plane basics of a tie, button up, and black pants, and then Sasuke in full uniform with no vest but tried to remain as perfectly quaffed as he could. "It's a demon plant, nothing a little weed killer can't take care of."

"Your jokes are getting better," Shino said dully as he cleaned his sunglasses, allowing the two to see hard steely dark brown eyes. He put them back on before looking at them, "But destroying the physical form is not our task, if you ever read any of the reports." Shikamaru did. But why make that known? They all knew that Shikamaru would never do anything until he got full reports from anyone who knew anything. "It's a relocation of the demon."

"Why?" Sasuke shot back with a glare as they came up to the office. "Letting that thing live on this realm will lead to someone getting killed, and then what do we do? Say oops, our bad." He looked at Shikamaru, "we should just get rid of it."

"If you think I'm suddenly going to go rouge, you're wrong." He said dully as he put his hand and on the door. "And you know what Uchiha," Shikamaru said uncharacteristically loud as he opened the door, "I think you and your boyfriend should learn to keep your noses in your business."

"Maybe if you weren't so bitter and single, we wouldn't have to win every argument with you," Sasuke said back like the terrible actor he was.

"Go ahead and start another fight," Shino said with a sigh, "best we save Shizune-sama the trouble of calling us again."

"You three," she looked to them while shaking her head side to side slowly, "I should just start holding classes in here for you."

"Then I would have to listen to the Uchiha moan about how he is being kept away from the love of his life," Shikamaru shot with a smirk as the Uchiha flushed red and glared at him.

"Like hell I do that ever!" He yelled as Jiraiya opened the door for them and closed it after them and was sure to nod thanks to Shizune through the glass. She couldn't hear anything they say and that was a good thing, cause whenever Jiraiya had to discipline someone he could get loud. "Did you really have to say that? You make me sound like a love-sick fool."

"Someone has to say it," Shino said and Sasuke whipped around and glared at him. "You take his call no matter the situation and I'm surprised you haven't outed the agency because he may have shown slight concern of what you do." He raised a brow as Sasuke looked to be holding back the burning rage in his gut before fire could literally spill out of his mouth.

"I see all that team work training has yielded results," Jiraiya sighed as she sat back down and placed down three files for them and glanced over to be sure that Shizune was back to the infirmary, which was the station she usually worked. He looked back at them, "Weaken it enough to relocate and be very careful, the thing will do anything for a quick meal." He uncuffed his sleeves to roll them up and stood, "I have Hatake-san waiting to take you to the station and have excused you from classes, be quick about it because exams start soon." He raised a brow as the three seemed to slump forward a bit. "Alright," he said and put his hands on his hips, "work quick and I'll give you detention tomorrow, library is all yours for the day."

"I have classes to pass old man," Sasuke shot back and Jiraiya felt his eye twitch, he wasn't that old. "Some of us are planning for a future that doesn't always involve being at the end of blade."

Shikamaru gave that a thought…what was he going to do after secondary school. He never gave much thought to it. He thought that this would be the rest of his life, fighting for Japan without japan ever knowing. His cover for it was that the three worked at a dojo. His mother had pushed him to quit and get a job with his uncle so he could take over the shop one day. But making medicine and running a store for the rest of his life…it sounded so boring. Sure, Shikamaru was good at school, naturally gifted, but he never figured out what would happen if he had to get a real job someday. Before he knew what was going on, Shino was basically leading him out of the room by the back of his shirt. "Thanks."

"I know that you're tired, but I need you to focus a little bit better on the task at hand," Shino let go of him and the three were headed to their cubies to get normal shoes on and collect their things. Shikamaru grabbed his coat and stuffed his bag with his uneaten lunch and a few extra books he had been reading. He was also sure to grab his journal. He had to figure out what he was going to do about that whole future thing. Still, he was a second year, but he knew that his mother was going to demand what his plan was for college and work. "Hatake-sensei is the worst driver." Shino said as he put on his coat and scarf and looked at the two, "best we just run into an intersection now."

"It's the stupid eye patch," Sasuke said with a sigh as Shikamaru was still lost in his own thoughts. The plant was a thousand miles away from him and he almost didn't seem to care about it in the least bit. He was sure to try and avoid looking like he was still zoned out. He put on his bag and turned to see that Sasuke was staring at him. He raised a brow and frowned when the male only smirked and walked ahead of him. "If this goes well, we can spend the morning sleeping." They walked out to the road and about a block away, they saw a car waiting. "I call front."

"It's my turn," Shino cut in as he fixed his glasses, "so no, you won't be calling anything Uchiha."

"Get bent Aburame," Sasuke shot back as he glared. He glanced back to Shikamaru, who was just staring at the ground as he walked, "And what's wrong with you?"

"Hm?" Shikamaru looked up at him with a snap of his neck, "What?"

"I can't believe that you rank above me," Sasuke scoffed and faced forward again. "Hatake-sensei," he called as the older man with silver hair that stuck up and swept towards one side. The man was wearing a medical mask and eyepatch, but dressed in a very formal business suit and black loafers. The man looked to be reading a book and the three just avoided bringing it up, since their sensei was quick to ignore the question. "You're actually on time, I'm almost impressed."

"I happen to be close by," he said with a shrug as he opened the door and the three got in, throwing bags into the back on by Shikamaru's and Sasuke's feet. Shino was quick to pick a station that played the top hits and Sasuke was unfortunately nodding his head to. But allowed Shikamaru to continue with the tangent of his thoughts. Would he even want to continue with the agency? He looked to Kakashi and wondered how he liked being employed by the agency…he had to have a good pay check…or so he hoped. Kakashi Hatake fronted as a private tutor and as a scout, the two jobs matched well since this meant that Kakashi could try and recruit new spirit holders that didn't got to academies. The three had been recruited by Jiraiya and had met Kakashi while they were being trained and first synced with spirits. But was he happy? Does the man get time to sit back and look at the clouds? Hell, does he get any sleep? He's always reading a new book so he must have free time at some point. Shikamaru was never subtle, so he wasn't surprised when Kakashi looked at him through the rearview mirror and raised a brow. "What seems to be on your mind Shikamaru?"

"Too much," his answer was quick and short. Shikamaru was good at avoiding answering questions that he did not want to answer. Or get to deep that he would have to have full hearts to hearts about how he had no idea what he was doing with his life and it was starting to terrify him. "This thing…is there a reason why we are being told to relocate it and not contain?"

"They want us to relocate the beast!?" Sasuke shot up and glared at Kakashi, "why the hell are we suddenly going soft on the things that are killing humans?"

"You need to start reading reports," Shino sighed and he dug into his bag and pulled out the file that Jiraiya gave them. "The relocation will be up by the Senju mountain, I bet Grandfather Kage offered up his temple area," Shino said lightly as Kakashi smiled under his mask; he could admit that his students/team was very entertaining. "I hope that you have some clue what is going on Hatake-sensei."

"I know about as much as you three," he said lightly as they pulled up into the busier parts of town and stuck behind traffic and buses. "I am not paid to know; I'm paid to be sure that you three are properly trained and not injured on the job." Kakashi was just a scout and trainer, but ranked at jonin in the agency while the three were still only early into their chunin promotion; it brought them more dangerous missions, a pay increase, and new trainers. Luckily, since there were no new operatives, Kakashi followed them as their trainer. Though, Sasuke and Shikamaru would do anything to get more operatives that could take on syncing because that meant less grunt work for them. New agents came in everyday, but they were usually older adults that could not sync or would try and get themselves tainted or killed.

"Will you ever be paid to know?" Shikamaru asked with a smirk even though he was genuinely curious. He could make it to anbu easy (if death didn't get to him first) and live comfortably like that. Kakashi shrugged as he pulled into an old police station and towards the back to the garages and stopped as he opened one of the garages marked '000'. "Has Genma gotten back to anyone on our talismans? The man doesn't answer text…can he text?"

"About as well as Grandpa Kage," Sasuke smirked as he still wouldn't take his eyes off his phone. "Have we gotten a raise in body syncing?" He looked up when Shikamaru let out a curt laugh as he was playing games on his phone. "What?"

"More than 20% and those guys will take over," he said as he glanced to Sasuke, who went back to his phone. "I think you seem to forget that they are creatures that could and would kill us if they felt like it. Imagine the power they would have with a living host…a living and willing host." He looked out the window as the car pulled in and once the garage closed, a platform took them down. Shikamaru was so amazed that no one has found this place beneath the police station…it was the most obvious thing in the world and yet they didn't have reporters crowding demanding to know what was going on. He watched the lights as Kakashi shifted to park and turned the car off. That left the group in a weird silence. Shikamaru didn't mind it, the silence gave the mind room to move and think, while constantly noise offered a nice backdrop to the world, but sometimes the world needed to just stay silent. Shikamaru exited the car the quickest as he grabbed his bag and began to walk towards the prep rooms; he liked to say that he just wanted to get on with it, but he hated changing in front of the two.

It was one thing to be the smartest, but it seemed that he was only the smart one while Sasuke got to be handsome, charming, and smart. It was unfair in all truth. The Uchiha got the best genes, school, he was sure that the guy made more money than him too, and he got a boyfriend…it was like fate was rubbing it in his face about all the stuff Shikamaru would never have.

"Time frame Aburame?" Sasuke asked as he walked in as Shikamaru was fastening his tactical pants and wore a black skin tight long sleeved shirt. He was quick to strip down and then went to his locker across from Shikamaru. Shikamaru looked back and rolled his eyes, the Uchiha was gorgeous! "I have a boyfriend Nara."

"I know, the world knows with how much you two seem to declare it at any given moment," he sighed lightly as he was sure to have his back the man. "Sorry…I'm being bitter."

"Would you like me to aid you in that department?" Shino asked lightly as he was a few lockers down from Shikamaru.

"You aren't really my type Aburame, but I am flattered," Shikamaru smiled at him. Shino pulled off his sunglasses and looked at him with confusion. "How would you help?"

"Hopefully putting you on a well needed skin care routine," Sasuke said.

"I was thinking more of becoming a proper, 'wingman'. Go out and list off your positive traits to potential partners and rewording negative ones to positive." Shino offered as he laced up his boots and hide away differed daggers and knives.

"Maybe you just need to open and be more approachable Shikamaru," Kakashi added as he put on a light grey breast plate and placed a mask at the top of his head. His medical mask replaced with a normal black mask. "Young men need to go out and fall in love a few times; experience all kinds of love and affection."

"I am approachable," Shikamaru pouted as he, Sasuke, and Shino put on black vest that had a few pockets to hide away scrolls, charms, and weapons. Shino put on a pair of goggles and then two forearm bands that probably had more tech in them then most military grade weapons. Sasuke was strapped a small book onto his belt, the other two did the same but it seemed that Sasuke was the most gifted in it. Just another reason to be bitter. "I'm witty, smart, have a great personality, and I fight demons." Shikamaru added his extra weapons and thin metal wire.

"Well, we can for sure use all that charm to get you a date once we finish." Sasuke smirked as he put on his standard issued gloves as he faced Shikamaru, while closing his locker. Shikamaru put on his gloves as he used his foot to close the locker and strapped on extra knives and silver wire. "Anyone you have in mind?"

"Nope," Shikamaru said, popping a bit on the 'p' at the end.

"This is going to be difficult, isn't it?" Shino said as he walked over. "Do you think you can be of help sensei?"

"I could help you look more physically attractive," he offered with a smile in his eyes, "You need the most hand to hand combat training out of anyone." He walked over to them and laughed as Shikamaru frowned and slumped forward. "Healthy body equals a healthy mind Shikamaru."

"More like you all want to cut me off from sweets," he shot back.

"Someone has to," Shino said as Sasuke chuckled. Shikamaru scoffed and the three walked out to one of the outpost rooms, passing other agents, labs, and containment rooms. They came up to a large door marked 'Spirit Containment Area' with two guards posted on either side. "Let us in." He said as he knocked. The two guards rolled their eyes. The door began to slowly open and there stood the container. Another specialized jonin rank, he only specialized in containment work and a bit of banishing work too. Ibiki Morino was an older member of the group that was recruited as a young adult and was one of the few that could be synced, but being from a time with very little regulation, his mind was a little sensitive from heavy body syncing in his early days. "Hello Morino-sensei, have you made anyone cry today?"

"Watch your tone brat," he looked down at him with his arms crossed over his chest. "Why are we sending out the kiddie brigade for a relocation? I have trained men and women waiting to actually get the job done." He asked Kakashi as the three walked past him towards the large glass tubes that were glowing with different kanji around the bases.

"Jiraiya-dono asked for the three," he said bluntly. "Your people are capable, but you are not," he looked to the man who glared back at him. "We need the three to weaken the creature enough to relocate it and they need the practice." Kakashi watched as the three walked up to their respective tubes and the creatures inside stirred awake. "This is the best way to do it, even if it would be easier to get it done quick, they need as much experience as possible."

Ibiki grunted, "The collection team will follow behind," he then turned away and walked off back to his main office, being sure to stop and lightly place his hand on the tube that held the wisp like creature, who sparked up a brilliant blue before than fading back as Ibiki walked away.

Kakashi walked over to one of the tubes where a lanky man in a very feminine kimono with long blonde hair was sitting on a cloud, huffing on a pipe and humming lightly to himself. Kakashi bowed to him, "Hello Ashta-dana," he kept low as the humming stopped and he felt the hard stare of bright yellow eyes. "We have work to do," he stood up and watched as the man stepped down, his kimono falling off one shoulder, never letting go of his long pipe. The creature raised his hand and a talisman raised from a holding area in the base up to eye level. Kakashi took hold and the stone piece and it turned into two batons that were a bright silver metal. He hooked them both onto his side holders and placed his hand on the glass. The man smiled as he placed his hand against his and Kakashi began to slowly pull him out. Ashta let out a sigh as he floated behind Kakashi and placed his hands on his shoulders. "Are you feeling better?"

"Ah" the man said lightly as he floated behind Kakashi as he walked over to small safe and placed his hand down on it. "Ah?" He looked over Kakashi's shoulder with wide eyes as the man pulled out a porcelain mask that would only cover the bottom of the creature's face. "eh…eh…" he said as he held still as Kakashi put the mask on him.

"New policy," Kakashi explained as Ashta touched the mask and seemed more interested in it. No matter, he always followed. Kakashi had the talisman.

"I will not leave this imprisonment for some disgusting little weed,' A large demon that was as black as ink except for glowing blue eyes and a large mouth filled with brilliant white teeth sneered at Shikamaru just stood there with a bored expression. "Best to just send me back to the other side-"

"Please," Shikamaru said, "I would love nothing more than to trade you out, but we have work to do and a paycheck to earn." Shikamaru said even though deep in his gut he would be lost without Nujo, a demon of shadows. Usually known for nothing more than just startling unsuspecting humans with a scare when the lights going out. He was very attached to the demon and only felt a real sense of purpose with him. Also, to say that, if he was to leave, Shikamaru could not ever sync with anything else and then he would be with nothing but being a normal student again. Not that he would ever let the spoiled brat ever know. "Just another day out, fresh air, destroying creatures…you would miss it."

"I demand that if I am to be used as a silly little play toy, then you must allow me to sync more." Nujo said with a grin as he leaned down to look eye to eye with him. "70% with my weapons."

"How about I just leave you here and I can sleep?" Shikamaru shot back as Nujo glared at him. "You know I don't decide how much, I follow the rules."

"And that is why you will always be so stagnant," he sneered back as his talisman rose and Shikamaru quickly grabbed it and it turned into a pair of shotos and he tucked them away on the holsters on his back. "Come now human boy, I shall show your little companions how to wield such a powerful being."

"Don't forget humble and understanding," Shikamaru scoffed under his breath as he put his hand on the glass and slowly pulled him out of the cage; it always gave him a weird feeling in his chest as Nujo was unbound and able to be so freely next to him; sometimes he wondered if the demon felt the same way too. They odd connection they had and how everything was so different when near one another. He wondered what it would be like if there were no barriers between the two. But he pushed that away as Nujo went on ahead and floated by his safe that held a mask that covered the top half of his face with kanjis where the eyes should be. Shikamaru got it out for him and held it up as Nujo flew into it and seemed to marvel at how wonderful it was. He would always complain about low sync level, but he enjoyed being able to work though.

Sasuke was sheathing a katana and placed it on his back as he looked to the tall samurai with wild dark hair and stinging red eyes that starred down at the boy. "Please stop," Sasuke looked up at him with an annoyed expression, "we may be family, but that doesn't mean I can read your thoughts.""

"If anyone should be allowed a higher sync, it shall be I. We are of the same blood; I would lay down my own being to keep you protected. Never would I use my own kin-" he was cut off as Sasuke held his hand up to stop him. "You do not interrupt your grandfather insolent little boy."

"Grandfather Madara," Sasuke placed his hand on the glass, "we will never be higher sync, all you do is demand to see the family and just complain." He pulled the spirit out and Madara was quick to walk over to the safe and stare intently as he waited for Sasuke to open it. The Uchiha pulled out a deep red demon mask and placed it on the male's face. He pulled his phone out and sighed when he felt Madara looking over his shoulder. "What?"

"Where is the game with the hard sugars? I was getting very good and wish to continue." Sasuke sighed as Shino snorted as he grabbed the talisman and it turned into a ball and chain with a sickle at the other end of the chain. Sasuke scoffed as Shino wrapped up the weapon so that it hung nicely on his belt and the began to pull out the mountain beast that stood on back legs with hooved feet, covered in dark fur and almost appeared to look human…not sure what kind of human but it was human like.

"It seems the weed has overgrown…" The beast said with an emotionless face. He walked slowly behind Shino as went over to get a mask that had been a full mask that looked like a dog mask. Shino opened the safe, but the beast reached in and put on the mask without question. "I told you to destroy the weed when you had the chance."

"It is a relocation Kenu-sama," Shino said as he fixed his glasses and walked back over to the group who were standing before a screen and watching as cameras that were hooked up all over the city were capturing the giant plant that hissed and tried to attack agents that were trying to keep the plant from attacking and having to find it again. "We will follow orders like any good solider would. I hope that you are feeling well."

"Very much. It seems that rest was all I needed for my recovery, but I would greatly enjoy another…movie…as you call them." Kenu said with a nod, still no inflection in his voice. "Yes, something with those flying cars and laser guns."

"Your spirit is a nerd," Sasuke said with a smirk as Kakashi was currently going through the screens with a technician. Sasuke was then felt the pain of being hit on the back of his head. He turned back and glared at the older spirit that was glaring down at him, "Grandfather-"

"Do not 'grandfather' me. You will respect those that you must entrust with your life Sasuke." Madara said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "The Uchiha Clan is above simple name calling."

"I will never get tired of how you basically fight creatures with your mother," Shikamaru laughed as Nujo busted out laughing with him, floating behind Shikamaru and clutching his middle. That was always something that Shikamaru liked, his connection with Nujo seemed to be the strongest out of everyone. Which was nice because Sasuke was paired with his own grandfather and Shikamaru still did a better job with connecting with the demon. It made him feel good about himself but in a very odd way. Like it was something that he shouldn't have been proud of.

"Alright boys," Kakashi said as he pulled on his own white anbu mask and lead the three out to the large unmarked black truck to take them to location. As they got into the back of the truck, the four spirits took off a bit ahead, since there was only a weapon sync, it meant that the spirits and creatures didn't have to stick around too close to their weapons for them to be useful. "This should not be a too hard mission, but we have gotten wind of…a few complications with mission." Kakashi said as he watched Shino already pulling up screens and reports that he wouldn't even ask on how he get access to. "Best you three deal with the plant while I be sure we are not interrupted."

"You think more creatures will come to its aid?" Sasuke asked as he was still on his phone, and not even needing more than a glance down before texting whoever back. Shikamaru was so ready to smack the devise out of his hands, but then he would suffer the wrath of the Uchiha. He scoffed, "so they finally learned team work?"

"Best to be on guard," Kakashi said as he leaned back and close his only visible eye.

It was nothing new to not get an answer out of Kakashi, but that kind of avoidance was a whole new level. Shikamaru was decent at a lot of things, except for spirit bonding, he seems to be amazing at that and ready to throw it in the Uchiha's face when the time comes, but one thing he was practically good at was avoiding answering questions that would cause any sort of trouble or backlash. It was how he could distract his mother long enough to run off to his room or out the door when she got on her kick on his savings, his work schedule, his school, and his applications for after school. Shikamaru got the trait by learning from his father on what to answer and to not answer but still give verbal reaction. What Kakashi had done was not answer a question that seemed a little too important to avoid; are the demons learning to aid one another in battle, because if they were that meant a whole new level of emergency. Which, if Kakashi cared about their well-being, he would have answered saying that they would be training more, more team-building, and new orders from the Grandfather Kage. Probably even new policy on what younger agents would do if they encounter a creature without their spirits. Spirit synced agents were at a new risk because residue is left behind from their partners that made them noticeable to other creatures, beasts, and demons. But he just said 'Best to be on guard'? So if it wasn't the creatures coming to aid others, what was interfering with agents?

But he didn't bring it up though…maybe he was just over-reacting to the whole situation. Best to just not be the worrier of the group. Besides, there was no way that Kakashi wouldn't tell them if he knew, since it was also a very common thing that no one told any of the spirit agents what was going on until it became a very big deal. Which could either be good or bad for the whole group.

(Line Break)

"Am I dead?" Shikamaru asked as he felt like he just got thrown into a mountain, of course that didn't happen, he was thrown into the side of a grocery store. He was slowly stood up three shadowed arms coming up from the shadow of the building to hold him steady and guide him back to the fight. "You couldn't have cushioned the fall?"

"I am a fighting tool, not your babysitter," Nujo said as he appeared behind him, a big smile on his face Shikamaru felt his weapons grow heavy in his hands and almost pulse. "Go for the roots, cut off its supply at the base."

"There are dead bodies under it," He looked to Nujo, who only smiled bigger as he began to laugh at the idea. Shikamaru paled, "It feeds on the living souls…." He then began to take off running back into the heat of battle, "the thing is still feeding off bodies in the ground. Living bodies!" He yelled as he dodged and slashed through roots and thorns. Shino was the first to react and used the ball end of his weapon to hook around the bulbs head. He gave a hard pull in hopes to reveal a weak spot. Sasuke made a mad dash to go attack the beast while Shikamaru was trying to cut away at the roots and attack the base. Of course, it felt like he was doing nothing to help since it seemed for every root he cut away three more came through. He growled as the blades of his shotos grew dark in color and his next strikes made sure nothing came back up from them.

"You're over synced," Shino called as his arm band blinked red. "Pull back-" he was cut off as he nearly had his weapon pulled out of his hands. Shino pulled back on the chain and brought the bulb head down closer to the ground, Kenu actively protecting his partner from the roots Shikamaru could not get to.

"We don't really have the luxury to worry about that," Sasuke said as his katana began to blaze with a black fire and his eyes turned red with spinning black totems. "Keep going, just enough to pull it out from the ground."

"I know," Shikamaru shot back with a groan as he delivered a hard stab to the bottom of the plant and the area around it began to wither and die. "Nujo-sama…I'm gonna need a bit more help on figuring out how to knock this thing out."

"Must I do all the work?" The shadow whined as he used a tree's shadow to pull and try to uproot the plant. "Get rid of the central system-"

"Now you idiot!" Madara said as he was protecting Sasuke from thorns and vines. "The beast must be pulled out of its energy source-"

"It must be knocked out with the poison from the fogs of the beyond." Kenu said as Shino dug into the ground more and began to walk backwards as to pull the beast closer to the ground.

"Nujo," Shikamaru glared at him, "I need the right answer-"

"You dare doubt I? The source of your power and bonded companion?!"

"Not the time for dramatics," Shino called as the plant let out a cry and ten vines emerged from it and the three paled. "Oh no…" Shino felt a major headache coming on. Just as he was about to unhook himself from the being, they all heard the loud chimes of a cell phone going off. "Uchiha-"

"If I don't answer, he worries!" Sasuke yelled back as he was trying to get his phone out and keep from getting hit. "Just…cover for me!"

"Do not pick up that phone!" Shikamaru yelled as he rolled away from an attack and then sliced through another set of vines and the base of the plant. "Call him later!"

"He'll call the house if I don't answer! I told him I was at home! If he finds out, I'm not-" he was cut off when Kakashi came and pulled him out of the way from three vines trying to crush him. "Any ideas sensei," Sasuke shot at him. Before anything, Kakashi took his phone and stuffed it into his back pouch. "Hey!"

"Demon plant Sasuke, figure out how to knock it out and I'll give it back."

"Can we just kill the damn thing?" Shikamaru called as he and Nujo used shadows to try and again pull it out of the ground.

"Against orders!" Shino called. Before Shikamaru could try to build his case, the four were blinded by a smoke bomb being thrown. Shikamaru quickly recognized the smoke bomb, it was one of their own. So, it wasn't poison. Check. He began to look around but he couldn't tell what anything was. A vine nearly missed him but he caught the glimpse of a body running past him. He jumped back and then heard Shino and Sasuke. They called out positions and Shikamaru called out his before he felt something drag him out from the smoke. He coughed as he was thrown out onto the streets and right next to a bike rack. It looked like someone had stolen someone's bike but didn't care to notice the group fighting demons; priorities.

Shikamaru sat up as Sasuke, Shino, and Kakashi had fallen back to his side and they were arguing on how to clear the smoke and get back on. They figure it must have been one of the other agents trying to get the upper hand, but no agent without a spirit would jump into a fight without warning, even the ones that hated them. He flicked his hand forward and Nujo quickly went back into the area, towering in the smoke as it searched and looked to try and reach out for moving figures. Shikamaru stood and stretched out his back, "That is going to get me out of gym for sure," he said as he looked to Shino, "and we don't get back up."

"No, we don't," Shino said as he pushed a button on his glasses and looked to be scanning the area. "Four heat signatures, but…" he nearly took a step back, "but not one for the agency…not that I have recorded…"

Before Shikamaru could question 'what the hell was going on', the three turned as Sasuke's phone began to ring again. They watched as he slowly picked it up, still staring at the smoke cloud with his special eyes. "Hey…can I call you back?" He asked lightly and they listened to a semi concerned voice trying to laugh off worry. "I know…I got caught up with some work stuff…we might have had a break in." The voice began to panic but Sasuke kept his cool so well that Shikamaru was sure that he had no feelings. "Don't worry…I'll see you tomorrow before school- Yeah…I'll be careful…promise. Good night, love you." He waited until he got a replay and then hung up the phone. The four looked back out as the smoke began to clear and there stood Nujo, Madara, and Kenu, standing around the uprooted plant with the bulb frozen over and the roots cut and tied. Shino began to jog over as he saw people begin to rise out of the dirt. Sasuke followed.

"So…" Shikamaru looked to Kakashi, "that was the complication." He asked as he watched Ashta float over to Kakashi.

"Ah…eh ah," Ashta said lightly as he held out a folded piece of paper to the man. "Ah."

Kakashi opened the note and then folded it back up and tucked it away. "Yep," he popped the 'p' and he looked to Shikamaru. "I'll signal the retrieval team, and call for an escort on the humans. Make sure no one runs off."

Shikamaru nodded and ran over, Nujo quickly following to peer over his shoulder as they pulled out and lied drowsy bodies away from the plant. "I may ease them into a sleep Shika," Nujo said as he starred down at the face of an older man. "Imagine looking like that someday. It will not suit you Shika."

"I should be able to lull them into the illusion of a dream." Kenu said as he looked to Shino. "To keep them awake and able to answer questions."

"They have just been saved from a slow death," Madara cut in with a glare as he was standing by a young woman. "Allow them the chance to breath and process such a life changing event. Not like anyone would believe them anyway." He said as he walked over to Sasuke. "Not to forget that you must prepare for an exam grandson."

"Just…" Sasuke groaned as he rubbed his temples. "Put them to sleep Shikamaru…I hate when they start screaming." He said and Shikamaru and Nujo began to put them to sleep one by one. Sasuke looked to Shino, "you saw four agents ambushed our target? Like, to show us up or as a threat?"

"I don't think it was anything of that nature," Shino said as he wrapped up his weapon and tucked it away. "Though a part of me hopes that whoever came through was part of the agency, if not…we may have much bigger problems than little sleep." The two continued to discuss the situation at hand as Shikamaru finished and noticed something. He could have sworn that the plant had a different aura around it. Even when something has been incapacitated, it shouldn't feel any different from before. He walked along the plant, trying to pinpoint where the center of what it's aura was would be. Just as he made it to the bulb, he saw it. Under a large leaf he found a bright red symbol. "What are you looking at?" Shino called over as the three spirits were already around Shikamaru.

"Shit." Madara said as Nujo sighed and Kenu glared at the symbol.

"Whoever they were, they were not here to help us," Shikamaru said as he found the imagine of the symbol in his memories from the many study nights. The definition popping in next. He looked over to the two, "They took the things talisman."

"What?" Sasuke asked with a glare.

"Perfect," Shino sighed and turned away as the truck pulled up to take the humans. "I'll put it in the report. We can deal with this tomorrow after lunch."

Sasuke and Shikamaru could agree to that.

(Line Break)

Genma enjoyed being able to take solace in the library of the academy in hopes to get some much-needed time to himself and a place to read in quiet. But, of course, his haven was at the hands of three young boys that were loudly sleeping in the back of the library, and most likely surrounded by the books that he had hoped they would be able to sort and label in time. It would be rude to wake them up, but he almost couldn't stand the snoring. Genma stood up and walked over to the pile on the ground. Shikamaru resting his with back against the wall and arms crossed over his chest; he knew the boy could fall asleep in any position. Then there was Shino who was laying on his stomach and had his suit jacket draped over his head to keep the light out and his sunglasses carefully placed away on a book pile to his left. Genma was tempted to take a picture, he kept a few at the office back at the agency, most of the non-spirit synced agents would coo at how cute the three looked while asleep. Kurenai had loved seeing new pictures and would tease the boys while they had lessons with her. Sasuke was by far the cutest of the three (which somehow Shikamaru also had bitter jealousy towards), he was curled up with his head on Shino's back and clutching the sweater-vest that Shikamaru had been wearing but took off because of the heat of being right by the window. He pulled out his phone and took three photos at different angles and then closed the curtain and looked at the time; he would give them another thirty minutes.

So, with the three sleeping at the few recruits at the academy, it allowed a young pink haired girl the time to wonder to get to the entrance of the school to search into three specific lockers. She was dressed perfectly in her uniform, a white button up that was short sleeved, a black pleated skirt, a blue bow around her neck, blue sweater vest, and her knee-high stockings and school shoes. She carefully had pulled her hair back into a small ponytail that was high up on the back of her head. She hated having her hair stick to her neck when she was playing volleyball and soccer. A tidy bag was swaying as she happily walked through the halls at the beat of the newest pop song that one of her good friends recommended her. She also had a few books that she had to drop off for a teacher, but she would get to that later. A bright red ribbon would have her spotted from a mile away, but only to the observant of the few.

She sighed as she came up to the large room filled with different cubies and she walked over and carefully opened a few she believed to be the right ones until she got the right ones. Once spotted, she went to work with opened her bag and pulling out three different small microphones she could hide way in the back at the top corner. She hummed as she set up her latest modifications and then pulled out a clear screen, that lit up blue when turned on and hooked the three mics to her device. It only took about five minutes and then she was back in the hall headed towards the teacher's lounge to drop off the books and then make a stop at the library just to see the older gentlemen squirm and try to keep her from going over to where the little boys were sleeping after doing a whole lot of nothing.

"Hello Genma-senpai," she smiled as she walked up to him and bowed lightly even when he looked at her with a tired smile. "I was hoping you had something new for me," she laughed as Genma only reached under his desk and pulled out a poetry book that was hard covered, dull red, and frayed from use. "Ooo," she took the extended book and began to flip through, "You know me so well Genma-senpai," she giggled. "Do you mind if I look around?" She pointed over her shoulder and bit back a laugh from the look of worry on his face that he tried to hide. "I will be really quick but I know I've seen a few books about mythology; I told a friend and she was interested." She said as she began to walk over and only passing him a glance, he was already out from around the desk, trying to act as casual as possible.

"Sure thing Haruno-san," he said with a fake smile and she lightly bit her cheek to keep from smiling back. "But you have class and I will not cover for you this time."

"It's almost break, and you know how smart I am," she smiled and flaunted as she flipped her bangs out of her face only to have them fall back into place. "I will be quick though, I know exactly what I'm looking for." She walked off to the opposite of where she needed to go just to give him a chance to try and wake up the three. Sakura Haruno was ranked in the top ten for a reason, she was a great students and athlete, but watching those three struggle with keeping up was entertaining and maddening. She was just as good or even better than three but no one would give her chance. With all her research and going out of her way to track down recruiters and try and show off her skill, they just kept overlooking her, not until she meant her sensei. Sakura tried to casually look around to find her book, and once she saw Genma walk back to his desk, she knew she was in the clear to walk over there like she had no idea they were there. She kept it casual though, just to let them believe she had no idea what was going on.

"Here." Sasuke said bluntly not needing to turn around to see Sakura approach. He held up the thick book and she grabbed it with a smirk. "Goodbye now."

"Aw," she teased as she put her hands on her hips, "is someone grumpy because they got in trouble, again?" She laughed as the three groaned lightly as they looked to still be fighting to stay awake while tagging all the books. "I can't understand how you all rank above me when you guys are in detention or called to the office."

"I'm smarter than you," Shikamaru said as he was holding a book and then about ready to fall asleep again. "Now please go away."

"You think you're smarter than me because you don't have to read," she shot back, holding back the need to attack him. "But trust me, I am much smarter than you."

"Please Haruno-san," Shino said as his glasses were crooked and tie messed up. "Is there something that we can help you with, if not, we really must finish before lunch." He said lightly as he looked up to her and she only sighed and turned away. He watched as she walked away and received a hard nudge to his side from Sasuke's foot. "What?"

"Don't stare, its rude," he said as he finished the last in his pile and grabbed another. "If you like her, just talk to her like a normal person."

"I recall you stalking until he started talking to you," Shikamaru shot in and him and Shino shared a laugh as Sasuke turned pink. "So, excuse me if I question your relationship advice."

Sasuke turned away with a scoff, "At least my approached worked…" he muttered and the other two only chuckled and they tried to finish as much as they could so they would be able to sleep after lunch. Shino and Shikamaru shared a look and both smile since the boy was now flushed and embarrassed. They finished just before it was time for lunch with just another pile left to do, but Shikamaru refused to do and Sasuke offered for the melon bread in Shikamaru's lunch. Luckily, Shikamaru was lazy enough to accept the deal. They were late, per usual and once they got to their cubies, Shikamaru groaned when he saw a blonde leaned up against the spot by his. Her long blonde hair was braided back and she wore the uniform without the sweater vest or jacket and her stockings went up over her knees. She was looking over her purple painted nails and chewing on a toothpick. Sasuke scoffed and looked at him.

Shikamaru shrugged, "I can catch up," he said as he walked over to grab his stuff and only offered her a look of acknowledgment, which she returned yet she didn't say anything. Just as he grabbed his bento and the other two left did she let out a sigh.

"Your parents called my house…" she said lightly. She looked at him and glared, "I lied to my parents, saying that you were with me at the movies." She stood up and put her hands on her hips, "Don't ever make me do that again."

"Didn't ask you to," he said back as he pulled at his tie. "But thanks."

"What were you doing?" She asked with a raised brow and a hard look in light blue eyes. "You have no friends other than me and Choji, and I knew Choji was at the restaurant."

"I was at work, believe it or not," he said with a smirk and it only caused the girl to glare. "Look Ino, thanks for covering for nothing, but you do not have to lie for me."

She scoffed and began to walk away, "Oh I won't be anymore," she said as she looked back at him and winked with a bright smile. "Have fun in detention Shika, I bet your mother loved that call."

"She's used to it," he waved as she walked off towards the courtyard as he went back into the building to a classroom where the other two were and getting into contact with Asuma, another trainer, in hopes to find out about their talisman stealing bandits. He took in a deep breath as he took relish in the silence of the hall way that was lined with classrooms on one side and windows on the other; the sun was nice occasionally, but he liked to lie in the shade of cloud filled skies. He walked over and opened one of the windows that looked out into the courtyard where students were taking in the nice day to eat lunch and catch up with classmates. He was enjoying the breeze until he caught sight of the bright haired blonde and pink standing together, backs to everyone as they seemed to be talking into one phone. He wished he could hear…sometimes, when Ino and him were forced to talk while their dads were hanging out in the shop, Ino would be texting someone that he claims Shikamaru didn't know and would never know. Maybe that's who they were talking to? He could tell that they were laughing and having a fun conversation.

"Oi," Sasuke said while leaning out of the classroom doorway. "you want to finally be informed or not?"

"Right." He followed Sasuke into the classroom. Back to work.

(Line Break)

It was a boring day at the agency, since they had taken care of that plant and it stayed put in the temple up by the mountains, the three had a training day. That meant that they get to be kicked around by the older agents and then scoffed at by the few genin there were. There was one room where the three got to let loose though. The arena, the one place where there were no buildings to worry about, humans, demons at every turn, it was just a place to kick the crap out of one another and bond with restless spirits and beings. Though it seemed that the groups safe-haven had been overrun by the annoying so-called "jonin graduate". It was enough to make Shikamaru want to sink into the shadows and just hide for a few days. He wondered if all blondes where overly cocky and loud.

"So, how are my little chunin doing," the blonde stood before the three with a bright smile. Buttery blonde hair sticking up in every direction with those stupid goggles he always wore on his head. Shikamaru was blinded by the guy, blue training pants, black shirt, and then some ugly orange and black jacket that Shikamaru assured himself he could hit from a mile away. In fact, he was sure that he was going to try it at least ten times while in the arena. "Heard you got your asses handed to you by some plant and that got saved by some unknown agents."

"Heard you got booted from the Sunagakure division just for talking too much," Shino shot back as he crossed his arms over his chest. The three were dressed in basic black uniforms and waiting for Ibiki's approval to go get weapons and spirits while Kakashi was running late, per usual. They were running on very little sleep and they knew that the blonde knew it too.

"I was called out of Sunagakure because they need more experienced agents to deal with your work," he glared. Sasuke scoffed, "What?"

"I give it a week before they ship you back out," he walked past him, being sure to nudge his shoulders as he passed. "Just a couple of agents looking to show off. I heard our agents in Kumogakure could use help, maybe they'll send you there."

"Bastard," Naruto Uzumaki muttered under his breath as he looked back at the two. He did rank above just or the fact that he was just…naturally gifted at what they did. The bonding spirits thing is a skill someone can just be born with because it was a practice that happened a lot. A few family bloodlines were just known to be good hosts and syncing, like the Uchiha and Uzumaki clan. But Naruto was caught at a younger age to be trained and got the upper hand over the Uchiha. Not to mention (even though the Uchiha would deny it) Sasuke stayed at his rank with them because Shikamaru was sure they were secretly best friends (and the only friends the other had). "It's fine if I'm out of here in the week, I can take a chance to take a visit back around town." He smiled and Shino fixed his goggles. "How has everything been?"

"You can just ask," Shikamaru said with a groan as the blonde boy blushed. "Ino doesn't talk to me about you so you best hurry and train and then call her. She probably still thinks you're still in Suna." He laughed as the boy looked at his feet in embarrassment. "Now get the hell out of my way," he smirked as he walked past him when he saw Ibiki coming into the arena.

Shino patted Naruto's shoulder as he walked past, "Try flowers and chocolates, I saw it in a movie." The blonde sighed and walked off to another part of the arena to spar with some of the higher ranked agents that were not spirit aligned. Shino walked behind the two as they were led back into the spirit room and he went up to Kenu and let out a deep breath. He placed his hand on the glass and the demon copied his action. "Do we have permission to release?" Shino asked as he looked to Ibiki, who was logging what was going on and what clearance level they had. If there was one thing that the Agency loved, it was a paper trail so there was no question on who to blame when shit hit the fan.

"No," Ibiki said not looking back at the three and the angered spirits by them. "We have been having issues with spirits, the incident with the plant called for Protocol 2-D.34."

"No syncing?" Sasuke looked at him with a glare. "How am I going to pull this team along without Madara?"

"Get bent," Shikamaru shot back at him with his arms crossed. Of course, the Uchiha thought he was the best in the team…probably because that is what Shikamaru thought too. Not that he didn't think Shino was amazing, but Sasuke was just so naturally gifted and Shino was a close second. Meaning Shikamaru was at the bottom and not even like a power bottom, just a straight up low member and the one that usually got the most hurt and stuck in the shittiest situations. He looked to Nujo who only smirked bigger as he could basically read the emotions that swam through his eyes. Shikamaru huffed and looked away from the two and then crossed his arms over his chest. "So we got rouges doing the work, what makes that a bad thing?" He smirked as Ibiki only glared at him. "Best way to find out who they are is to go back out there with our spirits."

"When you become in charge of the containment division," Ibiki said as he finished his input and opened the large towers that held the creatures to allow the talismans to be pulled out. He walked over to him, using his full height and Shikamaru steeled up his stance, "You can decide how to deal with the situation. For now, you do as I say and I don't have to listen to your smart mouth." Shikamaru kept quiet as Ibiki walked past them to get back to his office. "The training arena will be open for five hours, so hopefully your idiot sensei can get her for at least an hour." The three were silent as he walked away.

"I should defend our idiot sensei," Sasuke sighed, "but he's right."

"Our sense of loyalty must be worked on," Shino said as he picked up his talisman and it turned into his weapon.

"Anyone stupid enough to have blind loyalty will suffer for it," Shikamaru scoffed as he grabbed the talisman and patted the tower. "Be good, crazy old shadow."

"Try not to embarrass yourself without me there Shika," the demon laughed and the other two laughed with him as Shikamaru muttered and walked away with a light blush.

Training would take his mind from things.

(Line Break)

It didn't.

Shikamaru was even worse at training sessions than usual, and that was something that no one thought possible. He was so distracted by the fact that because of three people and a stolen talisman, it meant that the Agency was running around in chaos of what to do next because of it. He would catch other non-synced agents talking about new orders, new locations, and the theory of another group that had learned to sync. He even saw recruits that had been sent out to other nations coming back and double guards on research and tech personal. Then there was Ibiki, when the whole base was tense because he was working back in the interrogation wing and agents were being called in and some are not coming out. That was scary because the wing used to house captured creatures that the Agency used to keep around to either sync or information until they deemed it too dangerous when one got out and went on a killing spree. Now they were relocated, moved to the other side, or held in a base far off from the city in an old bunker.

He was currently face down in the dirt, covered in giant wood boxes that he had been knocked into because Shino was wicked with that spiked ball and Shikamaru was lucky to still have feelings his legs after that hit. He groaned as he tried to stand but as he moved boxes, it caused more to fall on top of him. But, at least it was thinning out so he could crawl up to the top. Shikamaru grumbled out profanities as he crawled out and just as he got out, he became the first thing Naruto collided with. Momentum was a cruel bastard. Shikamaru first pushed the blonde off and then was quick to use his two shotos to block Sasuke's katana. The blade's end was right against his throat. "If you kill me, that means you have to take a genin as the third team member." He said in hopes that Sasuke would let off on the pressure. Which, the Uchiha smirked and pulled his katana back and spun it around to use the handle to hit the end of Shikamaru's forehead. "Dick," he muttered as he got up and rubbed his forehead. He looked at the smeared ink on his hand, that meant he was the first one out, again. He trudged over to a bench where Kakashi was sitting with his book in hand and a med kit next to him. He slumped down and huffed when Kakashi pushed the kit close to him and a packet of wet wipes. "How does he do that?"

"Sasuke is offensive and straight forward." Kakashi began, not taking his eyes off the book. "Any issue he faces can be done head on with his own hand, you," he smiled, "you plan each move and work better as an ambush." He tapped on the kit. "We can work on your offense next time."

"Ambush…hm," Shikamaru nodded as he opened the kit and wiped the ink off his forehead. He watched as the other three were continuing the sparring match; a last man standing kind of game that Shino had come up with. Shikamaru almost got Naruto if it wasn't for being lured into a trap to get knocked aside by Sasuke. He began to take care of the scratches and bruises and a nasty cut he had on his leg. Shikamaru didn't care for the battle anymore, he was caught up in a new idea. An ambush would be perfect. They had enough decoys to play the spirits…he could even talk Nujo into play the part of bait, no need to worry about taking the talisman because he had it. It could be perfect. Just as he was constructing the whole plan in his head, he heard a voice calling out for Alpha and Beta teams one and two to prepare for departure, and that instantly made him curious. He shot up as the other three stopped. Naruto tapped on his wrist watch and spoke to his superior commander, Anko Mitarashi. She barked out orders and only glanced at her screen to tell Naruto to meet up with two other members that would be deployed to another location.

"Why would four units go out but the synced agents are going somewhere else," Shino asked as Naruto scrambled to grab his things at the side of the arena.

"You worry about that distant shot Shino," Naruto called back with a smirk. "You aren't paid to question." He ran off and the three looked to Kakashi with hard eyes as he was also getting orders spoken into his ear piece and scanning through a computer pad. "Kakashi-sensei! Team 2 is heading out in five; sync is maxed for weapon and body; body is a last resort."

"Go," Kakashi said as he waved him away and the three were again left out of everything. Sasuke pulled out his phone and was quickly responding to text as Shino went to his things and pulled out any equipment he had to try and find anything. Shikamaru closed the kit and without thinking, ran over to one of the main hub stations and quickly began to try and get into the database to see what was going on. "You don't have clearance." Kakashi said as he was on his feet and walking over to him. "This is level S, you three will not be going."

"It's them, isn't it," Shikamaru asked as he glanced to Shino, who pushed up his glasses and then tapped the side twice. "The rouges are out and a demon was spotted. Agents for the demon, synced for the rouges." He wasn't asking, but Kakashi spun him around and began to lead him away from the hub. "You need us."

"I need to keep you three alive and out of harm's way." He said as he grouped the three together and smiled. "Training in the study, or I bet you three can get a nice ride out to dinner and then head home. I thought you were all dieing for a chance to sleep in?"

"We'll see you there, sensei," Sasuke said as he kept texting. He looked up at him with a smirk, "Even Ibiki knows that keeping us out could mean the death of good agents. Deal with the rouges, we can take on the demon." He looks him in the eye and Kakashi shoots his stare right back. "We're chunin and there is no way the dobe can have something else to rub in my face." He then went back to texting and Kakashi looked to the other two and walked off. Once he was out of the arena, Sasuke looked up from his phone. "Nara, plan."

"Aburame, how busy are you next week?" Shikamaru asked as they were making their way to the locker room.

"I'll be getting my ass handed to me with my two moron team members for going against direct orders," Shino said as he took the computer pad and connected it to another hub and started downloading information. "So, best we go all out now."

"Uchiha," he said as they began to redress into uniforms. "Apologies to your boyfriend because you won't be able to see him for a week, and see if he and Choji can be sure to take good notes because school is about to lower on the list of priorities."

"We are so screwed," Sasuke smirked as he sent the last text and pocketed his phone away as he continued to change. "So how do we get our companions out genius?"

"Leave that to me," Shino said as he was already finished changing and had strapped his weapon to his side. "We have about ten minutes to sync at 10% and then get out before the report goes through that we have been deployed. And I mean 10% and less because anymore and we will be caught and stopped before we left the room."

"Whatever gets me to the dobe the fastest." Sasuke said with a bright smile as he tightened his boots and looked to Shikamaru, "Can we take the bikes?"

"Obviously," he scoffed and they walked into the containment. "Alright guys," Shikamaru was calling out to the three contained creatures. "Aburame is going to give us the signal on the countdown, we have ten minutes to get the hell out with 10% syncing or less and you'll get lucky if it's our physical form. Trail ahead, the system will be clear for only ten minutes so no lingering." He was handed the mask by Sasuke as he walked to Shino, "This mission is a self-appointed one and when we get caught, we will most likely go on lock down and you three will suffer a long containment and we will be fucked." He walked over to Nujo as Sasuke walked over to Madara; their corresponding talismans popped up. "We are at the ready Aburame," Shikamaru grabbed the talisman and it turned into two shotos and held the mask at the ready. "We work as quick as possible. We still have to get to the garage before getting out of here."

"This is the most fun I have had in decades!" Nujo laughed, floating about in excitement that it began to shake the tube. "Finally, I have been wondering about those little thieves."

"Alright," Shino said as he ran over and snatched his talisman for his weapon, "on my mark." The room was silent as it could be with the whir of machines. Shikamaru shifted a bit, his mind already ten steps ahead on which streets to take to get to location. "Go." He called and the three were quick to hold up masks, their companions shooting through and each weapon lighting up. The spirits were already gone and the three took off towards the garage, hopped on bikes, and sped off into the night, Shikamaru at the head of the pact. He watched maps shoot around in his head and a screen lit up on the inside of his helmet. "We only deal with the demon, agents are already at a stand by." Shino's voice came through the coms.

"Fine, but the second we are done, we go looking for the rouges." Sasuke said bluntly, nearly missing a turn. "Signal Nara, I can't read your mind."

"Yeah, try to focus on the road." Shikamaru said. "And we all know our cover story, correct."

"Yes," the other two answered.

"You three are lucky that I care for you so much," the three heard through the coms and looked back to see a sleek black car following behind them. "I was reassigned last minute to a backup squadron." Kakashi said with a chuckle. "Push that kind of skill any further Aburame and they might think you are going rouge."

"I am only following the orders given to me," Shino said in an even tone voice. "They don't pay me enough to do any more than that."

"So sensei," Sasuke said as he pulled back a bit to get to the right of the car, "You actually going to do anything this time against the demon?"

"I think we can leave that to our capable agents," Kakashi said as he began to type up some code on his phone as he followed the three. "We have a change in plans." They all got mission updates and Shikamaru quickly took a left down another street and towards the older parts of the city closer to the shrines. "Base rules," he began, "When I say leave, we leave. No questions or fighting me, Sasuke."

"Yeah Uchiha," Shino said as the glass of his helmet was lit up with new information and he made a sharp turn down to older roadways. The three followed, Shino sending data to their screens. "Would you look at that, four heat signatures spotted near old shrines close to where most portal lines pop up." They were near the shrine houses.

Kenu appeared next to Shino. Shikamaru looked down and saw that his shadow got much bigger by adding someone flying about it. And then there was Madara that was running beside Sasuke. "We seem to have an issue," the mountain demon said as he was flying beside Shino. "I caught the site of different spirits, no physical form, but they are powerful."

"Are they synced?" Shino asked over the coms he was slowing down once they got to location of the biggest Shinto Shrine and saw clear markings of inky black blood of someone being dragged around and broken concrete foundation and cracked pillars. They parked and stood at the steps while Kakashi stood behind them. Each spirit had quickly begun to roam and search, the line between mortal and beyond was stretched so thin that the energy from the beyond was thick like a cloud.

Kenu looked up to the sky, watching something they could not see. "I cannot tell if they are tied to someone or not…but if they are not…I fear the worst for this plane of existence."

"Great…" Shikamaru sighed as he followed Shino up the shrine, "either we have to deal with rouge members, or we have powerful spirits that are coming through to cause more trouble." He groaned as he began to take samples of the ink and what he hoped was human blood because syncers were easier to deal with than just free roaming spirits. They were at the head of the shrine, looking to the giant crack in the bell as they began to take scans of the area. "So, how do we go about this mess?"

"We follow the trail," Sasuke stood at a clearing in the hedges because something had been dragged through. He was already heading forward. Shino was next with Kakashi right behind him, but Shikamaru was still stuck on the bell. There was something weirdly off about it because it looked…shiny? The Shrines were such a good place because there was no one here anymore. High class officials and the rich all had their hands in the shrines as part of this movement to keep the past alive; a big thing with the famous as to show that they care. But it didn't mean that these shrines were kept in top condition until the festivals. But this shrine…no leaves everywhere, no garbage, shinning bells, and he saw on the railings the marks were some dust was left behind from a cleaning, and there was no new layer of dust.

There were people taking care of a shrine near a place where the Beyond was bleeding through, and an attack had happened recent that involved a demon and four people.

They were worse than rouges.

Shikamaru turned on the coms on his microphone to the channel that Shikamaru had manipulated back at base so that there was no lag and no one could ease drop. Communication controls had yet to even notice it. He began to walk through the main building, "You guys still alive?"

"Yeah." Sasuke answered back, his voice bouncing around the building that was dark. Shikamaru looked for a light switch and sure enough, when he flipped the switch the lights went on. "You run away?"

"I'm following another lead," he said as he was struck by what he just found.

It was an intel base.

Shikamaru had seen equipment like this in the remodeled Agency buildings that had popped up in Kirigakure and Iwakagure. His base didn't have stuff this high tech and this quiet. Everything was shut down, not even on sleep but turned off and the back cords cut off with something sharp so that it couldn't be connected. He could assume that everything has been wiped off the monitors and modem. He still decided to give it a try, taking photos of the room in hopes that he can find something back at the lab. He quickly pulled out some equipment to try and jack into the main hard drive of the system, maybe pulling up anything deleted or trying to be delighted. Someone had to know that they were coming and would find the place and would investigate. He left his device to collect while he went around looking for anything and taking more pictures. "Nujo," he called and the dark spirit emerged from the shadow by an altar, "sense anything?"

"Yeah…they guy behind you."

Shikamaru spun around to see that a tall and lanky spirit was standing right behind him. Shikamaru took a step back when the spirit's head tilted, shifting his long white hair to spill over his shoulder. He had piercing green eyes and his pale white kimono was loose fitting and exposed the pale skin of his chest and the bones that poked out of his skin. His eyes were wide and his stare didn't look like an inviting one. Spiked bone pieces were sticking out of his. His expression soon stretched when a deep snarl began to form, "Filthy and unworthy vermin are not allowed to walk where she walks." He seethed as Shikamaru heard something shaking. He looked to see that at the altar, Nujo was looking down at a talisman that was set into the stone burst out and shoot over to the two. Shikamaru jumped out of the way and pulled out his shotos. He watched as the talisman embedded into the spirit.

Nujo appeared at Shikamaru's side and placed his hands on Shikamaru's shoulders. "I can't beat a spirit at 100% when I'm only allowed 20% with the weapons."

"It's protocol," Shikamaru said as he eyed the opened door and his data collector. He had to get the collector to go through a full cycle and by the blinking red light, he had some time to waste. "We don't need to beat him."

"May I suggest allowing me a physical form," he said while going for his mask.

"You promise not to drain me?" Shikamaru asked knowing fully well that he better warn his team that he was going to be passed out or dead by the time they got back. He steeled up and Nujo usually avoided making it painful, but he could tell that he was excited. He took a deep breath and when Nujo passed through him he felt the wind knocked out of him and the masked sat too well on his face. He watched as Nujo grew and Shikamaru ran to the lights. He turned them off and only allowed the little light from the sun set to pass through. More shadows and the better he did. Shikamaru stumbled a bit when Nujo was stabbed in the side by bone. That was not a fun feeling but it was better than being stabbed for real. He slipped on his night goggles and went to his coms. "So I have encountered a spirit, Nujo is in physical form, and I will hopefully make it out of the make shift base in this shrine house."

"Thanks for the update," Kakashi said and Shikamaru could tell that he was out of breath and that was never a good idea because that meant there was a challenge. "I will try to lure them back to the shrine in hopes to relieve you of the brunt of the fight."

"What's going on with you three," he asked lightly as he ducked for cover as bone projectile that missed Nujo.

"We encountered a wounded demon and those that were hunting it, four figures, young, with way more skill that anyone could get from self-training." Kakashi said and Shikamaru heard what sounded like gun shots, which a little modern of a weapon to have for synced bodies. He looked over to the console and began to make his way over, stumbling when Nujo took another hit that tossed him at another desk. "Keep on your toes Shikamaru, and get that information."

"Yes sensei," Shikamaru said and then ended communications before diving for the hard drive and groaned when the red light was still blinking. "Stupid memory stick," he scoffed and then looking through the small slits in the mask to see that Nujo and the spirit had crashed out the doors. And into the early night. He groaned and went out to check on Nujo, but then had to limp because Nujo just had to take a few hits. "Nujo! I've got reinforcements coming in!"

"Hopefully they come a little faster! I may need an early retreat." Nujo said as he picked up the spirit and threw it into the bells. The loud ringing knocked them all on their asses. He took the moment to retreat to Shikamaru. "Twenty percent, both weapons."

"Just get this thing off me," Shikamaru said as Nujo passed through him, taking the mask and the pressure off his body. He unsheathed both daggers and then that turned an inky black as Nujo was only a floating mask. Shikamaru picked up the memory stick that finally turned green. He pocketed the memory stick and reacted fast enough to avoid having the Uchiha thrown into him. He looked back and was wide eyed as four cloaked figures walked out of the forest and into the main courtyard. He watched as Sasuke walked up to him and stood by him. Shikamaru was still staring as one figure, the tallest one stepped forward and lifted up two pistols. "Uh oh," Shikamaru got out right before they fired. They ran off and another one went for Shikamaru as the tallest went for Sasuke. Shikamaru watched as the figure drag a long scythe behind them.

"Kimimaru," one figure pointed to the bells, "then the Mountain user," they ordered the other figure who went off towards the bells and the one left jumped up onto the arch as Shino and Kakashi came through. "Above!" They called and pulled out a naginata and jumped down on Kakashi, the metals clanging against one another. Shino jumped away just in time to catch the blades that went hurling towards him. The figure from the bells had two fans with blades as the spines, but their figure kept charging. The spirit that was once in the bells now gone.

Kakashi used the momentum of the girl to bring the figure forward, but they let go once they got close and flash blinded him. Kakashi staggered back and dropped the naginata while the figure grabbed the naginata and ran off towards Sasuke and the tall figure with guns. Shikamaru saw that the tallest had a half mask that covered her bottom half and revealed steely brown eyes. The next three had full faced masks. The cloaks hid most of their bodies. Just as he was about to try and cut the clasp on the cloak, the figure with the naginata took over the fight and the scythe user went for Kakashi. Another flash. Scythe took over for pistols, then pistols for fans. Then they all retreated from the fight, landing atop the arches.

"What the hell is going on!?" Sasuke yelled as he clutched his side. He looked to Shino, "What happened with the demon?"

"You lookin' for this gorgeous?" The one with the scythe laughed as they tossed a talisman in their hand.

"Take a message," the one with the fans said, "Tell them to send an actual match."

"Fuck you," Shikamaru called back as he raised a middle finger, he flinched back when three rounds went off.

"That's what I thought bitch," the one with pistols as the tip of her weapons smoked.

"Move out," the one with the naginata said to the other three and they disappeared with a wave of her hand and a guest of wind.

"Everyone okay?" Kakashi asked as he looked to the three.

"Do I look okay," Sasuke asked as he shot a look at him, "I just got my ass handed to me by some weirdos."

"Please tell me you got something from your searching," Shino asked as he was already building reports and most likely the letter that will blame someone else about them leaving the building.

"We'll find out." He sighed as Nujo, Madara, Aishi, and Keno left the weapons and floated around them.

(Line Break)

"Get ready to give it up," the tallest figure said as the four entered a building in the dead of night, pulling off their hood to reveal dark brown hair that was pulled back in a bun. Ripping off their mask revealed a young feminine face with the biggest smile. "TenTen got the best picture," she laughed as she spun around and showed the other three her phone as she walked backwards down a dim hall. "I'll take my winnings in cash or arcade tokens," she smirked as she spun around in time to open the elevator so they could all walk in. She pushed in a code on the pad and they were taken down. She removed her cloak along with the others to reveal a basic tactical gear uniform that matched those of the agency, her vest holding more pockets for ammo and tags. She also carried a sniper rifle and a shot gun, but she never got to use those unless she was in a real battle.

"That photo looks like shit," the figure with the scythe on her back and blonde hair pulled back in a braid. She took out her phone and showed them the picture. "He looks so cute when he has a serious face," she blushed and held her cheek with her free hand. Her uniform had a more basic vest, same with the other two. She had striking blue eyes as she pursed her lips. "I'll take cash." She put her phone away and flipped her braid over her shoulder. "Ino wins!"

"As if," the figure with fans said with sparkling green eyes with her short hair held back with a red ribbon. She had both fans on her belt and another metal staff that had the ability to change in size. She pulled out her phone and held out the phone with full confidence. "Look at him." She squealed, "He looks just like Kaito-senpai from Doki Doki Love academy." She hip bumped Ino. "More like Sakura wins board."

"Bite me forehead," she shot back with a smirk as Sakura did make a biting motion towards her.

"Holy shit he does," TenTen gasped. "Leader, does yours look any better?"

The last one sighed as she pulled out her phone, short midnight blue hair swaying slightly as she shook her head. She held out her phone to show a blurry photo of Kakashi when she had knocked him back. "Looks like I have to give it to Sakura on this one."

"Boo," Ino said with a smile. "Just because she takes a photography class she suddenly has better shots than we do."

The blue haired girl chuckled, "It seems the classes pay off." She removed her mask to reveal pale lavender eyes. Once the elevator came to a stop, the doors opened to reveal a silver haired boy, about a few years older than the four. "Hello Kabuto-senpai," she bowed and the other three did the same.

He sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest. "He wants a meeting. Now."

"Well," Ino groaned as she tossed him the talisman, "maybe that will get us off easy." The dropped off cloaks and masks on a table nearby in the lab before walking past testing room and containment areas to get to the main off in the back. "All you leader," Ino, Sakura, and TenTen took a big step back as the blue haired girl rolled her eyes and knocked on the door. It opened not long after and they walked in. It closed behind them.

"Sensei," the four said and bowed to the man leaning back against his desk. Long black hair felt over his shoulders as sharp yellow eyes looked to them.

"I will assume that this was all your idea…Hinata?"

Hinata stood up straight and played as innocent as she could, "I am unsure what you mean sensei, I was only following my mission reports."

"Yes," he smirked as he held up with thin files, "mission reports that can't be tracked back to one of our distributors in intel. None of them recall filling out a mission report for my alpha team. Any ideas about that Sakura?"

"No sensei," she said. "I was doing school work when TenTen came to pick me up for the mission."

"And I had received the report just as I was headed into the dojo sensei," TenTen picked up with a nod.

"Sensei," Ino asked lightly, "we were only following orders."

"You four have gotten cute," he laughed as he dropped the report. "If you can talk your way through that, hopefully you have something useful that will keep me from putting you all on probation for the next week."

"It seems that while on our extraction," Sakura pulled up hologram reports from the device on her arm. It was stills from the temple base, "Agents had gotten into our systems, the fail safes activated and my programming was able to launch trackers and extractions in hopes to test out fire walls of anyone that is trying to get information.

"Our demon had moved away from the position and location we had set them in," Ino said. "Their talisman is now in our position."

"We had a run in with the agency, but no one worth anything to us." TenTen said as Sakura pulled up stills from the battle. "More of a bothersome distraction."

"Kimimaru will need some time to heal, he defended post and I will be sure to place him in a new temple until the old one is repaired," Hinata said as she held up another talisman. "We will need an extraction on the equipment in there." She then took a step forward and a tall woman with flowing white hair stood behind her. She was pale-skinned delicate facial features. She has extremely long, sweeping white hair. Her eyes were white clear eyes and her eyebrows were cut very short and round; a symbol of nobility. Her lips painted a deep red. Her fingernails were long and dark. She had two black horns that stuck out from her head and a third eyein the centre of her forehead. She wore a high-collared hime-kimono which has tomoe running down the centre and edges of the gown and adorned with intricate gold and purple lines. "Syncing had reached nearly fifty-five percent," she explained as the woman tilted her head as she stared down at the man. "Orochimaru-sensei," Hinata stressed, "we can handle sync better than senior members of the agency, and there is only room to improve."

Sakura and Ino stepped forward, behind Ino stood a demon with hooved feet that stood in the form with more female human features on her upper half. Breast only hidden by long red hair, her teeth all sharpened to a point and fully red eyes. She wore no clothing and her hands were long black claws, to watch the color of fur that was her legs and hooves. She had a long tong that stuck on when she smiled. Behind Sakura stood a woman with black eye holes and long black hair. She wore an elaborate red and golden kimono that had white dragons running up and down the fabric and a black obit around her waist. She floated above the ground and was almost ghostly white. She was the most human looking of the spirits.

Orochimaru nodded and looked to TenTen, "How were they?"

"No one would be able to come close to them," she said with a nod.

"Dismissed girls, best get to your studies."

"Hai, sensei."

And with that, they walked out.